On the 15th of August, the judges briefly delivered their opinions, seriatim, concurring in the following result:
— The case stated comes clearly within the 19th section of the act of congress, for enrolling and licensing vessels to be employed in the coasting trade and fisheries. The provisions of the section are salutary, and were made to guard against frauds upon the revenue, in the transportation of goods of foreign growth or manufacture, across the several states. Public policy, national purposes, and the regular operations of government require, that the revenue system should be faithfully observed and strictly executed. It is obvious, that the claimant is an offender, within the purview of the 19th section. To purge the offence, he relies upon the 33d section of the same act. But it is too plain for argument, that this section cannot, by any fair and rational construction, be made to refer to the 19th section. •. It is inapplicable, because the objects are entirely different.
Judgment affirmed.