delivered the opinion of the Court. The appellant, a French subject, son, and calling himself one of two heirs of Jean C. Picquet, also a French subject, who died intestate in France in the year 1818, claimed letters of administration on the goods and estate of his deceased father within this commonwealth, alleging that James Swan, a citizen of this commonwealth and of the city of Boston, was indebted to the father, at the time of his Decease, on certain bills of exchange drawn by Swan, and for the payment of •which he is liable by the law merchant and 'he laws of the land.
By St. 1817, c. 190, § 16, it is enacted, “ that when any person wrho has died or shall die intestate without the commonwealth, shall leave estate of any description within the same to be administered, any person interested in such estate shall be entitled to letters of administration thereon, in like manner as if such intestate had died within the commonwealth ; and the judge of probate of any county wherein such estate shall be found, shall have power to grant such letters of administration accordingly, which shall extend to all the estate of such intestate within the commonwealth.”
The 14th section of the same statute provides, that “ every administrator shall, before entering upon the execution of the trust, give bond to the judge of probate, with good and sufficient sureties, upon condition,” &c. This provision relates as well to administrators of the estate of a person who dies without the commonwealth, as of those who die within. And the former section has been held, in a late case brought before us on appeal from the decree of the judge of probate appointing this same person administrator, to apply to the subjects of foreign countries, as well as to citizens of this commonwealth who may die without the limits thereof It was also determined in the same case, that a debt due from a citizen of this commonwealth to a foreign subject at the time of his death, was, within the meaning of the legislature, estate left by him in this common wealth, it being held proper to give a liberal construction to this legislative provision, to
Thus it appears that the appellant, though a foreigner, being heir to a person who died without this commonwealth, leaving estate here, is entitled to administration thereon, according to the standing laws which regulate this subject.
Letters were accordingly granted by the judge of probate of the county of Suffolk, but upon the condition that the appellant, with sufficient sureties within this commonwealth, should give bond in the penal sum of 50,000 dollars, to secure faithful administration and accounting for the property which might come into his hands, according to the before mentioned provisions of the statute.
We do not hesitate to say, that on the case as it was probably presented to the judge of probate, he acted wisely in requiring bonds of the kind and to the amount complained of. The amount of the penalty of the bond is left by the law entirely to his discretion. He undoubtedly was governed in this case by the supposed amount of property claimed by the administrator, and had regard to the possible claims of creditors to the estate of the deceased in France ; whose interests ought to be secured, if not already secured according to the laws of that country ; and whether they were or not, does not appear to have been made known to the judge of probate. It would have been discreet and proper to require sureties living within this commonwealth, even if it were not required by law, for he could have no means of ascertaining the sufficiency of persons living elsewhere, and it was his duty to require a bond which could be made available for the purposes for which it was given, by force of the jurisdiction and 'aws of this State.
The appellant, oeing unable to comply with this condition on which he was to receive his letters of administration, applied to the legislature for relief, and that body, on the 19th of June, 1826, having considered his statement and circumstances, parsed a resolve, which was approved by the gover
In September 1826 the appellant petitioned the judge of probate to grant him the letters of administration according to the terms of the resolve, offering to do and perform what is required therein ; but the judge refused to grant the prayer of the petition, or to issue the letters without such a bond as he had before required ; and an appeal from his decree upon this subject is the case now before us.
We do not see cause to reverse this decree on the ground that the judge of probate was bound to obey this resolve of the legislature, without exercising his discretion on the subject matter before him. The language of the resolve does not import a command or direction to him to execute the will of the legislature in relation to a subject of judicial cognizance placed by the laws under his authority and jurisdiction. It would be doing violence to the language and the intentions of the legislature, to suppose that it meant to dictate to a judi cial tribunal the course of its proceedings in a particular case. We do not think the legislature would have passed a resolve requiring and directing the judge of probate to do what by this resolve they intended only to empower him to do. The wise provision of the constitution, which restrains each department of the government within its appointed sphere, would have prevented a measure like that. We must suppose from tire language used, viz. “ that the judge of probate be empowered,” that doubts existed as to the power of the judge of probate to depart from the provisions of the stand
This resolve has been viewed by the" counsel of the appelant, as suspending the operation of the statute of 1817, c. 190, so far as that statute makes the giving of a bond with surety at the discretion of the judge, a condition precedent to the power of administration, as prescribed by the 14th section. We cannot view it in that light, for it ought -not to be presumed that the legislature intended to do what by the constitution they have no authority to do, and we think it very clear that they have no authority by the constitution to suspend any of the general laws, limiting the suspension to an individual person, and leaving the law still in force in regard to every
The case of Rice et al. v. Parkman, 16 Mass. R. 326, has been cited, as showing that power thus exercised by the legislature has been decided by this Court to be constitutional ; but the cases are not analogous. There the legislature authorized a sale of real estate, in a case where the courts of law had no authority to grant such license. That is altogether different from directing a court which has jurisdiction, in what manner it shall exercise its power in a particular case.
Sufficient has been said to show that the judge of probate, in determining that his discretionary power upon the subject of the bond required by law to authorize the granting of let
Influenced however by the same motives which probably led the legislature to consider the case of the appellant favorably and to facilitate his application to the tribunals of our country for the recovery of a debt alleged to be due from one of our citizens, and having regard to the reputation of the country, which might be charged with shutting the doors of justice against a stranger, by requiring of him terms w til which it may be impossible for him to comply, we have taken a view of the subject which probably did not occur to the judge of probate, and which we think will justify us in reversing the decree complained of, on the ground merely that the penalty of the bond, under the circumstances of this case, may legally and ought in discretion to be considerably reduced.
The object and purpose of the administration bond is to secure a faithful administration of the estate, and a fair distribution of its proceeds among those who, by the laws of this commonwealth or of the country where the deceased had his domicil, shall be entitled to them. In all countries governed by laws, creditors stand in the first rank, legatees in the second, and the general heirs of the deceased in the third In the case of intestacies, creditors and heirs are all who are entitled to distribution, with the exception of the widows of the deceased, whose rights vary in different countries. In the case before us the widow claims only as a creditor, in consequence of a matrimonial arrangement made according to the laws of France, as appears by the authenticated extract from the registry of the civil tribunal of the first instance of the department of the Seine, (analogous to our courts of probate,) to which this subject, as appears by the Code Napoleon, is committed. So that creditors and heirs are the only persons for whose security the administration bond need be taken. In regard to heirs, it appears by the same document, that the appellant and his brother, Cyril Simon Baron Picquet, are all who stand in that relation to the estate ; and it appears by a power of attorney duly authenticated and registered by the same tribunal, that the brother in France has
By the Code Napoleon, Ms. 3, tit. 1, c. 5, § 3, it is ordained, that the heir of a deceased person may take upon himself the succession generally, in which case he is chargeable with all the debts of the deceased, or he may accept the succession with the benefit of an inventory, in which case an account is taken of all the property, movable or immovable, of the deceased, and he becomes chargeable with the debts, only to the extent of the value of the estate so taken. He must in such case administer the estate of the deceased, and must render an account of his administration to creditors and legatees, and in both cases the creditors may demand caution or surety of him for faithful administration of and accounting for the estate.
It appears by a book entitled Nouveau Style des Notairea de Paris, which is a sort of practical exposition of the Code in relation to successions, that the inventory must comprehend all the objects which are found belonging to the estate of the deceased, viz. an exact statement, which shall contain in detail all the movables, effects, merchandise, their value, declaration of debts, active and passive, the title deeds and papers of all estate whatsoever left by the deceased, in a word, all the muniments and documents belonging to the succession. And in case of the acceptance of the succession with benefit of inventory, the creditors or other persons interested may require that the heir be held to give caution for the value of the personal estate comprised in the inventory, and for that portion of the real estate sold which should be remitted to the creditors on mortgage. And in default of giving this caution,
This is a view which shows a sufficient reason for requiring bonds to a less amount than would in ordinary cases be re quired. And the same rule would apply, if an English executor or administrator, having given full security at home and
Under the circumstances of this case, therefore, we are entirely satisfied, that agreeably to law, and within the sound rules of discretion, the letters of administration ought to be granted on giving bond with a reasonable penalty. The administrator must settle his administration account here, and if he receives any effects by virtue of the power communicated by our probate court, he is amenable to that court until discharged by the settlement of his account there, and the penalty of the bond should be large enough to secure the performance of this duty. He must therefore give bond with surety by persons inhabitants of this commonwealth, for that is specially required by St. 1782, c. 25 ; and probably the administration would be void if such bond were not given. The penalty of the bond, under all the circumstances of the case, we think would be sufficiently high at 5,000 dollars. And we therefore order, that the decree of the judge of probate be reversed, and that administration be granted to the appellant, on his giving a bond, in the form required by law, in the sum of 5,000 dollars, with sufficient sureties, inhabitants of this commonwealth.
See the discussion of this subject in 13 Amer. Jurist, 72, et seq.; 14 Amer. Jurist, 83, et seq.