This suit was commenced by a writ, which is known in this state as the “trustee process,” but is better known elsewhere as the “process of foreign attachment,” and was returnable to May term, 1827, of this court By the state laws it is a process equally applicable to cases, where the suit is against an inhabitant, and where it is against a non-resident, whether he has ever been an inhabitant or not. In the writ the parties are described as follows: The plaintiff as “of the city of Paris in the kingdom of France, an alien, and subject of .liis most Christian majesty the king of France, in his capacity as administrator,” &c., and the defendant, as “now commorant of the city of Paris in the kingdom of France, of the city of Boston, in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, one of the United States of America, and a citizen .of the said United States.” The return of the marshal on the writ is as follows: “Boston, April 18, 1827. Pursuant hereunto Í have attached all the real estate of the said James Swan lying and being in the district of Mass
At the last term the trustees summoned in the suit were duly discharged. (Case No. 11,-133.] The defendant has never appeared as a parts' to the suit; and it is now contended, that the plaintiff is entitled to consider him in default, and to have a judgment by default entered against him. That is the point, which has been argued, and is now to be decided by the court I will briefly advert, in the first instance, to the local laws regulating this process, as they may be important to illustrate the conclusion, to which the court has arrived, and also more fully to explain .the grounds of the argument at the bar. The trastee process, under which the present suit is brought before the court, owes its origin to the act of 28th of February, 1795 (Act 1794, c. 63), which was a substitute for the provincial act of 32 Geo. II. c. 2, to enable creditors to receive their just debts out of the effects of their absent or absconding debtors. It provides, that “the officer to whom the writ is directed shall serve the same by attaching the goods and estate of the principal in his hands and possession of the value required, if so much may be found in his precinct, by reading the said writ to him, or by leaving an attested copy thereof at his last and usual place of abode, if he had been an inhabitant or resident within this commonwealth at any time within three years next before the suing out such writ, and by reading the same to each of the trustees, or by leaving an attested copy thereof at such trustees’ usual place of abode; and in case the principal has not been an inhabitant or resident as aforesaid, a service made on the supposed trustee or trustees in manner as aforesaid, shall be deemed a sufficient service,” &c. It further provides, that in case all the trustees are discharged, "the plaintiff may, notwithstanding, proceed against the principal to trial, judgment, and execution.” A subsequent statute (Act 1798, c. 5) has however provided, that “in all such cases, the plaintiff shall not proceed in his suit against the principal, unless there shall have been such service of the original writ upon the principal as would have authorized the court to proceed to render a judgment against him. in an action brought and commenced in the common and ordinary mode of process.” But the principal might voluntarily come into court and take upon himself the •defence of the suit. In the very case before the court all the trustees have been discharged; so that it is necessary to ascertain what service -would be sufficient to entitle the plaintiff to judgment in an action by the common and ordinary mode of process, which is, by our local laws, by a writ known by the name of a writ of “capias” or “attachment,” and authorizing either an arrest of the person of the defendant, or an attachment of his goods or estate. The act of 17th of February, 1798 (Act 1797, c. 50), provides for the mode of service of this process. Of course it can be used as a capias, only when the party is found within the state. When used as an attachment, the officer attaches the goods or estate of the defendant and a summons in due form is to be delivered to him, or left at “his dwelling-house, or place of last and usual abode,” fourteen days before the return day; and “in case the defendant was at no time an inhabitant or resident within this commonwealth,” then such summons is to be left with his or her tenant, agent, or attorney, _&c.; otherwise the writ shall abate. There is also provision made in this act, that if the defendant is not an inhabitant or present in the state at the time of the service, and does not return before the time of trial, the court may continue the same to the next term upon a suggestion of the fact on the record. If at such term the defendant does not appear, and be so remote, that notice of the suit could not probably be conveyed to him during the vacancy, the court may continue the same to the next term, and no longer. After these two continuances, if he does not appear, judgment by default may be entered up against him. It is not material to follow up the proceedings consequent upon such judgment. But it may not be useless to add, that the trustee act of 1794 (chapter 65) adopts regulations of a similar nature, in substance, to them. Qf their own force these processes and modes of service could have no validity in the courts of the United States. But by the act of congress of 29th of September, 1789, c. 21 [1 Stat. 93], the then existing forms of writs and modes of process (by which was meant modes of proceeding) in the supreme courts of the states, respectively, were adopted into the judicial proceedings of the courts of the United States; and by a subsequent act (Act 1792, c. 36 [1 Stat. 275]) the same forms were perpetuated, subject to the authority in the courts to alter and add to the same, in their discretion, so as to conform to the state jurisprudence. After the very elaborate expositions of this subject by the supreme court in Wayman v. Southard. 10 Wheat. [23 U. S.] 1, and United States Bank v. Halstead, Id. 51, it is unnecessary farther to discuss the nature and extent to which the state process applies in the courts of the United States. The state acts of 1795, c. 65; of 1797, c. 50; and of 1798, c. 5, — have never been adopted by any formal rule of the circuit court in this district; but they have constantly been used in it, both as to process
Let us, then, first examine the existing legislation of congress on this subject The constitution of the United States has, among •other things, extended the judicial power to controversies between citizens of different •states, and between citizens of a state and foreign citizens or subjects. The actual legislation of congress has not as yet been coextensive with this constitutional boundary of jurisdiction. The judiciary act of 1789 (chapter 20) provides, “that the circuit courts shall have original cognizance, concurrent with the courts of the several states, of all suits •of a civil nature where the matter in dispute, exclusive of costs, exceeds 500 dollars, and the United States are plaintiffs, or petitioners; or an alien is a party; or the suit is. between a citizen of the state, where the suit is brought, and a citizen of another .state.” As to citizens, therefore, there exists no jurisdiction, unless either the plaintiff, or the defendant is a citizen of the state, where the suit is brought. As to aliens, by which must be understood, in the language of the constitution, “a foreign citizen or subject,” the jurisdiction is in all cases given, where .an alien is a party. In a subsequent part of the same section is the clause, which has been so much commented on at the bar. “But no person shall be arrested in one district for trial in another in any civil action before any circuit or district court. And no civil action shall be brought before either of said courts against an inhabitant of the United States by any original process in any ■other district than that, whereof he is an inhabitant, or in which he shall be found at the time of serving the writ.” It is observAble, that the language is confined to original process, and does not apply to final process, or process of execution. If this clause had not been inserted, what would have been the legal operation of the other clauses of the act? A prior section had divided the United States into certain judicial districts, whose limits generally were coextensive with the territorial limits of a single state. Within these districts a circuit court is required to be held at certain times and places prescribed by the act. The circuit court of each district sits within and for the same, and is bounded by its local limits. In the exercise of jurisdiction within those limits, the general principles of law must be presumed to apply to them all. Whatever might be the extent of their jurisdiction over tne subject matter of suits, in respect to persons and property, that jurisdiction is available only within the limits of the district. The courts of a state, however general may be their jurisdiction, are necessarily confined to the territorial limits of the state. Their process cannot be executed beyond those limits; and any attempt to act upon persons or things beyond them, would be deemed an usurpation of foreign sovereignty, not justified or acknowledged by the law of nations. Even the court of king’s bench in England, though a court of general jurisdiction, never imagined, that it could serve process in Scotland, Ireland, or the colonies, to compel an'appearance, or justify a judgment against persons residing therein at the time of the commencement of the suit This results from the general principle, that a court created within and for a particular territory is bounded in the exercise of its power by the limits of such territory. It matters not whether it be a kingdom, a state, a county, or a city, or other local district. If it be the former, it is necessarily bounded and limited by the sovereignty of the government itself, which cannot be extra-territorial; if the latter, then the judicial interpretation is, that the sovereign has chosen to assign this special limit, short of his- general authority. It was doubtless competent for congress to have authorized original as well as final process, to have issued from the circuit courts and run into every state in the Union. ■ But it has conferred no such general authority. In a single case only has it authorized — by the statute of 3d of March, 1797, c. 74 [FolweU’s Ed., vol. 3, p. 423], § 6 [1 Stat. 515, c. 20] — writs of execution to run throughout the United States; and that is, upon judgments obtained for the use of the United States in any of the courts of the United States. By the act of 2d of March, 1793, c. 66 (22), § 6 [1 Story’s Laws, 312; 1 Stat. 335], it has also authorized subpoenas for witnesses to attend the courts of the United States to be served in other districts within certain limited distances. And until a very recent statute — Act May 20, 1826, c. 123 [3 Story’s Laws, 2034; 4 Stat. 184, c. 1243-no authority existed to serve writs of execution. in favour of private«persons, in any other district, than that where the judgment was rendered, although both districts were within the territorial limits of the same state. This very course of legislation, during a period of almost forty years, demonstrates the understanding of congress, as well as of the profession, that the process of the circuit court could not be served in ordinary cases out of the limits of the judicial district for which it was established. My Brother Washington, in his able judgment in the case Ex parte Graham [Case No. 5,657], has gone largely into the considera-
The jurisdiction of the circuit court in this case, so far as it depends upon the citizenship and alienage of the parties, may for the present be assumed de bene esse to be complete. But this alone is not sufficient to give the court complete authority to proceed to judgment There must exist other facts and circumstances as a just foundation of jurisdiction. Cases are familiar of actions, which cannot be maintained, although the parties are within the reach of process, from the nature and locality of the cause of action. Suits, which concern the realty, such as writs of entry, dower, ejectment, and trespass, quare clausum fregit, cannot be maintained in the circuit court unless the land lie within the district, although the party may reside there, and, in a personal view, the jurisdiction is unexceptionable. The reason is. that the title to real estate can by the general principles of law be litigated only in the state, where the land lies, and where the process may go to bind and reach the land, and enforce the title of the party. If, therefore, the land be sought, or in other respects the suit be purely local, it must be brought, where the law of the place acts on it directly. See Massie v. Watts, 6 Cranch [10 U. S.] 148. Collateral suits for other purposes, binding the conscience, or controlling the acts of the party personally, may be brought and decided elsewhere. Id. This principle is recognized at the common law; but it has, to a certain extent at least, a foundation also in universal jurisprudence. I have already intimated, that no sovereignty can extend its process beyond its territorial limits, to subject either persons or property to its judicial decisions. Every exertion of authority beyond this limit is a. mere nullity, and incapable of binding such persons or property in any other tribunals. If a state were to pass an act declaring, that upon personal notice of a suit brought against a foreigner, resident in a foreign country, proceedings might be had against him, and a judgment obtained in invituni, for aught I know, the local tribunals might give a binding efficacy to such judgments. But elsewhere they would be utterly. void, as an usurpation of general sovereignty over independent nations and their subjects. Lord Ellenborough, in Buchanan v. Rucker, 9 East, 192, has put the case with great clearness and force. “Supposing,” said he, “however, that the act had said in terms, that though a person sued in the island (of Tobago) had never been present within its jurisdiction, yet, that it should bind him, upon proof of nailing'up the summons'at the court door; how could that be obligatory upon the subjects of other countries? Can the island of Tobago pass a law to bind the rights of the whole world? Would the world submit to such a jurisdiction?” Nor would it in such a case vary the legal result, that the party had actual notice of the suit; for he is not bound to appear to it. No sovereign has a just right to issue such a notice, and thereby to acquire a jurisdiction to draw the party from his own proper forum ad alium examen. Where a party is within a territory, he may justly be subjected to its process, and bound personally by the judgment pronounced, on such process, against him. Where he is not within such territory, and is not personally subject to its laws, if on account of his supposed or actual property being within the territory, process by the local laws may by attachment go to compel his appearance, and for his default to appear, judgment may be pronounced against, him, such a judgment must, upon general principles, be deemed only to bind him to the extent of such property, and cannot have the effect of a conclusive judgment in personam, for the plain reason, that except so far as the property is concerned, it is a judgment coram non judice. If the party chooses to appear and take upon himself the defence of the suit, that might vary the case, for he may submit to the local jurisdiction, and waive his personal immunity. Such appear to me to be the principles established by the better opinions in the cases cited at the bar, and particularly in Phelps v. Holker, 1 Dall. [1 U. S.] 261; Killburn v. Woodworth, 5 Johns. 37; Smith v. Brush, 8 Johns. 84; Fenton v. Garlick, Id. 151; Pawling v. Bird’s Ex’rs, 13 Johns. 192; Borden v. Fitch, 15 Johns. 121; and Bissell v. Briggs, 9 Mass. 402. In the two last cases, the learned chief justices of New York and Massachusetts reasoned out the doctrine with great acuteness and ability. The principles of the common law (which are never to be lost sight of in the construction of our own statutes) proceed yet farther. In general, it may be said, that they authorize no judgment against a party, until after his appearance in court.
The conclusion, to be deduced from the foregoing considerations, which must necessarily have been in the contemplation of the framers of the judiciary act of 1789, is, that the whole structure of that act proceeded up-, on the supposition, that, independent of some:, positive provision to the contrary, no judgment could be rendered in the circuit court against any person, upon whom process could not be personally served within the district. This was the natural result of the principles of the common law in relation to jurisdiction and process. In this view of the matter, the clause in the eleventh section already cited was introduced, as my Brother Washington supposes it to have Deen, from abun-. dant caution, to guard against every possibility of latent doubt. And it should be remembered in this connexion, that the process act of 1789 [1 Stat. 93,] which alone gave life to the state process in the United States courts, formed no necessary part of the system, and was brought forward by an independent and temporary statute.
Let us, then, consider, what is the true interpretation to be put upon this clause. It first provides, that “no person shall be arrested in one district for trial in another, in any civil action before a circuit or district court” So that it is clear, that the process of capias is limited to the local boundaries of the court, by which it is issued. It next provides, that “no civil suit shall be brought before either of said courts against an inhabitant of the United States by any original process in any other district than that, whereof he is an inhabitant, or in which he shall be found at the time of serving the writ.” Now the argument is, that this last provision applies only to persons, who, at the time of the suit are inhabitants of the United States. It is a restriction of the general authority of the courts to bring before them by original process any person, who, as a citizen or alien, was amenable by the general grant of jurisdiction to these courts. Swan was either an inhabitant of Massachusetts at the time, when the present suit was brought,- or he was not. If he was an inhabitant, then the suit is brought in the proper district; if not an inhabitant, then the restriction is inapplicable to him. Such is the dilemma, into which the argument supposes the adverse party to be driven, and on which it seeks to suspend him. It appears to me, that such is not the true interpretation of the words of the clause. They admit of an interpretation, in my view, much more natural, and consonant with the principles of justice. The argument supposes, that as a general jurisdiction is given in cases, where an alien is party, if he is not an inhabitant of the United States, and has not any property within it, (for to this extent it must reach,) still he is amenable to the jurisdiction of any circuit court, sitting in any state in this Union. So that a subject of England, or Prance, or Russia, having a controversy with one of our own citizens, may be summoned from the other end of the globe to obey our process, and submit to the judgment of our courts. Such an intention, so repugnant to the general rights and sovereignty of other nations, ought not to be presumed, unless it is established by irresistible proof. My opinion is, that congress never had any such intention; that it presupposed, that no suit would lie against any person, who was not locally present, either as an inhabitant, or in transitu in the United States; and that it designedly enlarged the power to proceed in cases of in-habitancy, where the party happened at the tíme to be absent without any intentional change of domicil, as well as allowed it in any district, where the party might, at the time, be found. The words of the clause are, “against an inhabitant of the United States.” But I lay no particular stress upon the word “inhabitant,” and deem it a mere equivalent description of “citizen” and “alien” in the general clau'se conferring jurisdiction over parties. A person might be an inhabitant, without being a citizen; and a citizen might not be an inhabitant, thougn he retained his citizenship. Alienage or citizenship is one thing; and inhabitancy, by which I understand local residence, animo manendi, quite another. I read, then, the clause thus: “No civil suit shall be brought before either of said courts against an alien or a citizen, by any original process, in any other district than that, whereof he is an inhabitant, or in which he shall be found, at the time of serving the writ” It cannot be presumed, that congress meant to say, that if an alien or citizen were not an inhabitant of, or com-morant in the United States, a suit might be maintained against him in any district, and process served abroad upon him, or a judgment given against him without any notice or process served upon him. If it be said, that process may be served upon his property within the district, what is to be done, when there is no such property to be found, or it is merely nominal? If in the latter cases an exception is to be implied upon general principles, why not in the former? The judiciary act of 1789 (chapter 20) has not provided for either case in terms; and the right to serve process upon the property of the party, and thereby to bring him into court, when an absentee, so as to bind that property, or him personally, by the judgment, is not a right growing out of the common law, but everywhere, at least in countries governed by the
The process acts of 1789 (chapter 21) and of 1792 (chapter 36), have prescribed the forms of process, and modes of service, to be according to the state jurisprudence. But they do not appear to me to be intended to enlarge the sphere of jurisdiction of the circuit courts. Whenever the person is an inhabitant of, or found within, the district, the proper writ may issue, and the process may be served against him, whether it be a capias, summons, attachment, or otherwise. as the local jurisprudence authorizes. L cannot judicially say, that the general phraseology of these process acts ought to receive a more extensive interpretation, so as to break down or interfere with the policy of the judiciary act of 1789 (chapter 20), founded, as it seems to me to bo, in principles of public law, public convenience, and immutable justice. If the state jurisprudence authorizes its own courts to take cognizance of suits against non-residents, by summoning their tenants, attornies, or agents, or attaching their property, whether it be a farm or a debt, or a glove, or a chip, it is not for us to say, that such legislation may not be rightful, and bind the state courts. But when the circuit courts are called upon to adopt the same rule, it ought to be seen, that congress have, in an unambiguous manner, made it imperative upon them. There is no pretence to say, that the circuit court in this district has by its practice, or by rule, sanctioned such a proceeding. If such modes of service have in such cases been used, the matter has passed sub silentio, without any knowledge on the part of the court, which implied a sanction of it.
No case has been cited, in which the question has been brought directly before any court of the United States for a decision. In Hollingsworth v. Adams, 2 Dall. [2 U. S.] 396, there was a foreign attachment in the circuit court of Pennsylvania; but the principal debtor was an inhabitant of Delaware, and not found in Pennsylvania; and the court quashed the writ for want of proper jurisdiction. In Pollard v. Dwight, 4 Cranch [8 U. S.] 421, the plaintiffs were citizens of Massachusetts and Connecticut, and the defendants were citizens of Virginia, and not found In the district of Connecticut, and were sued in a foreign attachment in the state court, and the cause removed by them into the circuit court for the district of Connecticut. The question was, whether they could be so sued. The supreme court held, that “by appearing to the action, the defendants in the court below placed themselves precisely in the situation, in which they would have stood, had process been served upon them, and consequently -waived all objection to non-service of process.” This was a strong case; for though the suit was between citizens of different states, yet within the terms of the eleventh section of the act of 1789, it was not a suit between a citizen of the state whore the suit was brought (for the plaintiffs were partly citizens of Connecticut, and partly citizens of Massachusetts) and a citizen of another state. Shute v. Davis [Case No. 12,828), and Craig v. Cummins [Id. 3,331], turned on the very words of the statute just cited. The suit In the former case was brought in Pennsylvania between citizens of New York and New Jersey; in the latter, one of the defendants was a citizen of Pennsylvania, and the other not; but the contract being joint and. by the local law, capable of being pursued against one only, the severance was deemed complete by the return of non est inventus of the non-resident. Fisher v. Consequa [Id. 4,816], was a foreign attachment against a non-resident Chinese merchant; but there seems to have been a general appearance for him, and at all events no exception was taken on this particular point In Bissell v. Horton [Id. 1,448], in the circuit court in Connecticut, the plaintiffs were described as partly citizens of Vermont, and partly citizens of Connecticut. The defendant was described as a citizen of New York, now dwelling in Hebron in Connecticut. The court held, that they had no jurisdiction, and on motion dismissed the suit. Mr. Justice Livingston said, “the plaintiffs are partly in Vermont and partly in Connecticut. They are not, therefore, citizens of Vermont within the constitution and laws of the United States. With regard to the defendant, it is admitted, that he now resides in Connecticut, and has resided here during the time, in which he has been in possession of the demanded premises, which clearly evinces a determination in him to remain here permanently.” This case may, from the shape given to the opinion of the learned judge in the report, be open to some critical observation. Upon the motion to dismiss, the citizenship of the defendant in New York, as alleged in the writ, must have been taken to be true. The process was du!y served upon him in Connecticut And upon the authority of Pollard v. Dwight, 4 Cranch [8 U. S.] 421, the jurisdiction was maintainable; for the citizenship of one of the plaintiffs in Connecticut was there thought sufficient to bring the case within the act of con
There are two reasons, which have great weight with me in support of these positions. One is, that otherwise the judgments in the courts of the United States would not, in cases of non-residents, be binding, as general judgments in personam; but if at all, only as proceedings in rem to the extent of the property attached, whether it be a chip, or a bale of goods, upon the principles of the cases of Bissell v. Briggs, 9 Mass. 462; Buchanan v. Rucker, 9 East, 192; and other cases before mentioned. Another is, that the forms of process in Massachusetts, (which forms are made applicable by the acts of congress to the courts of the United States,) both in the common process and the trustee process, whenever goods or estate are attached, require a summons to be served on the party. In the trustee process, the words are, “We command you to attach the goods and estate of A. B. (the defendant) to the value of-, and summons the said A. B. (the defendant), if he may be found in your precinct (district), to appear,” &c. Not one word is stated in the writ itself, as to any summons, where the party is not found within the precinct or district of the officer. The mode of service in such cases, and in cases of non-residence generally, is prescribed by other distinct acts or sections of acts. So, that the exigency of the writ looks only to the fact of the party being found within the district; and unless the marshal is at liberty to make a service in a case and mode beyond the exigency of tills writ, not expressly reached by the acts of congress, but dependent entirely upon state laws, made for local purposes, the service in cases of non-residence would be utterly void. The argument for the plaintiff is, that as the summons is authorized by law, it is sufficiently served by the marshal in any mode, within his district, which the local laws justify. Generally speaking, that may be true, where the party is within the district, or an inhabitant bound to obey the summons within the district, viis et modis prescribed by the law. The difficulty is, how to deal with cases, where the party is an alien, or a citizen of another state, not resident within any of the United States. Tet the state laws extend to all these cases equally with those, where the party is a non-resident citizen of the state, where the suit is brought. I know no principle, upon which the court can say, that the service as to the latter shall be good, and not as to the former; for in each case the sufficiency of the service of the summons must stand upon the same provisions of the state laws. Unless, therefore, the court can say, that an alien, who has never been within the United States, may be rightfully served with a summons or other process by any attachment of his property, however small, within the district, and be bound thereby to appear and submit to the jurisdiction of the court, or otherwise have a judgment against him in invitum, I do not perceive, how the present case can. on general principles, be maintained. If congress. had prescribed . such a rule, the court would certainly be bound to follow it. and proceed upon the law. The point of difficulty is, whether such a rule ought to be inferred from so general a legislation as congress has adopted, not necessarily leading to the conclusion, that such was the intent It would seem strange, that a provision should be so solicitously made for persons inhabiting the country, that they should not be held amenable, except in the districts where they resided; and yet that no protection should be afforded to aliens or citizens, who were permanently domiciled abroad.
But supposing the preceding reasoning less well founded than, in my judgment, it seems to be; it remains to consider, whether, under the circumstances of this case, the service of the process was such, as by the local laws, would justify the judgment of default now asked of this court. We may lay out of the case all consideration of the service, so far as relates to the provisions of the trustee act of 1794 (chapter 65), because the trustees having been discharged, no judgment can, by the express provisions of the act of 1798 (chapter 5), be rendered against the principal, unless the service has been such, as would authorize the court to proceed to render judgment against him in an action commenced by the common and ordinary mode of process. The mode of service in the common process is provided for by the act of 1797 (chapter 50) already cited. In cases of attachment, a sum
Upon the whole, in every view, which I have been able to take of the present case, it is the duty of the court to stay further proceedings, upon the ground, that there has been no sufficient service of the process to compel the appearance of Swan, or authorize a judgment of default against him.