Opinion by
Consolidated for disposition are the appeals of landowner-developers and intervening protestants from an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County invalidating Ordinance No. 267 of Tredyffrin Township under which landowners were granted preliminary approval of a development known as Chesterbrook in Tredyffrin Township and building permits to begin construction of an initial phase of Chesterbrook (Nos. 1322 and 1323 C.D. 1974), and which further denied intervening protestants’ standing to challenge the allegedly exclusionary impact of Ordinance No. 267 in failing to affirmatively provide for low income housing (No. 1386 C.D. 1974).
These appeals, although generating a record of massive proportion and involving the development of more than 850 acres of Tredyffrin Township in Chester County, do not require a detailed history to frame the legal issues raised. In December of 1970, Tredyffrin Township (Township) amended its comprehensive plan to designate a 1,000 acre portion of the Township as a Unified Development Area (U.D.A.). The objective of the U.D.A. designation was to have “this area planned as an entity and developed over a period of years in accordance with a unified plan, rather than on a lot-by-lot, piece-meal sub
Timely appeal from the adoption of Ordinance No. 267 was taken to the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County by two residents of the Township and a civic group calling itself Citizens Organized to Reclaim Chesterbrook (hereinafter collectively referred to as CORC). The dispostion of this appeal was postponed by stipulation of the parties, however, to enable Fox to apply to the zoning officer for a preliminary opinion of Chester-brook’s consistency with Ordinance No. 267,2 and to apply for subdivision approval and building permits for the R-l portion of Chesterbrook. Upon Fox’s receipt of these approvals, CORC appealed to the Township Zoning Hear
Nos. 1322 and 1323 C.D. 1971
The Fox appeals raise three issues for our determination:
1) Is Ordinance No. 267 invalid because it fails to provide adequate standards by which the Board of Supervisors could determine the classification, density and location of uses permitted in a U.D.A. ?
2) Can the U.D.A. concept envisioned by the Township’s comprehensive plan be effectuated by standard zoning under Article YI of the MPC, or was the Township required to proceed under the Planned Residential Developments (PRD) provisions contained in Article VII of the MPC?
3) Did the Board of Supervisors have sufficient evidence of the potential environmental impact of Chester-brook before it when it enacted Ordinance No. 267?
The lower court invalidated Ordinance No. 267 solely on the basis of the Supreme Court’s decision in Eves v. Zoning Board of Adjustment, supra.4 A review of Eves,
Nor do we find persuasive CORC’s argument that the U.D.A. zoning, as conceived by the Township’s comprehensive plan and implemented by Ordinances Nos. 264 and 267, exceeded the Township’s standard zoning powers under Article VI of the MPC, 53 P.S. §10601 et seq. The thrust of this argument is that the U.D.A., envisioning an integrated, multi-use “mini-town” ordinarily developed as a PRD, can only be effectuated under the procedures of Article VII of the MPC, 53 P.S. §10701 et seq., dealing with PRDs. We will not dwell upon this contention for long because CORC, once again, overlooks the fact that Ordinance No. 267 does not create multi-use zoning districts. Rather, the ordinance designates specific areas of the U.D.A. as single-use districts conforming to the requirements of standard zoning classifications already existing in the Township.8 This is entirely consistent with the zoning powers authorized by Article VI, and we agree with the lower court that the Legislature did not manifest an intent to limit innovations in standard zoning, such as a U.D.A., by the enactment of Article VII.
No. 1386 C.D. 197If
The Main Line appeal presents a broad frontal attack upon the constitutionality of the entire zoning of the Township as allegedly exclusionary of poor people, and specifically upon Ordinance No. 267 as continuing this allegedly exclusionary policy by failing to require the developer to affirmatively provide for low-income, govern-mentally subsidized housing. Before addressing these issues, however, we must determine whether appellants making up Main Line had standing to appeal, i.e., whether any is an “aggrieved person” within the meaning of Section 1005 of the MPC.11
The lower court found it unnecessary to differentiate between the respective interests of the civic associations and the resident and non-resident appellants composing Main Line because it was not alleged that any of these parties had ever applied for a permit to develop low-income housing within the Township, or that Ordinance No. 267 had been enacted or enforced to their detriment. We believe that this view construes too narrowly the requirements of standing, and merges standing with
We have little difficulty concluding that the residents of the Township, especially those presently living in substandard housing appealing in their own behalf or as members of the civic associations composing Main Line appellants, have a sufficient interest in the outcome of this litigation to have standing. It has traditionally been held that residents of a municipality have a legal interest in preserving the integrity of their zoning ordinance and the status of their property thereunder so as to be “aggrieved persons,” thereby enabling them to challenge an amendatory ordinance as unconstitutional. See Roeder v. Hatfield Borough Council, supra; Penny v. Warrington
The crux of Main Line’s challenge is that the Township’s zoning is exclusionary in that it fails to provide for its “fair share” of housing opportunities for low and moderate income persons under Concord Township Appeal, 439 Pa. 466, 268 A. 2d 765 (1970); Girsh Appeal, 437 Pa. 237, 263 A. 2d 395 (1970); National Land and Investment Co. v. Easttown Township Board of Adjustment, 419 Pa. 504, 215 A. 2d 597 (1965); Township of Willistown v. Chesterdale, 7 Pa. Commonwealth Ct. 453, 300 A. 2d 107 (1973). See also Southern Burlington County N.A.A.C.P. v. Township of Mount Laurel, 67 N.J. 151, 336 A. 2d 713 (1975). Assuming that we hold the Township’s zoning to be exclusionary, Main Line argues that the “fair share” concept be implemented by requiring Fox to affirmatively allocate and develop a portion of Chesterbrook as low moderate income housing
We do not decide the question of the appropriate remedy here, however, as we cannot agree that the Township is exclusionary when considered in light of the rezoning achieved by Ordinance No. 267, adopting the Chester-brook proposal. At best, the record establishes that over the past decade the percentage of low income (and minority) residents of the Township has declined, while the development proceeding in the Township has been in the nature of single-family dwellings and apartments affordable by persons of above average income. The evidence, however, does not establish that this direction in suburban growth is attributable to the zoning of the Township. Rather, it would appear to be attributable to the high cost of land and accessory services common to municipalities within access of the Philadelphia metropolitan area. This basic fact of life does not render the zoning of the Townshop exclusionary. Upper St. Clair Township v. Commonwealth, 13 Pa. Commonwealth Ct. 71, 317 A. 2d 906 (1974). Given the high density, multiple-family uses permitted under Ordinance No. 267, which at the time the Chesterbrook development was approved provided for housing units for as low as $18,000.00, we can only conclude that Main Line has failed
Consistent with the foregoing, we reverse the order of the court below in the appeals docketed at 1322 C.D. 1974 and 1323 C.D. 1974, and affirm the dismissal of the appeal docketed at 1386 C.D. 1974.
The comprehensive plan recommended retention of the K-% Residence classification for the land within the U.D.A. until the zoning standards fixing the uses permitted within the area were established by the Township Board of Supervisors. Residential uses within an R-14 district are limited to single-family detached dwellings on minimum lots of 100,000 square feet.
Section 1005(b) of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act of July 31, 1968, P.L. 805, as amended, 53 P.S. §11005(b) (MPC).
Sections 910, 915 and 1005 of the MPC, 53 P.S. §§10910, 10915 and 11005.
The court below dismissed CORC’s procedural challenge to the advertising of Ordinance No. 267. As COEC has not appealed from that portion of the lower court’s decision and does not raise the question here in support of the court’s order, we will not consider it on appeal.
As corollary holdings, the Court also found the flexible selective zoning scheme to encourage spot zoning and to give property owners or prospective property owners little notice of the nature of the uses permitted within the vicinity.
See Village 2 at New Hope, Inc. Appeals, 429 Pa. 626, 241 A. 2d 81 (1968); Doran Investments v. Muhlenberg Township Board of Commissioners, 10 Pa. Commonwealth Ct. 143, 309 A. 2d 450 (1973); Marino v. Zoning Hearing Board, of Harrison Township, 1 Pa. Comonwealth Ct. 116, 274 A. 2d 221 (1971).
As an example, for the R-l district in the northeast corner of Chesterbrook for which Fox received a building permit for the initial construction of single family detached dwellings, sections 601 and 602 of the Township’s zoning ordinance provide:
“SECTION 601. USE REGULATIONS. A building may be erected, altered or used and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes, and no other:
“1. Single-family detached dwelling.
“2. Church or similar place of worship.
“3. Township administrative building, public library, public park, play or recreation area; or any similar use owned or operated by a public or private non-profit agency.
“4. Local public utility line, bus shelter, provided that no advertising shall be affixed thereto.
“5. The following uses when authorized as a special exception, subject to the general standards prescribed in Section 1606 and 1909:
“ (a) Educational, religious or philanthropic use, other than a use permitted in this Section above, including a college or seminary; kindergarten or child nursery; a convent, monastery or similar religious institution; a historical or cultural museum not operated for profit; a general, medical or surgical hospital, sanitarium or similar health facility; and an institution for children, the aged, the indigent or the handicapped; provided that it shall contain no more than 50 beds and be located on a lot of not less than five acres; but not including a correctional or penal institution.
“ (b) Conversion of a dwelling to two-family or multiple-family use, subject to the provisions of Section 1607.
“(c) Telephone central office, electric substation or any similar governmental or public utility use, provided that (1) no such use shall include an office open to the general public, the storage of materials, rotating equipment, trucking or repair facilities, housing of work crews, a storage garage or any structure involving major traffic movements, (2) the portion of any such use notPage 436located within a building is enclosed or adequately screened in such a manner as to not detract from the character of the District, and (3) no advertising shall be affixed to any structure.
“(d) Non-profit golf or country club, swimming club, tennis club or similar recreational facility on a lot not less than five acres in size, provided that (1) the chief activity shall not be one that is customarily carried on as a business, (2) no building shall be closer than 100 feet to a street or property line, (3) the buildings or services shall be for the use of members and their guests only, and (4) the use shall comply with the provisions of Section 401.6(c), Subsections (7) to (9) relating to privately owned outdoor recreational uses in RC Districts.
“(e) Any other governmental or public utility use, provided that the Zoning Hearing Board shall determine that the placement of such use in the proposed district is a public necessity and that satisfactory screening and other measures are taken to safeguard the character of the surrounding area.
6. Accessory use as permitted in Section 401-7.
“SECTION 602. AREA AND HEIGHT REGULATIONS RELATING TO DWELLINGS. The following area, width and height regulations shall apply in the case of any lot used as a dwelling.
“1. LOT AREA AND WIDTH. A lot area of not less than 30,000 square feet and a lot width of not less than 100 feet at the building line shall be provided for every buildingPage 437hereafter erected or used as a dwelling, subject to the provisions of Section 1601 relating to a non-conforming lot.
“2. BUILDING AREA. Not more than 20 percent of the area of each lot may be occupied by buildings.
“3. FRONT YARD. There shall be a front yard on each street on which the lot abuts, the depth of which shall be at least 40 feet.
“4. SIDE YARDS. For any dwelling and its accessory buildings there shall be two side yards not less than 40 feet in aggregate width and neither less than 15 feet in width.
“5. REAR YARD. There shall be a rear yard, the depth of which shall be at least 25 feet.
“6. HEIGHT. The height of a dwelling, or a building accessory thereto, shall not exceed three stories nor 35 feet.”
In addition, R-l development in Chesterbrook would be governed by the “special development” regulations of Section 1603 of the ordinance dealing with landscaping, buffer zones, and highway frontage and provision for access.
A “planned residential development” is defined by the MPC as “an area of land, controlled by a landowner, to be developed as a single entity for a number of dwelling units, the development plan for which does not correspond in lot size, bulk or type of dwelling, density, lot coverage and required open space to the regulations established in any one residential district created, from time to time, under the provisions of a municipal zoning ordinance.” (Emphasis supplied.) Section 107(14), 53 P.S. §10107(14), When Ordinance No. 267 is viewed as creating five distinct standard use districts, it becomes readily apparent that the Board of Supervisors did not contemplate an implementation of Article VII — PRD procedures as the uses, densities and other regulations for the separate districts within the U.D.A. were identical to provisions extant in other districts in the Township. See Gettys v. Dillsburg Borough, 7 Pa. Commonwealth Ct. 519, 300 A. 2d 805 (1973), aff’g per curiam 85 York L. Rec. 193 (1972).
CORC bases its argument that an environmental impact study must be undertaken by municipality before it effects a rezoning of the magnitude of Ordinance No. 267 upon the fiduciary obligation of a municipality, as a creature of the state, to effectuate Article I, Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, Article I, Section 27 states:
“The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania public natural resources are the common property of the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.” This contention assumes that Article I, Section 27 is self-executing, an assumption shared by a majority of this Court, see Bruhin v. Kassab, 14 Pa. Commonwealth Ct. 300, 320 A. 2d 907 (1974), and further that a municipality assumes the role of the Commonwealth as a public trustee. See Eichbaum, Environmental Planning—A Legal Guide to Development in Pennsylvania, 19 Vill. L. R. 712, 726-731 (1974). We do not address the latter question here, however, as we find substantial evidence of the Township’s consideration of the potential environmental impact of Chesterbrook prior to the adoption of Ordinance No. 267. But, query whether a municipality’s duty in this respect has not already been satisfied by the adoption of a zoning and subdivision ordinance and the requirement of a developer to comply with the comprehensive environmental protection laws of the Commonwealth? See Larwin Multihousing Pennsylvania Corp. v. Commonwealth, 19 Pa. Commonwealth Ct. 181, 343 A.2d 83 (1975, (footnote 8)).
As an example of this continuing environmental review, see the Chesterbrook Conservancy v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Resources and The Fox Company, EHB Docket No. 73-418-W (1974), wherein the Environ*441mental Hearing Board upheld the issuance of an erosion and sediment control permit to Fox by the Department of Environmental Resources for an 80 acre portion of Chesterbrook for which the building permits giving rise to this appeal were issued.
A review of the record indicates that Fox properly raised an objection to Main Line’s standing before the zoning board in its counterstatement of issues submitted, and this objection was properly preserved on appeal. Thus, we dismiss Main Line’s contention that this issue was waived.
Roeder v. Hatfield Borough Council, 439 Pa. 241, 266 A. 2d 691 (1970); Home Life Insurance Company of America v. Board of Adjustment, 393 Pa. 447, 143 A. 2d 21 (1958); Commonwealth v. Bucks County, 22 Bucks Co. L. Rep. 179 (1972), aff’d per curiam, 8 Pa. Commonwealth Ct. 295, 302 A. 2d 897 (1973), cert. denied, 414 U.S. 1130 (1974).
Our definition of “person aggrieved” in Cablevision v. Zoning Hearing Board of Easton, 13 Pa. Commonwealth Ct. 232, 235, 320 A. 2d 388, 390 (1974), to require a showing of a direct pecuniary interest in the litigation, must be interpreted in the context of the fact that the party there involved was not a resident of the municipality in which the zoning permit was issued.
See Lightcap v. Board of Supervisors of Wrightstown Township, No. 1625 C.D. 1973, Pa. Commonwealth Ct., October 18, 1974, aff’g per curiam, 25 Bucks Co. L. Rep. 145 (1973).
See Northampton Residents Association v. Northampton Township Board of Supervisors, 14 Pa. Commonwealth Ct. 515, 322 A. 2d 787 (1974).
We note that the only decision squarely confronting a requirement that a private developer provide for a percentage of low income units in a proposed development held that such a requirement constituted an unlawful taking of private property without due process of law. The Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County v. De Groff Enterprises, Inc., 214 Va. 235, 198 S. E. 2d 600 (1973). With regard to the affirmative relief requested against the Township by the cross-complaint filed by Main Line, we would be inclined to agree with the court below that it does not present a justiciable issue absent a specific development proposed by Main Line. See Warth v. Seldin, 43 U.S.L.W. 4906 (U.S. June 24, 1975). In light of our subsequent discussion, however, we reserve a determination of these issues for a more appropriate case.