delivered the opinion of the-court, and-after stating the facts,^proceeded as follows;
The,first question is, whether -the'circuit court were right in rejecting the- evidence, offered by the defendant establish a title in himself under the grant of Joseph? that grant being'posterior in date to the grant-under which the plaintiff claimed; and this depends up- .... . , . , on the consideration, whether a prior settlement right, would, in equity, give the party á title to the*anc^ 03n be asserted also, as-a sufficient title in an actjan of ejectment. '
_ , By the compact settling the boundary line Between' and Tennessee, and the- laws- made in par-suance thereof, it is declared, that all claims and titles*to lands derived from the governments of Virginia, or North-Carolina, or Tennessee, -which have fallen into- * % * respective states; shall remaní as secure to he owners thereof, as if derived from the government ^thin whose line they have fallen; and shall not be? in any wise prejudiced or affectéd in consequence of the establishment of the said line. The titles, both of the plaintiff and defendant in this case, were derived under grants- from Virginia ; and'the argument is, that as in Virginia no equitable claims-or rights ante-; cedent to the grants, could be asserted, kva court-o£
The general rule is, that remedies m respect to real , , , estates are t® be pursued according to the law of place where the estate is situate.a Nor do the court
The question- then is, .whether in the circuit, courts of the United States^ a merely equitable title can be set up ás a defence in an action of ejectment. It is understood that the state courts of Tennessee have
There is a more general view of this subject, which deserves consideration. • By the laws of the United 1 f J • Slates, the circuit courts have cognizanoe of all suits of a civil nature at common law, and in equity, incases which fall within the limits prescribed by those laws. By the 24th section of the judiciary act of 1789, it is pro•vided, that the laws of the several States, except where , . . tt • , the constitution, treaties, or statutes ot the United States, shall otherwise require or provide, shall be r.egarded as rules of decision in trials at common law in the courts of the.United States, in cases where they . J * ply. The act of May, 1792, confirms the modes of proceeding then used in suits at common law in the courts of the United States, and declares that the modes
In either view of this first point, the court is of opinion that the circuit court decided right in rejecting the evidence offered by the original defendant. It was matter proper for. the cognisance of a court of equity* and not admissible in a suit at law.
The next question is, whether the circuit court decided correctly in rejecting the deed of conveyance from the plaintiff’s lessor to Arthur L. Campbell, for the land in .controversy, made during the pendency of the suit. The answér that was given at the bar is deemed decisive; although an action of ejectment is founded in fictions, yet to certain purposes it is considered in the same manner as if the whole proceedings were real; for all the purposes ot the suit the lease is to be deemed a real possessory title. expire during the pendency of the suit, the plaintiff cannot recover his term at law, without procuring it to be enlarged by the court, and can»proceed only for antecedent damages. In the present case the lease is to be deemed as a good subsisting
^ast question is, whether the statute of limifaof Tennessee was a good bar to the action. It is .. , , , , admitted, that it would be.a good bar only upon the supposition that the . lands in controversy were always within the original limits of Tennessee; but there is no such proof in the cause. The compact of the states does not affirm it, and the present boundary was an amr adjustment by that compact. It cannot, the; e-fore, be affirmed by any court 'of law, that the land was within the' reach of the statute of limitations of Tennessee until after the compact of 1802. The statute could not begin to run until it was ascertained that the land waá within the jurisdictional limits of the state of Tennessee.
The judgment of the circuit court is affirmed, with costs.a
The foundations of this doctrine, and of all the other ’principles concerning the lex foci, are laid down by Hubecus, in hi* Pmlectiofies, with that admirable force and pre<ci*ion which distinguish the ■ wprks of the writers who have been formed indie school of the Roman jurisconsults, and which justify the eulogium pronounced upon that school by Leibnitz. ‘‘Fundamentum universas hujus doctrinas diximus esse, et tenemus, subjectionem homium infra leges cujusquc territorii, quandiu 9lic agunt, quae fecit, ut actas id) initio validus aut .nuilus,. alibi queque valere aut non valere non nequeat Sed base ratio non convenitrebus immobilibus, quandp iile spectantur, non ut dependentes a libera dispositione cujusquc patrisfasniiias, verum quatenus certas «ote lega cuj usque Reip. ubi sita sun t, illis impress® reperiuntur; has no tag manent indelibiles in ista iteppbl. quioquifi aliarum CivitatUm leges aUt prwatorum dispositiones,secu* aut contra'-statuant; nec enim sine magna confusiene prasjudicioqu* Reipubl. Ubi sitsesurtt res soli, Leges de illis Iatae,dispositionibusistismutaripossent Hiñe Frisius habens agros et domos in provincia Groningen* si, non potest de illis.testan, quia Lege prohibitum est ibi de bonis immobilibus téstari, non ralente Jure Ffisico adfi* cere bona, quae partes alieni territorii integrantes constituunt. Sed an hoc non obstatei, quod antea diximus, si factum sit Testamentum jure loci vali. dum, id effectum habere etiam in bonis alibi sitis, ubi de illis testari licet T Non obstat; quia legum diversitas in ilia specie non afficit res soli, ñeque de illis loquitur, aed ordinal actum
Sed quare? See United States v. Crosby, 7 Cranch, 115
In Buller’s Nisi Prius, 110, it is laid down, that in •ejectment, “if the defendant prove a title out of the lessor, it is sufficient, although he have no title himself; but he ought to prove a subsisting title out of the lessor, for producing an ancient lease for 1000 years will not be sufficient unless he likewise prove possession under such lease within twenty years.” The same doctrine is stated in Runnington on Ejectments, 343. and thé case of England v.
It is unquestionable law,that in ejectment “the plaintiff cannot recover 'but upon the strength of his own title. He cannot found his claim upon the weakness of the defendant’s titl§; for possession gives . the defendant a. right against every man who cannot show a good title.” Haldam v. Harvey, 4 Burr. 2484. S. P. Martin v. Troyonell, 5 T. R. 107. note. But this doctrine waS'asserted in a case where the plaintiffsought to recover upon a title which, she had conveyed away to a third person; and nothing can be clearer than that the plaintiff cannot recover without showing a subsisting title in-himself. Tf the position in Buller’s Nisi Prius were confined to cases of this sort, diere could not be the slightest ground to question its validity But it is supposed to establish the doctrine, that if the plaintiff has a title which is not an indefeasihie possessory title, but is, in fact, better than that of the defendant he is not entitled to recover, if the defendant can , . ... .... show a superior title in a third person, with whom the defendant does not claim any privity.
■ It is the purposp of this note to show, that the authorities' do not justify the doctrine to this extent;' and if it be true in any case, (which maybe doubted,) it is liable to a great many exceptions, which destroy its general applicability. Speaking upon this subject Lord Mansfield is reported to have said, “there is another distinction to be taken,whether supposing a title superior to-that of the (essor of the plaintiff exists in a third person, who might recover the possession, it lies in thq mouth of the defendant to say sq, in answér to an ejectment .brought against himself, by a party having a better title than his own. I found this point settled before I. came into this court, that tb ?, court never suffers a niorgagor to set up the tie of a third person against his morgagee.” Doe v. Pegge, 1 T. R. 758. note. The point as to a morgage,h^s been long established. In Lindsey v. Lindsey, Bull. N. P. 110. on an ejectmeht by a second
Indeed, the mortgagor, notwithstanding the mortgage, is now deemed seised, and the legar owner of the land, as to all persons except the mortgagee, and those claiming under him, and he may maintain an ejectment or real action upon such seisin. Hitchcock v. Harrington, 6 Johns. R. 290. Segwick v. Hallenbach, 7 Johns. Rep. 376. Collins v. Torry, 7 Johns. Rep. 277. Willington v. Gale, 7 Mass. Rep. 138. Porter v. Millet, 9 Mass. Rep. 101. And upon the same principle, in an ejectment by the lessor against his owti lessee, the latter is not permitted toset up prtafe advantage of a defect in '.the* lessor’s title, or to show * subsisting title in--a third person to defeat the lessor's rights Driver v. Lawrence, 2 W. Bl. 1259, 2 Salk. 447. Menhall v. Wright, 3 Mass. Rep. 138. 153. Jackson v. Reynolds, 1 Caines’ Rep. 444. Jackson v. Whitford, 2 Caines’ Rep. 215. Jackson v. Vosburgh, 7 Johns. Rep. 186. Brant v. Livermore, 10 Johns. Rep. 358. So a person who enters into possession . under another, and? acknowfedged his title, eannot set up an outstanding title in a. third person. Jackson v. Stewart, 6 Johns. Rep. 34. Jackson v. De Walts, 7 Johns. Rep, 157. Jackson v. Hinman, 10 Johns. Rep. 292. Doe v. Clarke, 14 East. 488. Nor can. a person claiming tho land pndér the tenant set up an outstanding title against .the landlord. Jackson v. Graham, 3 Caines’ Rep. 188; nor against a purchaser under an execution against the landlord or the ténant. Jackson v. Graman, 3 Caines’ Rep. 188. Jackson v. Bush, 10 Johns. Rep. 223. And a person who has entered by permission of' one tenant in. common cannot after, a partition made, set up
These cases clearly show thatthe doctrine has been very •much narrowed' down. It remains to consider whether the doctrine has ever been.,established, that a mere .superior outstanding title in a third person, with whom the defendant has no privity, can be given in evidence in an ejectment, to defeat a possessory title in the plaintiff, which is superior to that of the defendant. It is manifest, that at the time when .Lord Mansfield delivered his opinion in Doe v. Pegge, (1 T. R. 758. note,) he did not consider any such doctrine as established, for he confines his opinion to the mere case of a mortgagee as against his mortgagor, although- he
Undoubtedly the' plaintiff ntust show that he has a good •possessory title; and, thelefore if the defendant shows that he has conveyed the land, unless, the conveyance was void by reason of a prior disseisin, the plaintiff cannot recover. Gould v. Newman, 6 Mass. Rep. 239. Wolcott v. Knight 6 Mass. Rep. 418. Everenden v. Beaumont, 7 Mass. Rep. 76. Williams v. Jackson, 5 Johns. Rep. 489. Phelps v. Sage, 2 Day's Rep. 151. So a tenant mayspow that the title of his landlord has expired. England v. Slade, 4 T. R. 682. So in an ejectment by a ccstvy que trust the tenant may setup in bis defence the legal oulstaríding title in the trustee. Doe v. Staples, 2 T. R. 684. For in all these cases the evidence shows that the plaintiff has no subsisting possessory title at law, and therefore, he ought not to be permitted to disturb the tenant’s possession. The general rule is, that possession constitutes a sufficient title against every person not having a better title ; and therefore the tenant may stand upon his mere naked possession until a better title is shown. “In sequali jure melior est" conditio possidentis ; he that hath possession of lands, though by disseisin; hath a right against alimen but against him that hath right.” Doct. & Stud. 9. 3 Shep. Abr. 26. and the rule -of the civil law is the same. Non possesserio-incurnbit neqessitas probandi possessionesadsepertinere, Cod.lib.
■ It is remarkable that in none of . the foregoing cases the point is stated to have been •ever decided upon the naked question whether a better subsisting title in a third person can1 be given in evidence by a defend ' dant who lias-no privity with that-title, to defeat a-£i£le in the plaintiff which is yet superior to thatund'er which the defendant holds the land. Blackstoneputs a case in point: “If tenant in tai.l enfeoffs A. in fee simpl® and dies, and B. disseizes A., nowi.B. will have the possession, A. the right.of fiossession, and the issue in tail the right of property.. A. tnay recover the possession against B. and after-wards the issue in tail may evict A., and unite in • himsfelf the possession, the right of possession, and also the right of property.” 2 Bl. Com. 193. Here B. is an intruder, and, therefore, comes within the'reach of-the case of Jackson v. Harder, 4 Johns. Rep. 202. But if B. had conveyed to C., . and then A.,. had brought an ejectment against .C., could the latter have set up the title of the issue in tail, with which he had no privity ' although that were a good subsisting superior title to defeat the recovery of A.? It becomes not the- annotator to express any opinion on this point ; his only object, is to bring the authorities in review before the learned reader, snj d to suggest may bc> considered as subject to judicial doubt..