These are actions of tort arising out of an automobile accident which occurred on May 24,1931. The
At the conclusion of the evidence the defendant filed a motion in each case that a verdict be directed in his favor on each of the counts. The judge denied the motions and submitted the cases to the jury on each of the counts in each action. Upon the return of the jury and prior to the recording of its verdicts, the judge, with the consent of the jury, reserved leave in accordance with the provisions of G. L. (Ter. Ed.) c. 231, § 120, to order a verdict to be entered for the defendant in each action if, upon the exceptions taken or questions of law reserved, the trial judge or the Supreme Judicial Court should decide that such verdicts for the defendant should have been entered. The jury returned a verdict on each count for the plaintiff Mary Roiko and for the plaintiff Eino Roiko. Later the
On the evidence the jury could have found that the plaintiff Eino Roiko had known the defendant for about fifteen years at the time of the accident, and that the defendant was Roiko’s closest friend; that the defendant before the accident went riding with the Roikos a few times, and that all those trips were friendly; that they used to visit each other’s house now and then; and that Roiko owned a Ford sedan and had a license for driving a Ford automobile. On Thursday before the accident, which occurred on Sunday, May 24, 1931, Roiko and his wife and the defendant and his wife went in the plaintiffs’ automobile, at the request of the defendant and his wife, to look over a farm in Townsend which belonged to one Flinkstrom and which the defendant intended to buy. There were a house and shed on the farm and some wood in front of the shed. The defendant expected to complete the deal for the farm on Saturday and they talked of all going over there some time to do some cleaning up work, so that they could go and live there during “the whole summer.”
The plaintiffs next saw the defendant on Sunday at 12:30 p.m. when the Aijalas came over to the Roikos’ house. The defendant told Roiko that he had bought the farm, and discussed going to the farm after getting the keys from the Flinkstroms. The defendant and his wife said to the plaintiffs: “Let’s go over to the farm and clean up the place and throw the wood in,” and the plaintiffs assented. They started in the Roikos’ automobile; Roiko drove and the defendant showed him how to get to the Flinkstrom farm. Upon their arrival, they learned that the keys were at the Koivo farm which was near the farm the defendant had purchased. Mrs. Flinkstrom suggested that she go with them for the keys as they did not know Mrs. Koivo. About
When they left the Flinkstrom farm the defendant drove the automobile. Mrs. Flinkstrom sat in the front seat with the driver, and the others in the back seat. . The Flinkstrom farm was on High Rock Road in Fitchburg. From there the defendant drove the automobile “fairly well” over the Ashby Road where there were other automobiles. travelling, and nothing happened on that road. They then passed over the river road going toward Townsend, and while proceeding to the Koivo farm were going in the direction they would have taken to reach the defendant’s farm. On the Townsend Road after they passed over Sheldon Bridge in the .direction of Townsend Center, the road was straight and the defendant started to pass an automobile in front of him, but desisted at the suggestion of Roiko as an automobile from the rear was passing them. At West Townsend the defendant passed the automobile ahead of him. The road at the point of passing was a State highway, straight and substantially level. The width of the macadam portion of the road was sixteen feet and there were gravel
The defendant, called by the plaintiffs, described the accident, in substance, as follows: “In order to pass the car ahead he made his car go faster, until it was going about twenty-five miles an hour when it passed the other car. Up to this time the brakes on his car were all right, and it was a good dry day. As he passed the other car he was going about twenty-five miles an hour, and after he passed the car a distance of about one hundred feet, he turned to the right side of the road and started to decrease the speed, and at the same time it developed a shimmy; he used the brakes but it then developed a wobble which made the brake useless; he had to stop using the brakes; after that he again used the brakes as quickly and as often as he thought necessary; as he went along the car slowed down and after that it tumbled over. When he passed the car ahead, he went to the left of the car to about the middle of the road. After he passed the car he went back to the right. None of his wheels went off the macadam on to the shoulder of the road. The trouble started after he got over on the extreme right of the road. The car went a distance of about one hundred or one hundred fifteen feet while it was wobbling, after he had first put on the brakes. He did not and could not stop the car in that distance of one hundred or one hundred fifteen feet. He did not dare to stop the car; he lost control of the car; the car went any way it wanted to and he couldn't control it; he yanked the steering wheel first one way and then the other way and then back again; the car would not obey his efforts to make it go straight; the more he tried to make it go straight the more it zigzagged. During this time it was slowing down
A motor vehicle inspector of the Massachusetts public works department, called as a witness for the plaintiffs, testified in part as follows: He saw the automobile overturned in the road; “he made some measurements and observations and some one pointed out certain marks to him.” Brake marks were evident on the road and when he arrived the automobile was in its original position. He followed the brake marks to the automobile. The brake marks started at the right hand side of the road as the automobile proceeded in an easterly direction, in the direction ' of Townsend Center. The marks started on the macadam, then went in a right hand direction in which the automobile was proceeding onto the shoulder of the road, then made an abrupt left turn, went out on the macadam part of the surface beyond the center line of the road, then made another abrupt right turn and came to a stop where the automobile tipped over in the road. The brake marks were continuous; the distance from the point where the marks started to the point where the automobile stopped was one hundred fifteen feet, but the marks were not in a straight line. “They started over on the macadam, went to the right to the shoulder, back to the left, out into the middle of the road and made an abrupt right turn and came to a stop at the car. The distance covered by the marks was greater than one hundred fifteen feet. The car came to a stop at a point half way between the center of the road and the shoulder; the car started overturning at a point twelve feet from the right hand shoulder line of the road and that would bring it over onto the left of the middle of the road, macadam and shoulder, it being a sixteen foot road and three foot shoulder, but it did not overturn on the left hand side of the road. It started to and then went back on to the right. He made an examination of the
Under the first count in each action the burden was upon the plaintiff to establish that the female plaintiff was a guest and that the defendant was guilty of gross negligence resulting in harm to the female plaintiff. It is not contended that the plaintiffs on the first count of the declarations failed to prove that she was a guest in a motor vehicle operated by the defendant when injured. It remains for this court to determine whether the evidence warranted a jury finding that the injury sustained was attributable to the gross negligence of the defendant as that phrase is defined by this court. In Altman v. Aronson, 231 Mass. 588, it is said that gross negligence is something less than the wilful, wanton and reckless conduct which renders a defendant who has injured another liable to the latter even though guilty of contributory negligence; and that (page 291) “It amounts to indifference to present legal duty and to utter forgetfulness of legal obligations so far as other persons may be affected.” Tested by this definition the evidence that the defendant was operating a Dodge automobile, which was either a 1925 or a 1926 model, that he was inexperienced, that he had never operated a motor vehicle alone before, that he had never driven a Dodge automobile before, that
Considering the second count of the declaration in each case, the plaintiffs were bound to establish by a preponderance of evidence that at the time of the accident the female plaintiff was riding in an automobile, operated by the defendant, not merely as a guest but for the benefit of the defendant in the performance of something in which the defendant had an interest, and that the defendant was guilty of at
Exceptions overruled.