The relator applied, by petition, for a habeas corpus, and on the return of the writ was brought before this court by the sheriff. The sheriff returns that he holds the prisoner by virtue of and according to the tenor, manner and command of a certain commitment for an alleged contempt, a copy of which was thereto annexed.
By such commitment it appears that in an action pending in the court of common pleas, for the recovery of a lot of land in the city of New York, one Betz had been examined as a witness on the trial thereof; that he was defending the action
If we were to dispose of this question upon the merits, there could be but little difficulty in sustaining the order made by that court in granting the commitment. If a party and his counsel can, by transferring from the one to the other important papers required as evidence in a cause and thereby prevent the court from compelling the production of such papers on a trial, it will not be difficult in this way to defeat the administration of justice. Such a combination between a party
The papers sought for were required in evidence, and it appears were needed for the purpose of identification. Whether the party calling for them had secondary evidence of the contents, "does not appear in the warrant. For such a purpose, it ■ was necessary to show their existence, and that they could not be produced. To this extent, even if the counsel could be protected from disclosing their contents, he was bound to produce them. This point has been expressly adjudged in a similar case of Phelps et al. v. Prew, (24 Law and Eq. R. 96,) although in that case the additional fact appeared that the counsel stated, his client had directed him not to produce the deed. It was there held that the privilege of the client was not violated by requiring the attorney to produce the deed for identification. Wightman, J. says, “ Compelling the production of the deed for the purpose of identification, was no violation of the privilege; it being necessary to show that the attorney had the deed, which he was required to produce.” Erle, J. said, the judge therefore was justified in compelling the production of the deed, in order that the indorsement might be looked at. And Crompton, J. says, “There was no violation of privilege in directing the deed to be shown for the ■purpose of identification.” And in Dwyer v. Collins, (21 Law
It is not necessary to inquire whether the contents of these papers could have been disclosed by the counsel. That the party himself should have been required to produce them, while they were in court, and in the possession of his agent, the attorney, would have been proper, and would have placed the responsibility on the one who should have borne the consequences of refusal.
Whether the ruling of the court was correct or not, we are of the opinion that the statute requires us to remand the prisoner in this case. By the 40th section of the statute as to writs of habeas corpus, (2 R. S. 567,) it is made the duty of the court forthwith to remand the party, if it shall appear that he is detained in custody * * * for any contempt specially and plainly charged in the commitment, by some court having authority to commit for the contempt so charged. And by the 42d section, the court is deprived of any power to inquire into the justice or propriety of any commitment for a contempt, made by any court, officer or body, according to law, and charged in such commitment.
That the common pleas had jurisdiction of the action and of the parties, is not denied. That the contempt was of a court having authority to commit for the same, cannot be
I have had occasion heretofore to examine how far a court or officer can inquire into a case of a commitment for contempt, in the case of Devlin. In that case, which was before a justice of this court in a special proceeding, and not in court, it was held that only two questions could be examined; first, as to jurisdiction; and secondly, as to the form of the commitment. That rule is applicable to this case.
It is apparent that the court had authority to examine the witness; and in the language of Judge Bronson, in The People v. Cassels, (5 Hill, 165,) “if the justice had authority to inquire into the offense, the commitment could not be impeached upon habeas corpus for any supposed error in requiring the witness to answer an improper question. The contempt was specially charged, and it was the duty of the judge to remand the prisoner.” And again he says, “ It is evident that the legislature did not intend to provide for a retrial by habeas corpus in such a case.” And the only inquiry allowed in that case, as in the case óf Devlin, was as to the jurisdiction of the magistrate; As the jurisdiction in the present case is undoubted, and the commitment is sufficient in form, and contains all that the statute requires, we are of the opinion that the prisoner must be remanded and the writ discharged.
An application was made to the court yesterday for the allowance of the certiorari, in the same matter. Although' we do not feel at liberty to refuse the allowance of the writ, if the relator desires, it under the provisions of the revised statutes which makes it always the duty of the court or judge to allow the writ, still we suppose the counsel will see from
Davies, Ingraham and Sutherland, Justices.]
If the writ of certiorari is desired, it will be allowed in the form directed by the statute.