The first objection to the plea is, that it does not justify the entry of the defendants’ engineers and servants to make the preliminary examinations and surveys. The plea does not alledge that any compensation for such entry had been paid or tendered to the plaintiff before such entry, nor was such payment required by the act incorporating the defendants. The 9th section of the act (Laws of 1834, p. 440) contemplates, that
Many of the objections to the plea are founded in a misapprehension of the facts, and many are frivolous. There are some, however, which require to be noticed.
It is objected by the plaintiff’s counsel, that there is no averment of the presenting a petition to the first judge. He insists that the petition should state all the facts sufficient to confer jurisdiction, &c.
The plea avers a disagreement between the plaintiff and defendants as to price, in substance as required by § 9, Laws of 1884, p. 440 ; and that while such disagreement existed, John McLean, jun. first judge, “ on the petition of the defendants in writing, duly issued and delivered his warrant to the sheriff,” <fcc. (1.) This is an averment of the presenting a petition. It is not an argumentative, inferential statement, but a direct affirmation, upon which issue could be taken. (1 Chit. Pl. 309. 1 Saund. 235, n. 8.) In replevin, cognizance by defendant in right of his wife who was tenant for life, for rent being in arrear. Special demurrer, because it was not averred that the wife was alive. It was held that the words “ being in arrear” was an averment that the wife was alive. (2 Lev. 88.) (2.) It is pleaded in the language of the law. The statute does not prescribe what shall be contained in the petition. In this respect it differs from the insolvent laws, (1 R. L. of 1813, 460,) the six first sections of which show what it must contain to give jurisdiction. And see Service v. Heermance, (1 John. 91.)
The judge could only act on the petition of the defendants, and the latter could not petition except in case of a disagreement as to price. The disagreement is averred, and the action of the , judge is expressly stated to be on the defendants’ petition. It is therefore necessarily implied that a petition was presented.
It is also objected that the plaintiff had no notice of the drawing of the jury by the clerk, sheriff and first judge. If by this is meant that no notice in writing was served upon him, of the
On the return day of the warrant, eleven of the jurors, so drawn, appeared, and the sheriff returned as to the other, that he was a non-resident of the county at the time of the drawing, and still was, and could not for that reason be summoned, and was not in fact summoned. The plea states that the jurors were drawn in the same manner as the names of persons were then drawn for juries in courts of record; that no objections were then and there made to either of them ; that they were not residents of any town through which the said railroad passed, nor of kin to any of the persons claiming damages or interested in said road, nor of kin to any person who was so interested, or who claimed such damages ; nor were any of them dead or insane or permanently removed from said county, to the knowledge or belief of any person so attending such drawing as aforesaid. It thus negatives the existence of any fact which would have required the setting aside a person drawn, and the drawing another. (See 9th section Laws of 1834, p. 440 ; 2 R. S. 414.) Perhaps these averments were unnecessary; but they are not objected to upon that ground, and stand admitted by the demurrer. The objection is, that only eleven jurors were in fact summoned ; and it is insisted that, as the 9th section of the act has not provided for this contingency, the whole subsequent proceedings have been irregular and void.
If the failure to summon one of the twelve persons drawn, was occasioned by the act of the defendants, it would afford ground for the argument that they intended to diminish the plaintiff’s chance of having an impartial jury. But the cause for his not being summoned is conceded by the demurrer, and it presents as satisfactory a reason as if the juror had died between the drawing and the return day of the venire. It is enough that this omission to summon him proceeded from a cause over which the defendants had no control. Nor'are the defendants responsible for not knowing, at the time the jurors were drawn, that the person in question had permanently removed from the county. The plaintiff had such notice of this drawing as the statute re
Another objection to the plea is that the county judge continued the proceedings by adjournments. This it is urged he had no right to do, and that it worked a discontinuance. To this there are two answers: First, although the 9th section does not, in terms, authorize an adjournment from day to day, yet it obvi
It has been urged that the plaintiff had no notice of the drawing of the jury and of the assessment. It has already been shown that he had the notice required by law, of the first drawing of the jury; and it is averred in the plea, and admitted by the demurrer, that he had fourteen days’ notice of the time and place where his damages were to be assessed, and that he actually appeared and contested the assessment, without objection
It is said also that some portions of the plea relate to the claims of other landholders for damages, with which the plaintiff has no concern. It is urged that this matter is surplusage. In giving a full detail of the steps taken by the defendants, under the 9th section of the act, to cause the damages to be assessed on account of the construction of the railroad, it was probably necessary to mention the disagreement as to price, between the defendants and others besides the plaintiff. The several cases were doubtless embraced in the same petition to the judge, and a single jury was summoned for all. It was not contemplated by the act that a separate jury should be drawn for each case. This is clear from the language of the 9th section, speaking of the qualification of the jurors : they are not to be of kin to any person claiming damages, or interested in the said road, or of kin to those who are. And this is fortified by the mode in which they are to be compensated for their services, viz. a per diem allowance, and not a stated fee. But suppose all the matter of the plea, relating to the other persons whose lands were taken, and with respect to which there was a disagreement as to price, was surplusage, the objection can not be taken by demurrer. It does not prejudice the plaintiff’s right. It is not contradictory to any other matter in the plea, or repugnant to it. It therefore comes within the rule of pleading, that surplusage does not vitiate, utile per inutile non vitiatur. (1 Chit. Pl. 232. 4 East, 400. 2 Saund. 306, n. 14.) The remedy for expurgating useless matter from a plea is not, in general, a demurrer.
It is objected that the proceedings were not regularly transferred from the first judge of the court of common pleas to the county judge, in this, that the former directed them to be transferred to the latter, on giving to the owners of the land, with respect to which there was a disagreement as to price, one day’s notice of the order, and. that no such notice was given. There is not, indeed, any direct averment in the plea of such notice. But it is alledged that such proceedings were thereupon had, by vir
Another reason assigned in the special causes of demurrer, against the regularity of the transfer, is that by the 9th section of the act the proceedings were instituted before Judge McLean, first judge of the court of common pleas of the county of Washington, and the order for transferring the proceedings is signed by him as first judge of the county courts of that county. If his title had been omitted entirely, the transfer would have been equally effectual, as it was made by the person before whom the proceeding was pending. The constitution of 1821 designates the local judges as judges of the county courts, but they are frequently described in statutes, by the name of the particular courts of which they are judges. The first judge of the county courts, and the first judge of the court of common pleas of the same county, was one and the same person, not only in this, but in all cases.
Again; it is said that the appraisement was irregular because the jury merely appraised the value of the land, and omitted to appraise the damages which the plaintiff sustained by reason of the appropriation thereof to the use of the defendants. This objection is not founded in fact. The certificate of the jury recites that they were sworn to appraise the lands of the said plaintiff situate along and adjoining the line of the railroad of the said company as at present located in the town of Whitehall in-said county, and the damages the said plaintiff shall sustain by reason of the appropriation of said lands to the use of the said company ; that having heard the proofs and allegations of
It is objected that the plea does not directly aver that the defendants deposited the said five hundred dollars to the credit of the plaintiff, nor specify the kind of proof which was given to the county judge, before he made his decree. The plea is in the precise language of the act, which is that upon proof to the said judge, to be made within thirty days after such assessment, of payment to the owner, or of depositing to the credit of the owner, in such incorporated moneyed institution as the said judge shall direct, of the amount of said award, and the payment of all expenses, the said judge shall make an order or decree particularly describing the land and reciting the appraisement of damages, and the mode of making it, and all other facts necessary to a compliance with the 9th section; and when the order is recorded in the county clerk’s office, the said corporation shall be possessed of all such land or real estate, and may enter upon and take possession, and use the same for the purpose of the said road. It was superfluous to set out any other facts in the plea, than the statute required. Enough are averred to vest the title in the defendants for the purposes contemplated by the act. The plea then sets out the decree in hcec verba, which recites all the material facts, from the first disagreement as to price, to the final decision. This was sufficient.
The plea sets out all the facts necessary to confer jurisdiction on the officer; it concedes the plaintiff’s title to the land; avers that it was necessary, and shows the location of the road; states the disagreement as to price, and that an application was made by petition to the first judge, and that he directed notice to be given by the sheriff as required by law, for the drawing of the jury, which was done; that the jury were drawn as by law required : that the proceedings were transferred under the constitution
I have looked into many of the cases to which we were referred on the argument, and find none of them settling any principle incompatible with the validity of this plea. The general doctrine, that an inferior tribunal must strictly pursue the authority under which it acts, is not questioned. As there had been, in this case, a full and substantial compliance with the act, and as the act, however defective in some respects, is believed to be constitutional, the plea affords a complete bar to the action.
There must, therefore, be judgment for the defendants on the demurrer to the second plea, with leave for the plaintiff to reply, on payment of costs.
Cady, J. concurred.
Hand, J. dissented.
Judgment for defendants.