CAUSE NO. 1423873 ROGER DALE GAMMONS 2u;sf. · 1 ~ r,·, 5: 31NTHEs' 11 JuD1c1AL FILED IN § 6th COURT OF APPEALS vs. § TEXARKANA, DISTRICT COURT OF TEXAS § 2/11/2015 2:16:08 PM ST ATE OF TEXAS § HOPKINS COUNTY, DEBBIETEXAS AUTREY Clerk APPELLANT'S NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Appellant ROGER DALE GAMMONS comes before the Court in this cause and gives notice of appeal to the Texas Court of Appeals in this cause and states that he desires to appeal the convictions and sentences previously entered against him in these causes. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONS ID ERED, Appellant respectfully requests the C lerk of this Honorable Court to forward this notice to the Court of Appeals. Respectfully submitted, Heath Hyde, Attorney for Appellant State Bar No. 00796807 900 Jackson Street, Suite 535 Dallas, TX 75202 Tel: (903) 439-0000 Fax: (903) 439-0002 I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE f hereby certify that on the 101h day of February, 20 15, a true copy of the foregoing has been served on Will Ramsay, Hopkins County District~; f~ / ilETHHYDE
Roger Dale Gammons v. State
Combined Opinion