Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
04/07/2014 | Filing Fee | Filing fee due for Appeal. Filing fee will be forwarded by the District Court. | | |
04/07/2014 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) | | 14-10954
04/07/2014 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice of Referral to Settlement Program. This appeal may be assigned to the settlement program. Timelines for requesting transcripts and filing briefs are stayed. | | 14-10957
04/09/2014 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee Paid. $250.00 from Law Offices of Mark Wray Trust Account. Check No. 3934. | | |
04/16/2014 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Issued Assignment Notice to NRAP 16 Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: Janet L. Chubb. | | 14-12289
04/18/2014 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement. | | 14-12627
04/30/2014 | Settlement Program Report | Filed ECAR/Appropriate for Settlement Program. This case is appropriate for mediation and a settlement conference is scheduled for June 9, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. | | 14-13986
05/21/2014 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Change of Law Firm. Settlement Judge Janet Chubb. | | 14-16528
05/27/2014 | Settlement Program Report | Filed ECAR/Other Amended Early Case Assessment Report. Counsel has requested recusal of the settlement judge. Settlement conference set for June 9th is vacated. | | 14-17106
06/02/2014 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Settlement Judge Reassignment. Issued Amended Notice of Assignment to NRAP 16 Settlement Program. New Settlement Judge: Carol Webster Millie. | | 14-17824
07/02/2014 | Settlement Program Report | Filed ECAR/Appropriate for Settlement Program. This case is appropriate for mediation and a settlement conference is scheduled for August 12, 2014 at 10 am. | | 14-21670
08/18/2014 | Settlement Program Report | Filed Final Report/No Settlement. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. | | 14-27061
08/25/2014 | Settlement Order/Procedural | Filed Order: No Settlement/Briefing Reinstated. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement. Appellant: 15 days transcript request; 90 days opening brief and appendix. | | 14-28023
09/04/2014 | Transcript Request | Filed Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 2/24/14. To Court Reporter: Stephanie Koetting. | | 14-29236
10/22/2014 | Motion | Filed Stipulation Enlarging Time for Appellant to File Opening Brief. | | 14-35156
10/22/2014 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Motion/Stipulation Approved. Opening Brief due: December 22, 2014. | | 14-35233
12/19/2014 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix, Vol. 1. | | 14-41496
12/19/2014 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix, Vol. 2. | | 14-41497
12/19/2014 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix, Vol. 3, Pt. 1. | | 14-41498
12/19/2014 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix, Vol. 4, Pt. 1. | | 14-41500
12/19/2014 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix, Vol. 5, Pt. 1. | | 14-41501
12/19/2014 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix, Vol. 6, Pt. 1. | | 14-41502
12/19/2014 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix, Vol. 7. | | 14-41503
12/19/2014 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix, Vol. 8. | | 14-41504
12/19/2014 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix, Vol. 9. | | 14-41505
12/22/2014 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Opening Brief. | | 14-41772
01/12/2015 | Motion | Filed Stipulation Extending Time for Filing and Serving of Respondent's Answering Brief. | | 15-01211
01/12/2015 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Motion/Stipulation Approved Answering Brief due date: February 19, 2015. | | 15-01263
02/19/2015 | Brief | Filed Respondent's Answering Brief. | | 15-05389
03/20/2015 | Motion | Filed Stipulation Enlarging Time for Appellant to File Reply Brief. | | 15-08626
03/31/2015 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Stipulation . Reply Brief due: April 6, 2015. | | 15-09709
04/06/2015 | Brief | Filed Appellant's Reply Brief. | | 15-10239
04/06/2015 | Case Status Update | Briefing Completed/To Screening. | | |
04/06/2015 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Errata to Appellant's Reply Brief. | | 15-10249
09/25/2015 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Re: Scheduling Oral Argument. This court has determined that oral argument may be of assistance in resolving this matter. Accordingly, this matter will be scheduled for oral argument on the next available calendar. | | 15-29110
10/02/2015 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Scheduling Oral Argument. Argument is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2015, at 10:30 a.m. for 30 minutes in Carson City. | | 15-30022
10/21/2015 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Oral Argument Reminder Notice. | | 15-32047
11/03/2015 | Case Status Update | Oral argument held this day. Case submitted for decision. Before the En Banc Court. | | |
06/30/2016 | Opinion/Dispositional | Filed Authored Opinion. "Affirmed." Before the Court En Banc. Author: Pickering, J. Majority: Pickering/Parraguirre/Hardesty/Douglas/Cherry/Saitta/Gibbons.132 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 48. EN BANC | | 16-20462
07/18/2016 | Post-Judgment Petition | Filed Appellant's Petition for Rehearing. | Y | 16-22259
07/18/2016 | Filing Fee | Filing fee paid. E-Payment $150.00 from Mark D. Wray | | |