05-15-00875-CV FILED 7/171201511 :25:21 AM JOHN F. WARREN COUNTY CLERK DALLAS COUNTY CAUSE NO. CC-15-02674-B FILED IN WELLS FARGO BANK NA, ) 5th COURT IN THE COUNTY COURTOF APPEALS ) DALLAS, TEXAS Plaintiff ) 7/20/2015 10:18:48 AM ) LISA MATZ v ) AT LAW NO. 2 Clerk ) ROWENA REYES AND ALL OCCUPANTS ) ) Defendant. ) DALLAS COUNTY,TEXAS DEFENDANT'S NOTICE OF APPEAL COMES NOW ROWENA REYES Defendant herein, and files this Notice of Appeal, respectfully showing unto the Court as follows: On June 18, 2015, the Court granted Plaintiff's request for relief, granting unto it the immediate right to possession of the property at issue in this case. Defendant does and hereby appeals the Court's ruling and order signed on June 18, 2015. Respectfully submitted, lsi Wade Kricken Wade Kricken State Bar No. 24034527 P. O. Box 3208 McKinney, Texas 214.256.9288 - office 214.593.3108 - facsimile wade@krickcnlawfirm.com ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT ROWENA REYES
Rowena Reyes and All Occupants v. Wells Fargo Bank NA
Combined Opinion