This was a suit in Chancery, commenced in the name of the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Conrpany and the State of Florida, against A. II. Lanier.
The preliminary question made in argument, and raised by the answer of respondent, is that the State of Florida has no interest in the suit, and that, therefore, the bill should be dismissed. The objection is presented by special matter, set up in the answer by way of demurrer, under the provisions of our statute law. Thomp. Dig., 458, §9.
We do not doubt the correctness of the doctrine, or its application to this case, that, to sustain the character of a plaintiff, it is requsite to show in him an interest, either legal or equitable, in the subject matter of the suit. The principal facts stated in the bill, and relied on in support of the interest of the State, is, that by reason of certain liabilities incurred by the late Territory of Florida for this Company, under the authority of its charter, the bond and mortgage of respondent were deposited with the Governor of the Territory, to indemnify it against loss ; and that, upon the filing of the bill, the said bond and mortgage (which had been previously turned over to the Governor of the State,) was held by him in trust, and as a security for the ultimate payment and redemption of the liabilities of said Territory; and that the suit was brought at the instance of said Governor, for and in behalf of said State. It is a mis
"Whether the State of Florida has, in any mode or form, incurred any liability in respect to this matter, is not a question for our consideration; nor do we so decide, or even intimate an opinion. In fact, as far as concerns the question before us, it is not necessary that there should have existed the remotest liability on the part of the State to authorize its being made a party to the suit: for if, upon the organization of the State Government, this bond and mortgage were delivered to the executive, and he as such held them in trust, as a security and means of indemnity for another party, it "was both proper and necessary that the State should have been made a complainant. It would seem scarcely necessary to refer to the manifest distinction between the case before ns and the cases of the.King of Spain vs. Machado, 4 Russ., 225; Cuff vs. Platell, ibid, 242, and other authorities to the same effect. In these cases, the entire want of interest on the part of some of the complainants, appeared on the face of the bill, and the demurrer was of course sustained by the Court. In the case of Makepeace vs. Haythorne, 4 Russ., 244, the objection did not appear on the face of the bill, but was raised by plea. In these cases the Court, in affirmation of the well settled doctrine on this subject, say that if a party has no interest in the suit, the bill is demurrable, if that fact appears on the bill; but if the fact does not appear on the bill, but is brought forward by plea, it is a good defence to the suit. The principles announced by the Court in these authorities, are directly adverse to the argument of respondent's counsel.
But independent of these views, a fátal objection to this
The respondent has, at this stage of the case, no cause of complaint. Our statute, which allows a defendant to set pp special matter in his answer, and claim the same benefit he would be entitled to if he had demurred to the bill, is biit an affirmance of the rule, of Chancery practice, as recognized by the English Courts ; and the construction given by those Courts to this, rule is, that only at the hearing of the cause such benefit can be insisted on, except in the case of multifariousness or misjoinder, in which case, if the defendant does not take tho objection in limjne, the Court, considering the mischief as already incur
If the respondent, as was his duty,, had presented this point in limine, the objection might have been corrected without prejudice to the rights of the Company, Omitting to do so, and going into the merits of the case, he waived his demurrer ; for it would be against every rule of propriety to allow a defendant to call upon a Court for a decree on the merits, and if a'gainst him, to fall back upon his demurrer, and invoke the judgment of the Court upon that. And to this extent does the argument of counsel lead us. Its effect would be to mislead opposing counsel, and embarbarrass the Court in thp discharge of its duty. ¥e feel no hesitancy in saying that a defendant should never be allowed, by such a device, to spring upon his adversary in the appellate tribunal, an objection he did not urge in the Court below, but by his course, induced both the Judge and counsel to suppose he had waived the objection. We know of no rule of Chancery practice which would authorize such a proceeding, and we feel no disposition to establish one.
We now proceed to the consideration of the merits of this suit; and, in view of the magnitude of the interest at stake, and with an anxious, desire of settling correctly the principles involved, we have bestowed all the time at the disposal of the Court to th§ consideration of the subject, aided as we have been by the very .able and elaborate im vestigation made by counsel.
The Bank was organized and went into operation in 1835.-In 1839, the Company re-issued stock, which had been suis rendered, under the provisions of the amendatory act of 1838, and the respondent, Lanier, became the purchaser of me hundred shares, for the payment of which he executed
Upon the part of the respondent, it is contended that the bond and mortgage were given without consideration, and that they are illegal and void,
First — Because the surrendered stock was issued by the Company contrary to the mode prescribed by the charter ;
Secondly■ — 'The capital stock of the bank could not be sold for bonds and mortgages ;
And thwdly — The respondent was induced to execute and deliver to the Company his bond and mortgage by the fraudulent representations of its agent.
No defence is urged against the payment of the notes for $6,917, further than that the amount borrowed was not specie or its equivalent, but bills of the bank, which it is alleged were at a discount.
The last point does not require consideration, for whether the fact be as stated or not, it cannot affect the liability of Lanier, or the validity of the contract. There was nothing illegal about the transaction. It was a voluntary act upon his part to receive bank bills and execute his notes payable in money.
To sustain the first position, it is insisted that the Commissioner and not the Company should have issued the surrendered stock, and that ten per cent, was requisite to be paid on each share, at the time of purchase, to make valid the transfer of stock. We find nothing in the charter, nor are we aware of any, rule of construction which would warrant such a conclusion.
First, as to the ten per cent.: The capital stock of the
With the view of aiding all subscribers, and relieving them from the penalty of a forfeiture of their stock, imposed by the tenth section of the original act, the Legislature, in 1838, by an amendment of the charter, authorized the Company, in its discretion, to allow any stockholder to surrender his certificate of capital stock, and take a certificate of full stock equal to the amount of payment on the stock so surrendered,' and the Company were to hold or re-issue such overplus stock. Upon what reason or authority can it be contended that the Company were compelled to require of the purchasers of this surrendered stock a payment of ten dollars on each share of their purchase ? It is not pretended that there is any provision in the act authorizing a surrender and re-issue which requires it. Eut it is said the terms of the original charter are broad and comprehensive, including all subscribers. This is true; but still it has exclusive reference to the subscribers before the corporation was organized, and before it had existence. The ten per cent, was required to be paid as a condition
The question presented on this branch of the case is not a new one. In the leading case of Jenkins vs. The Union Turnpike Company, 1 Caine’s Cas. in Error, 85, Chancellor Lansing places the doctrine, in our opinion, upon the true ground — that the power of the Commissioners was restricted to a certain mode of receiving subscriptions. The acts to be performed by them were preparatory to the cretion of the corporation. They had no discretion or latitude of action, and to give effect to their acts, in receiving subscriptions and exacting payments, the mode prescribed must be strictly pursued ; otherwise, there Would be no contract with the subscribers, because there was no corporation to deliver tbe stock, and consequently no consideration. But when the corporation was in existence, the directors might dispense with the exaction of the first payment. The same well founded distinction between subscription for stock to Commissioners, preparatory to tbe organization of the corporation, and to a corporation in esse, is fully recognized
It is further insisted that the Commissioners and not the Company should have re-issued the surrendered stock. A conclusive answer to this is, that in the case of subscription to stock in the first instance, and in the case of "forfeited stock, the Commissioners were required to oj)en books for subscription — in the first case by express terms, and in the latter by implication — while in the case of surrendered stock, the corporation itself was authorized u to hold ■or re-issue 'it.” The grant of power to the Company to accept the surrender and re-issue the stock, is as well-defined and unrestricted as language can make it; and unless it can be shown that the Commissioners and the body corpo-' rate are one ;and the same, there is no foundation for the argument. The question is not, as is supposed, whether there is in fact any distinction in the stock itself when forfeited or surrendered, but whether the charter has not expressly defined the grant, by providing that the Commissioners shall offer the one for subscription, and the Company re-issue the other.
If it be true that the forfeited stock could only be subscribed for through the Oommissiohers, it was "a wise provision of the act .of 1838 which gave to the Company this right of re-issuing its surrendered, stock, and it was doubtless designed to remedy the evil of the old law, by providing against any contingency which might prevent the Commissioners from being present at all times to open books for subscription. By the 9th section of the original charter three persons, by name, were appointed Commissioners.
The next objection taken by the respondent is, that the surrendered stock could not be sold for bonds and mortgages; and a similar course of reasoning is adopted to sustain this position as the first, but i't is equally artificial and untenable.
By the sixth section of the original act, the corporation was required to loan its entire capital of two millions upon bonds and mortgages. One of the leading objects contemplated by the law, was to invest the proceeds of the sale of stock in this kind of security ; a fund permanent and secure, yielding interest, and-to which the creditors of the bank could look as a security for the ultimate payment of its liabilities. Not only the $200,000 paid in was to be invested in these securities, but all subsequent instalments, so that, if money was paid for stock, it was to be at once converted into bonds and mortgages. After the bank was in esse, it was an unmeaning and idle ceremony to require payments in cash, and then invest the latter in bonds and mortgages. In the absence of all positive inhibition by the law, what objection could be raised to investing the stock in the first instance in this security ? The same purpose is effected by one instead of a double operation, and no sensible distinction between them can be conceived. But it is said “ that it is not the stoele which is to be invest
No mode is pointed out as to re-issuing this surrendered stock. But it belonged to the Company, and they could dispose of it in any mode not inconsistent with their gen? eral powers. They could sell it at public or private sale, lor cash or on a credit. They had as much power as to its disposition as though'it had been hypothecated to the Comr pany, and been forfeited by the terms of the hypothecation.
It is evident that, if the construction given to the act of 1838 is to prevail, then, by some process unknown to us, the entire provisions of the old law become incorporated in thó new. Bor the same rule of construction that would apply one provision must apply all, and the same mode and formalities are to be observed in re-issuing the surrendered stock as before the organization of the Company, The "board of Commissioners are to be revived, if they are in lifó ; ifmot, the stock is to remain fruitless and dead upon the hands of the Company. The ten per cent, is to be paid and the residue is to be sold,- not on a credit for bonds and mortgages, but to remain payable in instalments, in. such amounts and at such time§ as the trustees may direct. Thus, instead of conferring on the Company an additional franchise, and amending the old law, as it purported to do, it but re-enacted (and all by intendment,) its entire proyisions,.
The two acts are entirely independent of and inconsistent with each other, and no rule of construction can reconcile them. The first is a restriction as to the mode and manner of disposing of stock, with the object and purpose clearly .defined; the latter is an unconditional grant of power, only restrained by the general object and policy of the law. The'principle cannot be questioned, tbat where a grant of power is clearly defined, and no mode is prescribed for its exercise, it is for the corporation to adopt such mode as in its judgment will secure the purpose contemplated. And so well recognized is this doctrine, that as a general rule a grant specifying the mode and manner ■ of exercising powers, is construed as merely directory, unless there are negative words, excluding the right to adopt any other mode ; and restrictions upon grants of power, designed for the protection of creditors, are not to be cop-.
But it is said the respondent was induced to become a stockholder by reason of the fraudulent representations of the Bank or its agent; and numerous familiar elementary principles, as to fraud and illegality, have been invoked and zealously pressed upon tbe Court. But their application to tliis case is entirely misconceived. The matter of fraud, in the first instance, is a mere question of fact, and we have in vain searched the record before us for evidence to sustain it. It is said the Bank was insolvent in 1839, when Lanier purchased his stock. The piroof is, that, though embarrassed, it was solvent in 1840, and paying specie; and that this embarrassment and final insolvency were mainly occasioned by the want of good faith upon the part of the stockholders, to meet their liabilities. And if Lanier bas.failed to realize all tbe advantages which h,e seems to have expected, on becoming a stockholder, it should be recollected that he has contributed to produce the very state of things of which he now complains. The loose conjectures of witnesses, as to the conditidn of the Bank in 1839, based upon no knowledge of tbeir own, but derived from others who had as little means of information, could have but little weight under any circumstances, but especially when contradicted by tbe tben officers of tbe institution. There is no evidence that tbe agent ever made to tbe respondent any representations as to the solvency of the Bank, or as to any other matter upon which he l’ests the question of fraud. But conceding the fact to be as aL
According to his own statement, he first discovered the alleged fraud when he applied to the Bank for the loan of the $6,917 on the pledge of his stock, which he received in bills of the Bank, and for aught that is known, used as money. Afterwards we find him renewing his notes for this amount, from time to time, without objection and without complaint; holding himself out as a tona fide stockholder from 1839 until the filing of his answer to this bill; giving faith and credit to the institution as such stockholder, and enjoying all the advantages 'of such a relation. Were the facts true, his defence has 'no foundation in law or morals. By his repeated ratification of the acts of which he complains, and to which he was a willing party, he is forever estopi^ed from setting up such a defence, especially when the assets of the Bank would thereby be diminished, and the rights of creditors sacrificed. The means devised by the law to protect the public against loss, cannot be invoked to consummate the evil it was designed to avoid, by releasing him from a contract, the fruits of which he has already enjoyed.
There is one other matter to which, in our opinion, undue importance has been given, yet in consequence of its having contributed mainly to a difference of opinion among the members of the Court, we feel bound to notice. It is' said the fifth section of the amendatory act of 1838, which provides 'that the company may call in the residue of its capital stock at any time within the period of five years from January, 1839, restrains, by implication, the power of the company from re-issuing any of its surrendered stock, after that time ; that, as a consequence, the company, in the sale of this surrendered stock, had no authority
If reference is had-to the 12th section of the original act of incorporation, and the amendatory acts of -1836 and 1837, in connection with the 5th section of the act of 1838, it is evident that the latter) in authorizing the company to “ call in -the residue of its capital stock,” has exclusive reference to the stock originally'subscribed for, and the payments for which were due and then outstanding. To make the whole charter consistent with itself, these several sections, treating of the same subject matter, should be construed in reference to each other. By the 12th section of the original act) the subscribers to stock were required to 'pay ten per cent, in cash on each share ; ten per cent, at the expiration of six months thereafter, and the “ whole amount remaining due” was liable to be called in by the Trustees at any time within three years from the date of subscription. The shares of every stockholder omitting to make such payment, within the time prescribed, became forfeited, together with all previous payments made thereon. The amendatory acts of the two following years authorized the company to extend these payments — the second instalment from six months to three years, and the
It must result from the argument,- which assumes that the contract of sale was illegal, because the credit given to Lanier was more than five years from January, 1839, that had the credit been within five years it would have-been legal. Suppose it to have been so, and that Lanier, on pur
.Again — Suppose this surrendered stock had been sold to Lanier for cash, and immediately the Company had loaned the same to Mm on his bond and mortgage, for five years, or less time — these securities still represented the identical stock held by Lanier, and the position of the parties would, in legal contemplation, be altogether the same as now. Could the bank call in this stock before the maturity of the bond ? Why not, if it has the power claimed for it under the fifth section ? Is its power become suddenly paralized by simply entering into a contract which it is conceded would be a legitimate and legal one, under the provisions of its charter ? The entire argument is necessarily based upon the hypothesis that although the bank has ample power to dispose of its surrendered stock, yet, under the same law which clothes it with this power, it can make no contract for its sale which it cannot enforce at any time within five years from January, 1839 — -thus by one sweeping construction denying to the Company the right of investing its capital stock in bonds and mortgages, a right hitherto unquestioned in the Company, and made by its charter one of the great and leading objects of the institution .
At the passage of the act of 1838, the first instalment up
If Lanier is to be considered a subscriber to stock from July, 1839, the time of his purchase, then the Company were authorized, under the original and amendatory acts of 1836 and 1837, to give him a credit of five years from the date of his subscription. But if tbe act of 1838 applies to the re-issued stock, then, in tbe case of Lanier, and all others who might purchase stock after January, 1839, the provisions of the act instead of being, as is conceded, an extension of tbe time of payment before allowed, would be a limitation; and thus by tbe rule of interpretation adopted, tbe fifth section would extend the time of payment to the first subscribers, and without any words to that effect, limit it to others, who it is contended could only become stockholders by subscribing in the same mode and under the same rules and restrictions as originally provided. It is a strange rule of construction that would thus construe an express grant, which, while on its face it extended the power of a corporation, was to be considered as a restriction on its original powers. And it is something new in tbe history of corporations that this institution, then in prosperous circumstances, witb a charter containing most extraordinary grants of power, should be represented but three years after its organization as a suppliant before the Legislature, praying that its privileges be curtailed, and
The construction which is sought to be given to this act, is at variance with both the letter and spirit of the charter, and would lead to endless embarrassment and difficulty. The fifth section of the act, it is manifest, has reference exclusively to contracts then subsisting, and cannot apply to future contracts, in relation to the sale of surrendered stock. The third section of the same act contains a new grant to the corporation, well defined as, to power, and unrestricted as to time — a power which the Oomjuany could legitimately exercise in the sale of its stock, as often as it was surrendered, and within, the duration of its charter.
The substance of the. entire defence made in this case is based upon the alleged misconduct on the part of the directors of this institution. To say that a party can avoid his contract, and thereby diminish the fund which was, designed as a security, for the benefit of the public, upon tbe pretence that there was some abuse of the corporate powers, pr mismanagement o.n the part of the Board of Directors, in making the contract, is to pervert the well settled principles of law, and, under color of its sanction, to, open the. fioor for the. consummation of fraud upon individuals and the public. Neither party can escape the obligation created by the sale and purchase of this stock. Admitting the. contract to have been made contrar y to the letter of the pharter, it 'is no,t thereby void, and the respondent cannot avail himself of any merely unlawful act by himself and the directors, whether only designed or fully consummated, to perpetrate a greater fraud on the creditors of the bank. See 16 Serg. and Rawl., 144-
In the case of the Bank of South Carolina vs. Hammond, 1 Rich. L, Rep., 288, the defence was, that the contract
These authorities are based upon this general principle, that all acts of incorporation are held to be directory unless they expressly avoid all security taken other than that prescribed, and that although the transaction may be culpablo on the part of the directors, and ground of forfeiture, in a question'between the Government and corporation, yet
It is conceded that this institution is insolvent, and it connot be disputed that when a corporation becomes insolvent, the officers are trustees for creditors, and the same principles of law which would be applicable to a suit in favor of creditors, would apply in all their force to the case before us.
For the reasons contained in this opinion, we are compelled to reverse the opinion of the Court below, and the complainant is entitled to a decree of foreclosure, with costs, and for the amount of principal and -interest due upon the bond and mortgage.