Legal Research AI

Sanders, Del Ray

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2015-03-25
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‘l, now lo»ry."`

(Qmazion w massive Alloti by ifaegan). Ha arm did you mo wise employs
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`__2009 midway mandated india aowles iam assne.

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901 5,_ peggy 2§»25, lies 24»3 one page 20. aaitted ststaa, _"thsy postage die

(0'01) ssd tools tinane to their office is dominion one inventory 12%.,2009

the Fehmary 27th.,2009 moral am noon renewed fires the aiedlsol

_ miners od£los.
` 901 ~.0, page 37, lines 8~».13. ingredients sheet said samples hot being insist
to ddtd. (Didl‘didrtdta)t ”Y. drew they hav'm‘t hosp testsd", stated m line 11,

9ol 5, page 37.



9o1 5, page 122_, 1lnss_12~13. l aaa inst hair goss and meant up "

901 3, page 200, liens 12-13. "I`dat s stan I enelow n big board hole in restated ”
dates 901 a, page 33, lines o~d. (tierrlll dime), steiner its did mt deems
solely citations areas initials less on shoesst

Vsl é, pags 60, lines 5¢9. "!; saw it somebody tall mile being hold by

their halt that guild explain holt lsoa, also add said daniels snist ingestion "

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daniels leloik~ ~tendirsn imitation send deletion damp also 9onya deed

~a~:~ . ~ so g <,,

Vol 4, page 168, lines 4-8. No traces of blood found on hair samples taken

from truck. Once again hair was not pulled out, hair was burnt from her catching
bed on fire and burning lips and fingers.

Vol 4, page 169, lines 18-25. Hair samples from hole in wall were not tested,
but were forwarded along with other hair samples to the Trace Department of

TDPS crime lab Houston.

Vol 3, page 259, lines 10-14. "Ma'am do you have the results from crime lab

on hair samples here today?"

"They went to crime lab DPS."

"Do you have the results here today?"

"l do not."

Although this information about hair samples not being available as DNA
evidence at trial was brought up during trial..

The results (New Discovered.Evidence) were not available during trial.
Making this newly discovered DNA evidence.

And last of all to prove Sanders truthfullness, was hair pulled or burnt?
Also who's hair is actually being tested? Where's results from lab? Why weren't
results offered up in court?

Withholding, Suppressing Exculpatory Evidence.

b /oF-/c,

"DelRaySanw § , 11011411111.111111111

(1111-`1`11`)"8* 1 _ v 1 - ,~: § m _ of )319|3 91800\1 |eqv

&1;31111 §§ 11111 1 ` § P°lk‘ °°‘“"‘Y' 'Te"” §luz 93 SVH

. . l§ siv.=.lddvnvmwm:) 10 ianoo-'
mm m mm mm ‘ ' Nl GEA|E|GHH


_ \ m w sam 01`)111`11=~v

v com 1101, 1111 my 3111111, 1' r.o.c.:.- m 111. 1621331 1111111 P1-1-s1

'_ 2'11111-11-11111, 11 1111 11111 1111111 11y11 111 111111, 111 11111 1111 nmabie
10111:1 11 1111 3111111`11 111111 11 1111111 11151111111111 11111; 1111 11
v1111111111111111111111111111111>110111»11111111111 ~=


Tex. ._R~. M. Rnle 201 provides that a trial com:t may take j`-

notice of_. adjudicative facts. ‘Ihe rule frmther provides that judicial notice

1111 1111 1w11111y 11111111111 nm, 11111111111111 11111 111 1111 11111 .

of this wrenc- case. o'camell v. stace, 17 s.w.zd 746(T1x.App.-Ans1m 20001,11 pet).

4 in this case,-:Plovant Sanders' request t'r'ra:tthe 'Honorable 601HK take judicial
11'11.11 1011-101.11 1111 111116 day 11 tamm 2015 App111111'111111111‘111m '
resr,`wg 01 11111111 11111111 0111111113 mn- 1111 v1111`111 1111 1111 1111_111111111
111 111111111, 111111111111, 01111111c111111<111y 0111111. 11 11111111111111111-
ises of saidmtion-~ that themth find diepiecessary infoth for the
111111g 11311111111 111111. "’


manthere='-in, middtshehas applied the infomiati¢_mnecessary to the

takingcf gidicialnoticeasrequiredbymilezol(d) thereinhi_sb'|ctionofl?eb-
mary 16 as aforementioned above- and hereby sake adoption by reference Tex.R.
'Aq). P. 9.7 / 'I'ex.R.Civ.P. 10(¢_) for any and all purposes.



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" §Motmn for Judlcial Noti.ce

,_ Wheteas it 13 aftetteviswofthewvantspleadings thete:m--
~ arguments from the State, If Any ?

happenst com that said wasn shouch be.;


.JuocE sessions ~'





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` (28 assocs §17&6) / WVTOCC»A¢ ago kaca & RUL we §m»wl °° m¢m) j

i,, tel say mata »#1621331 certify mae I mountain '

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‘ FICATE or stance _ s v 5
I, De1 Rey demises, T.D.C. J. Na. 1621331 certify that 1 have seitz a 5
twa and correct copy of-- threet.’ s Pro-Se Motion for Judi.eial Notiee via '
u. _s. veil Psstsge Prs~psia ts ms mustang psrt`iess _ , ' '
Davi.d Maland, Ql.eek ‘ ' Abe1 _Ac.esva, Cl.etk


U S. Di.-steiet Court-- Eas-veto Divieion Caurt of Griminal. Appesls
1034 N. 'I~'ni.rd St 4 v x , s `. P.O. Box 12308 , . _ -
mfkin,1exas 75901 ;, ~_ _ ' Capital Station " s
' At»xstim IX 78711

Cletk, Catal Ann Flotes` ,'_ ;`; l ~:*Clerk, Cli£von -
ch Dists Gautv of AMls _ . " z 411th District` Gaurt
1001 Peat_l` Ste. 330 , f § -. “ 5 Pal_k C;s crima 144 41444 4414 arhar
_ _~.Balllp} " 5


_ 6 1116 6666161666 66'1:66, cons crim.'Psos.~ 666. 64.01 (6)(1)(6)(v6666116)2n1
'._`states_x (B_) Through no fault of the convicted person, for reasqns that '


§ of a nature mach that the interests of justice requires §§A tea ng. ' l l _ _ § k
Applicant cannot foresee the fact that this mitigating mmt'evu ' . l -_ ._ _
__:`_':c.ollscted at the scene of an alleged tanner has went tmtes_ted. At sums . . .


in time the expert§ representing the State of knew or should have
__5?»6666 616116616168 66166666 6666 66616 66 6666666_16 66 666 Appnoshc v1616
v vs rights ender Article One, Seet_ions 10, 15 and 19 of the _State Cons_(
won 66 666 566.-,6611., 666 1666., 666166. of 666 1161666 s66666 0666615




Th__e State of Texas alleges that the vintla`\, the deceased in this __
missed 1616 1666 16 66166 161166. 6666666 66 66166 6 666616, 66 116666
':‘:1666 any 6166666 66 this 66616666 mary 6666 666 66666666 6616 666661~ ' "
to have been burned as well as her lips, fingers, and a bed antennas ,"t
_j§:cannot be looked at as tho\@z a vannum, mere are werwhalming facts tha
Y:my 66 prova» moon 666 661-666116 of 66666 6611- 6616166 666 nn 6666116,'
or 666 661_6666`63 66 666 6666166 of 666 666616666 wmoh may novo sandy 666
tested when considering the facts that these Stste experts and their testimonies - `
as to hair lost of the deceased where contributing factors of the Applican s

n `:jur"y verdiet_. Appli.cant believes that ha is entitled to the production of y





`166.01 cons of erm. 6666., 6666666 66 5666'66 6111 3 666666166 66611 5, 2001 _`


§_`Appuoonc' 666 666666666 666 soxlowing 66666 16 666661~6 of his 666166 for _ 6616
DNA testing: (l) that forensic DNA hair sawles were taken, but these samp ~
are alleged to have never been tested st any tioe; (2-) Thsse authorized indivl&aals
_tho obtained the newlas_ ware accessible for tha Applie_ant' s jury trial," _
j-the DNA hair smnples were mt; (3) Ferens;c DNA testing will exclude the S t`e' s §

theory as to how the vietlm’s hair was lost-g (A) Appl_.ic~ant has never been

allowed the equal protection of the law to have DNA forensic testing proformed.

Finally Applicant seeks a "Live Evidentiary Hearing"`to present the facts
concerning these issues and collected DNA sample results. Be presented to

the Applicant for his defense.





?o§sMs §§ seating of hair miss takes was sba am of ada am ana '
mo mass an ae¥s:nas? 1€1, 2161_,$.11 Mx ms §§ksssm' s 1111 sss ms wmata _
ass mliaaa§ was sarvissaa sf the salaa;v offense 01 midas ana mass this
;ssssssss assn sasas ass mass ss sss assassas se mass '


l iss a mass af sight. A§§lasaaa also Pcaya this swansshls< assist gxsa§ a
_E>zidsmiszy assess ss aaa iam. "


819 Fa 2811
m§avills, '£‘aa?§e


Bmm€ai _


__ s, ass say ssaaas, aaa am as. rsm-.a, mass ama sss ss ss 1""
fca§sz. masses ssa massa cases assw 131 1m1111 111-1111 111 1111§`§`:§
'_:pxssassl.y mwal:sa as am ayma mm of m'-GID, daslaas swiss pena .
.°§Wjasyama\awsssmsiamssssssaazassyssawss "




01 10_\¢1.}0,` ' "






I, Bel Ray Sandere, mC-J- 610 Ne. 1621331, aaa ksaass incarcerated at
_ yglass Wyx:_ms thus lessened in Halkar Ge"um;y, .‘_I‘sxaa daela-a and way that the
§§1»~’»`¢311!:1:»\:.6l herein esa ama and seaman nurses the penalty e£ perjury. - .

§ m °“ 1111 1111 ...1111 11 M!LMQA , 2115

vel Ray Sandsrs, ````

Wys`na this Ne.1621331
819 211 2221 _ §
mnssville '£sxas







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