The third clause of the will leaves $10,000 in trust to the- executors to pay the interest thereon (1) to the widow for life, (2) upon her death to the two sons “share and share alike”, and (3) upon the death of each son to divide one half of the principal sum among his children. Nothing different to this can be spelled out of it unless the words, “ or on the death of either of said sons then the one-half of the said ten thousand dollars ”, be ignored and given no effect in the interpretation, and that cannot be permitted. The meaning is that the income is to be paid to the two son's during their natural lives, “ respectively ”, and upon the death of each one half of the principal to be divided. The language of the clause is not exact nor grammatical, but the meaning is unmistakable. The plural “their” is used,only to be followed by the singular “life”; which, coupled with the words which follow, “ or on the death of either ”, etc., shows that their respective lives were meant, and that there was to be a distribution of one half the principal on the death
“ There is indeed but one fund, which is embraced in a single trust, but the interests carved out of it are entirely distinct. The trust itself is necessarily divisible as often as the beneficial dispositions of the will call for a division ”, etc. And on this ground the trust was upheld as not involving an illegal suspension of ownership, or of the power of alienation.
The judgment should be reversed.
Jenks, Hooker, Rich and Miller, JJ., concurred.
Judgment reversed on the law and the facts, and new trial granted, costs to abide the’final award of costs.