First as counterclaims (in which guise they were1 withdrawn voluntarily upon the trial), then as two separate defenses, the defendants pleaded, in answer to a claim for rent, due under an agreement of letting and hiring of the ground floor of a building in the city of Hew York, that the plaintiffs had failed to carry out the terms of the said agreement on their part to be performed, had failed to keep the premises in a tenantable condition, and had failed to repair and keep repaired, as agreed by them, the ceilings, the plumbing and steam pipes, by reason whereof water was allowed to come down upon the goods of the defendants, to their damage in the sum of $1,200; and furthermore, that, through the negligence of the plaintiffs respecting the pipes and ceilings, water was allowed to come through the floor from above, to the damage of the defendants’ merchandise, in the sum of $1,200. It appeared, however, from the agreement introduced in evidence, that the plaintiffs, the landlords, had not covenanted to keep the premises in a tenantable condition or to
Freedman, P. J., and Leventritt, J., concur.
Judgment affirmed, with costs.