The defendant has pleaded guilty to criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree, a class A misdemeanor. The sentence we review consists of 30 days of imprisonment and three years of probation, the jail time to be a condition of and to run concurrently with the period of probation. Execution of the sentence has been stayed pending this appeal. In the course of a typically eloquent opinion dissenting from our vote to affirm, Justice O’Con-nor concludes that the custodial portion of the sentence is an abuse of discretion, castigates as futile the vast national emphasis upon incarceration as a means of punishment,
When arrested in January, 1981, for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, based on what seems to have been a misunderstanding, James Suitte was found to possess a loaded Sterling .25 calibre automatic pistol. Although Mr. Suitte had registered the gün in North. Carolina when he acquired it there in 1973, he carried it unlicensed in this State for the seven and one-half year period preceding his arrest. College educated for three years, Mr. Suitte is 46 years old, has been married for 25 years, and has two children, aged 14 and 21 years. He has never before been convicted of a crime. Although he admits he was aware of New York’s gun licensing requirement, he claims that the gun was necessary for protection because the tailor shop he operates is located in a high crime area of The Bronx.
The plea of guilty was a bargained one. Originally charged with the class D felony of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree, Mr. Suitte was permitted to plead to the misdemeanor of possession in the fourth degree. In imposing sentence under the new gun statute and its mandatory one-year imprisonment provision (Penal Law, §§ 70.02, 70.15) — publicized in the State as the “toughest gun law in the country” (L 1980, ch 233, eff Aug. 12,1980; Governor’s Memorandum, NY Legis Ann, 1980, p 107) — the sentencing Judge found the mandatory one-year jail provision too severe. He noted, however, “the Legislature, the community and indeed this Court [are] concerned with the proliferation of guns and the possession of guns by individuals in the community, regardless of the reasons, and we have such a possession in this case.” He then exercised his discretion under the statute and imposed a jail sentence of 30 days plus three years’ probation. The jail portion of the sentence is the focus of the appeal.
The statute is an obvious expression of the State’s reaction to the current avalanche of gun-related crimes. In approving the law, Governor Carey proclaimed: “We must bring an end to the proliferation of illegal handguns in New York and the intolerable assaults on law enforcement officers and law-abiding citizens. We must let it be known that New York has the toughest gun law in the country and that it will be strictly enforced. We are determined to rid our streets of those who would do violence to its citizens” (Governor’s Memorandum, NY Legis Ann, 1980, p 107). The Governor viewed the amended gun law as even more stringent than that of Massachusetts, which had been considered the strictest in the country (see “Carey Signs a Bill Controlling Guns; Calls it ‘Toughest’ ”, New York Times, June 14, 1980, I, p 1, col 6). Mayor Koch termed the legislation “a significant first step in the fight to remove illegal handguns from the streets of our city” (id., p 27, col 4).
Early returns on the law — later ones are not available — indicate that applications for gun licenses have in
Whatever its ultimate success in a Nation bedeviled by handguns, there can be no doubt that the State’s 1980 legislation represents a vivid manifestation of public policy intended to make illegal possession of guns a serious criminal offense accompanied by the strong prospect of punishment by penal servitude. While we note our colleague’s negative view of the wisdom of the statute, it is not for the court to pass on the wisdom of the Legislature, for that body “has latitude in determining which ills of society require criminal sanctions, and in imposing, as it reasonably views them, punishments, even mandatory ones, appropriate to each” (People v Broadie, 37 NY2d 100, 117, cert den 423 US 950). We turn, then, to the role of the judiciary in enforcing this public mandate that the crime of illegal possession of a gun be impressed upon all as a serious offense against society.
It is scarcely worth repetition to observe that a sentencing determination is a matter committed to the exercise of the sentencing court’s discretion, for it is that court’s primary responsibility (People v Farrar, 52 NY2d 302, 305; People v Notey, 72 AD2d 279, 282). Sentencing involves consideration of the crimes charged, the particular circumstances of the offender, and the purposes of a penal sanction (People v Farrar, supra; People v McConnell, 49 NY2d 340, 346). “It is the sensitive balancing of these * * * criteria in the individual case that makes the process of sentencing the most difficult and delicate decision that a Judge is called upon to perform” (People v Notey, supra, p 283).
As has been oft-stated, the four principal objectives of punishment are deterrence, rehabilitation, retribution and isolation (People v Notey, supra, p 282; Perlman & Steb
The most difficult problem confronting the sentencing Judge is determination of the priority and relationship between the objectives of punishment (see People v Notey, 72 AD2d 279, 283, supra), a matter of considerable and continuing debate (see, e.g., Crump, Determinate Sentencing: The Promises and Perils of Sentence Guidelines, 68 Ky LJ 1, 27). Inevitably, there are bound to be differences of opinion in the relative values assigned these factors in particular cases (Hopkins, Reviewing Sentencing Discretion: A Method of Swift Appellate Action, 23 UCLA L Rev 491). The theories frequently are in unavoidable and constant conflict (ibid.; Reduction of Criminal Sentences on Appeal, 37 Col L Rev 521) and those that prevail in the sentencer’s mind obviously decide the degree of punishment. Much of the controversy and criticism swirling about the contemporary sentencing scene relates to inequitable
Appellate review of sentences obviously is a useful means of diminishing sentencing disparity (Williams, op. cit.; ABA Standards Relating to Appellate Review of Sentences, Approved Draft [1968], § 1.2) and ensuring the imposition of fair sentences. Nevertheless, the limited nature of appellate review of sentences is a recognition that “the sentencing decision is a matter committed to the exercise of the [sentencing] court’s discretion” (People v Farrar, 52 NY2d 302, 305, supra). A reviewing court lacks some of the first-hand knowledge of the case that the sentencing Judge is in a position to obtain, and therefore the sentencer’s decision should be afforded high respect (People v Notey, 72 AD2d 279, 282, supra; Labbe, Appellate Review of Sentences: Penology on the Judicial Doorstep, 68 J Grim L & Criminology 122). As a consequence, abuse of discretion is the test most frequently cited as the one to be applied (see, e.g., People v Frazier, 86 AD2d 557; People v Mendez, 75 AD2d 400, 405; People v Junco, 43 AD2d 266, affd 35 NY2d 419, cert den 421 US 951). The abuse of discretion standard is especially befitted to an era in which most convictions derive from plea bargains where the bargaining leverages of the respective parties to the agreement are ofttimes more important in fixing the degree of the crime pleaded to and the other limits of the sentence to be imposed than matters of guilt, fault, character, mitigative circumstances or other factors which might seem more relevant. Nevertheless, since the Legislature has empowered us to modify sentences “as a matter of discretion in the interest of justice” (CPL 470.15, subd 3) and our general review powers include the right to do whatever the trial
Appellate review determines whether the sentence is excessive to the extent that there was a failure to observe the principles of sentencing (ABA Standards Relating to Appellate Review of Sentences, Approved Draft [1968]; Mueller, Penology on Appeal: Appellate Review of Legal but Excessive Sentences, 15 Vand L Rev 671). In such review, the court takes a “second look” at the sentences in light of the societal aims which such sanctions should achieve (People v Notey, supra, p 284; Note, Appellate Review of Primary Sentencing Decisions: A Connecticut Case Study, 69 Yale LJ 1453). But in reducing any sentence, the appellate body must be sensitive to the fact that its actions become guidelines for the trial court to follow in the imposition of future sentences under circumstances similar to the case reviewed.
In the current case, there has been no abuse of discretion and we perceive neither a failure to observe sentencing principles nor a need to impose a different view of discretion than that of the sentencing Judge. True, the defendant does not appear to be a danger to society or in apparent
With such a background, we cannot view the new gun law as containing a blanket exception of first offenders from the scope of its penal provisions. The statute’s provisions for mitigation are not carte blanche for the commission of one offense free of the threat of a sentence of custodial detention. The sense of the new law is to deter all unlicensed handgun possessions, whether the offense is the first or a repeat. The special mitigation inquiry is not intended to provide automatic probation for those without prior criminal records. The penalty to be imposed is a matter for the trial court’s broad discretion within the limits imposed by the Legislature. In balancing the public and private interests represented in the criminal justice process (see People v Farrar, 52 NY2d 302, 306, supra), the sentencing court’s decision in this case was neither inconsistent with sound sentencing principles (see Perlman & Stebbins, Implementing an Equitable Sentencing System: The Uniform Law Commissioners’ Model Sentencing and Corrections Act, 65 Va L Rev 1175), nor inappropriate. We see nothing obscene about a 30-day jail sentence (which is subject to a 10-day reduction for good behavior) for possession of a gup, particularly when the defendant has a history of carrying the weapon for over seven years with knowledge of the law’s requirements.
Reduction of the current sentence by this court would proclaim to those listening that the new gun law presents no threat of jail to first criminal offenders. Such a reduction would also declare to the trial Bench that a Judge who
Accordingly, the sentence is affirmed.