FILED IN COURT OF APPEALS] 12th Court of Appeals District Appellate Docket Number: Appellate Case Style: Vs. K^^> TH^PSO^f TYLERTEXAS- Companion Case No.: •ZQlLf ~ -Jlf4 ~^CC\S2- Amended/corrected statement: DOCKETING STATEMENT (Civil) Appellate Court: TU^fTV- COVQT Of J[pPzA L~? (to be filed in the court of appeals upon perfection of appeal under TRAP 32) I. Appellant II. Appellant Attorney(s)'';:•: [uT Person j~~l Organization (choose one) [~l Lead Attorney f^flO ^^ FirstName: fZ(6ffTV-Tvi> First Name: f\ ( &(fA~tl D Middle Name: Middle Name: Last Name: "fl-f^rl p«J #*•/ Last Name: ftfO*\pC,otf Suffix: Suffix: Law Firm Name: ProSe: & Address 1: f> Q ^5 //£(/ £^P }%/f SVftfT Stf^ Address 2: Tntt»>r$ fy fJiAtfsr)£??r?f /£ City: LOrfCj/f&'U/ State: Texas Zip+4: J$~fcQ\£ Telephone: ^O^ly^^tCO ext. Fax: ?0> 7^-3^56 Email: SBN: Page 1 of 7 . J if ,•-.„<<. •..••;••- V. Perfection Of Appeal And Jurisdiction Nature ofCase (Subject matter or type of case): LAW£ t~ (*""*• *"" Date order orjudgment signed: ' '. >A - Type ofjudgment: Date notice of appeal filed in trial court: If mailed to the trial court clerk, also give the date mailed: Interlocutory appeal ofappealable order: • Yes @"No If yes, please specify statutory or other basis onwhich interlocutory order is appealable (See TRAP 28): Accelerated appeal (See TRAP 28): • Yes • No If yes, please specify statutory or other basis onwhich appeal is accelerated: Parental Termination or Child Protection? (SeeTRAP 28.4): • Yes 0No Permissive? (See TRAP 28.3): nYes • No If yes, please specify statutory or other basis for such status: Agreed? (See TRAP 28.2): • Yes • No If yes, please specify statutory or other basis for such status: Appeal should receive precedence, preference, or priority under statute or rule: • Yes LJ No If yes, please specify statutory or other basis for such status: Does this case involve an amount under $100,000? • Yes 0No Judgment ororder disposes ofall parties and issues: Q Yes 0-No Appeal from final judgment: 0Yes QNo Does the appeal involve the constitutionality or the validity of astatute, rule, or ordinance? Q Yes DNo VI. Actions Extending Time To Perfect Appeal Motion for New Trial: • Yes • No If yes, date filed Motion to Modify Judgment: [~]Yes • No If yes, date filed Request for Findings ofFact ] Yes f~2 No If yes, date filed and Conclusions of Law: nYes ] No If yes, date filed: Motion to Reinstate: • Yes [I No If yes, date filed: Motion under TRCP 306a: Other: DYes DNo If other, please specify: ;...'..-•/• ~ 1, •;; •. ^ .;-.• .- . VII. Indigency OfParty: (Attach file-stamped copy ofaffidavit, and extension motion if filed.) Affidavit filed in trial court: • Yes • No Ifyes, date filed: Contest filed in trial court: DYes DNo Ifyes, date filed: Date ruling on contest due: Ruling on contest: •Sustained •Overruled Date of ruling: Page 2 of 7 VIII. Bankruptcy Has any party to the court's judgment filed for protection in bankruptcy which might affect this appeal? • Yes HNo If yes, please attach a copy of the petition. Date bankruptcy filed: Bankruptcy Case Number: IX. Trial Court And Record ^~ Court: (aft&CtZf COWt^l' CO\fi\T~Ar LA?V"""^^ Clerk's Record: County: •' Trial Court Clerk: [Tfbistrict • County Trial Court Docket Number (Cause No.): Was clerk's record requested? Q"Yes 3 No tMH* Jiff- ^ L I Ifyes, date requested: %'/(1** [ t 5" Trial Judge (who tried or disposed of case): If no, date it will be requested: First Name: l/ft/t s^fT Were payment arrangements made with clerk? QYes QNo Middle Name: (Note: No request required under TRAP 34.5(a),(b)) Last Name: piyiU/e'^ C t Suffix: Address 1: [(?( &• ft£Ttfl/?tH ST Address 2 : City: Ic^CeVCZ^/ State: Texas Zip+ 4: f 6»>^ I Telephone: ext. Fax: OfQ^-^^y-jry/ Email: Reporter's or Recorder's Record: Is there a reporter's record? [PfYes • No Was reporter's record requested? 0Yes • No Was there a reporter's record electronically recorded? • Yes • No If yes, date requested: If no, date it will be requested: Were payment arrangements made with the court reporter/court recorder? •Yes f~1 No Page 3 of 7 [__] Court Reporter ] Court Recorder H^Official • Substitute First Name: SW&fZ^(- MiddleName: fo _ Last Name: )~^Ol^/^^ Suffix: CS/~Z r - Address 1: /Of &. 1 ST*** ,5 SIT* ~368 Address 2: City: U>KCi\A€vJ State: Texas Zip+ 4: J> te&l Telephone: <^0j 1~5x-f-'$tt ' ext. Add Another Reporter Fax: Email X. Supersedeas Bond • Supersedeas bond filed: • Yes f>KNo If yes, date filed: Will file: QYes • No XI. Extraordinary Relief Willyou request extraordinary relief(e.g.temporary or ancillary relief) from this Court? • Yes [ _| No If yes, briefly state the basis for your request: XII. Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation (Complete section if filing in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, or 14th Court ofAppeal) Should this appeal be referred to mediation? r—• y r—vf Electronic Signature: (Optional) Page 6 of 7 XVI. Certificate of Service The undersigned counsel certifies that this docketing statement has been served on the following lead counsel for all parties to the trial court's order or judgment as follows on Signature of counsel (or pro se party) Electronic Signature: (Optional) State Bar No.: Person Served Certificate of Service Requirements (TRAP 9.5(e)): A certificate of service must be signed by the person who made the service and must state: (1) the date and manner of service; (2) the name and address of each person served, and (3) if the person served is a party's attorney, the name of the party represented by that attorney Please enter the following for each person served: Date Served: [0 I3* / / f Manner Served: flfiSf £ *- ^^ ^7^ ( ^~ First Name: (J f?fct> L^T^f Middle Name: '' • LastName: £ C^f ^~ SUfflX: ^ ^r c+JLJrn &M*> COl£7*\*« J) OrOGL^f^f Law Firm Name: fJOWf 5 Crfr/M Z*^ Address!: (%00 ^ U/ L^DOf *<', *"** ™* Address 2: City: 14** * &V State Texas Zip+4: ~f^TO0 V ^Attorney, RepresentingParty's Name: foPS*" /U*<^^ ^ jA tfl^lFW/LC Page 7 of 7
Richard Thompson v. Blackberry LC (Aka, Bob Anderson)
Combined Opinion