ACCEPTED 09-17-00154-CR NINTH COURT OF APPEALS BEAUMONT, TEXAS 12/13/2017 6:36 AM CAROL ANNE HARLEY CLERK Cause No# 09-17-00154-CR FILED IN 9th COURT OF APPEALS IN THE COURT OF APPEALS BEAUMONT, TEXAS FOR THE NINTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS 12/13/2017 6:36:09 AM AT BEAUMONT, TEXAS CAROL ANNE HARLEY Clerk RONALD EVAN COOPER, Appellant Vs. THE STATE OF TEXAS Appellee On appeal from the 359th Judicial District Court Of Montgomery County Texas Trial Court Cause Number 15-09-09857-CR (Count 1) APPELLANT'S TIDRD (3RD) MOTION FOR EXTENTION OF TIME TO FILE THE APPELLANTS BRIEF COMES NOW RONALD EVAN COOPER, the Appellant herein, by and through his Appellate Lawyer WILLIS EVERETT SMITH, ESQ. of Porter, Texas and files this his Third Motion For Extension Of Time To File his Appellate brief which is due on December 13th, 2017. Appellant's Attorney needs additional time to complete the final research on this case which involves the deaths of four (4) people and the assault of two. Appellant's Attorney has been involved in a number of contested trials that have caused a delay in his researching these issues effectively. The continued amount of hearings and trials have now sub-sides so counsel will have more time to devote to the research and drafting of this appeal. 1 WHEREFORE, PREMSED CONSIDERED, the appellant RONALD EVAN COOPER PRAYS that this honorable court will allow this appeal to move forward in the interest of justice and equity. Moreover, the Appellant asks that this Court GRANT him an extension in which to file the brief. Respectfully Submitted, IS/ Willis Everett Smith, Esq. WILLIS EVERETT SMITH, ESQ. ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT MR. RONALD EVAN COOPER 25408 US. HWY 59 SOUTH, SUITE#104 PORTER, TEXAS 77365 TELE# (281) 359-6052 FAXC#(281) 360-6009 STATE BAR N0#18710500 CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE On December 12th, 2017 Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Appellant attempted to discuss this Motion with the Attorney for State Of Texas, County ofMontgomery regards the merits of this Appeal Telephonically. A message was left and a copy of this motion was faxed to their office on this same day. IS/ Willis Everett Smith, Esq. WILLIS EVERETT SMITH, ESQ. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to state that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Motion For Extension Of Time To File the Appellant's brief was sent via fax delivery to the Assistant district Attorney ofMontgomery County Texas on the 12th, day ofDecember 2017 via fax delivery at their fax number# (936)760-6940 IS/ Willis Everett Smith, Esq. WILLIS EVERETT SMITH, ESQ. 2
Ronald Evan Cooper v. State
Combined Opinion