This case comes before the court upon the application of the plaintiff for judgment upon the verdict of $1,683.33, directed upon the trial of this action in favor of the plaintiff, subject to the opinion of the court at general term.
The action is brought against the defendant as surety for one Mrs. Marshall, a tenant of the plaintiff. The evidence shows clearly that, before renting the premises, the plaintiff required security for the rent; Mrs. Marshall proposed the name of the defendant, a lease was drawn up which bears date April 6, 1867, and which, it must be assumed, as the evidence stands, was signed and executed by her on that day ; the plaintiff, however, before executing it on his part, called upon the defendant in relation to the security, and the defendant thereupon, in the presence of the plaintiff, wrote and executed an agreement in writing, and delivered the same to the plaintiff, as follows:
“Hew York, April 11, 1867.
“James Speyers, Esq.:
“Dear Sir — The house you have rented to Mrs. A.Page 311B. Marshall, I agree herewith to hold myself responsible for the payment of the monthly rent, say $400 per month.
“Yours, respectfully,
“Edward Lambert.”
After the receipt of this instrument the plaintiff signed the lease and directed the same to be delivered to Mrs. Marshall, and on May 1 following Mrs. Marshall went into occupation of the premises under said lease. The defendant paid the first month’s rent, and when the agreement was first made he stated to the plaintiff that he had the rent for six months in his hand. The rent sued for accrued during the first six months of the tenant’ s term, to wit: from June 1, 1867, to October 1, 1867, for which amount, together with interest, the learned justice presiding at the trial directed a verdict for the plaintiff, subject to the opinion of the court at general term.
The defendant insists, however, that judgment should be ordered for him as in case of nonsuit, because the instrument sued upon is void by the statute of frauds, for the reason that it does not express upon its face a consideration. He claims that this is necessary, notwithstanding this requirement does no longer exist in express terms since the passage of chapter 464 of the Laws of 1863; that the statute, as it was framed by the revisors and adopted by the legislature (3 Rev. Stat., pt. I., ch. 7, tit. 1 § 2, subd. 2), was itself an amendment of the so-called statute of frauds of 1813 (2 Rev. Laws of 1813, ch. 4, p. 78, but properly the act of 1787), which was identical with the statute as it stands since the amendment of 1863; that therefore the amendment of 1863 merely re-established the rule of law as it existed before the Revised Statutes ; that section 11 of the act of 1813 was literally the same as section 4 of the original statute of 29 Car. 2, c. 3, from which our law was taken ; that therefore the statutes of 1863 and 1813, and the English statute, being with reference to this point, in all respects similar, must be construed together, that the principles of interpretation, which were at any time applied to one
The defendant therefore wholly rests his case upon the assumption that such was the settled law prior to 1830 in the absence of all statutory requirements to this effect. The first case in which this proposition was laid down was Wain v. Warlters (5 East, 10), decided in the Queen’s Bench in 1804, in which the defendant had promised in writing fo pay the debt of another person, which was past due. Although the decision of this case was several times disapproved by Lord Eldon, and particularly in Gardom (15 Ves., 286), it was never overruled, and afterwards the same point being directly presented to the judges of the Queen’s Bench, it was unanimously confirmed in Saunders v. Wakefield (4 Barn. & Ald., 595), and from that time the doctrine of Wain v. Warlters appears to have been admitted as, beyond question,"the English law upon this point. In the United States the same question has occasioned a more marked conflict of judicial opinion than any other arising under the statute of frauds. Of those States where the word “agreement” is in the clause requiring the memorandum, the doctrine of Wain v. Warlters is repudidated in Maine (Levy v. Merrill, 4 Greenl., 189; Gillighan v. Boardman, 29 Me. [16 Shep.], 81), Vermont (Smith v. Ide, 3 Vt., 299 ; Patchin v. Swift, 21 Id., 297), Connecticut (Sage v. Wilcox, 6 Conn., 81), Massachusetts (Packard v. Richardson, 17 Mass., 122, and to remove all uncertainty the Revised Statutes of Massachusetts have since expressly provided that the consideration need not appear), New Jersey (Buckley v. Beardslee, 2 South.,
In the State of New York the question also gave rise to a variety of opinions ; and, with all due respect to the expressions of learned and distinguished judges, to the effect that the English doctrine became the law of this State, I cannot subscribe to this broad statement.
The construction given in Wain v. Warlters to the term “ agreement,” in the English statute, was adopted by the supreme court of the State of New York in 1808, in Sears v. Brink (3 Johns., 210), and followed in Kerr v. Shaw (13 Johns., 236), decided in 1816. In Livingston v. Tremper (4 Johns., 416) the decision in Sears v. Brink was qualified so as not to include contracts under seal, upon the ground that the statute of frauds was not meant to alter the common law rule in regard to such contracts, that at common law any promise under seal was valid, and that a seal imports a consideration. In Leonard v. Vredenburgh (8 Johns., 23), the supreme court awarded a new trial, upon the ground that the testimony offered on the trial as to the consideration was rejected, for the reason 'that the consideration for the promise was not stated in the writing produced. Kext, Ch. J., iu delivering the
In Bailey v. Freeman (11 Johns., 223), Platt, J., in delivering the opinion of the court, approved of the decision in Leonard v. Vredenburgh {supra), and held that where the credit is originally given to the defendant as surety, it is unnecessary to show a separate consideration for the promise of the defendant; that where the principal contract and the guaranty were simultaneous, the consideration of the former supports the latter, that the consideration may be shown by parol proof in such case, and intimated that the doctrine laid down in Wain v. Warlters should be confined to promises to pay an independent previously existing debt of another person, and should not be extended to original collateral agreements.
The case of Nelson v. Dubois (13 Johns., 175) is to the same effect. The opinion of the court was delivered by Sbexceb, J., while Vax Ness, J., who had delivered the opinion of the court in Sears v. Brink {supra), dissented.
In Rogers v. Kneeland (10 Wend., 251, 252), Nelsox, J., in delivering the opinion of the court, not finding it necessary to disapprove of Sears v. Brink, and assuming it to have been followed in other cases, which I have shown has not been the fact, held that the consideration may be implied or inferred from the general principle applicable to all instruments or agreements, that whatever may be fairly implied from the terms or language of an instrument is in judgment of law contained in it. This decision was subsequently affirmed by the court of errors in 1834 (13 Wend., 114), where it was held, how. ever, that the object of the statute was to reach every case of mere suretyship, whether the agreement of the surety was collateral to a previous promise or liability on the part of the principal debtor, or only collateral to
The chancellor, in this opinion, regretted that the courts had felt themselves bound to give a construction to the statute, by which it was made, in many cases, to operate as a fraud on those who have acted upon the faith of a written promise of a third person, but which, unfortunately, had no sufficient consideration actually appearing upon the face of the writing ; and in noticing the amendment of the statute, by the revision of 1830, the chancellor intimated that it was a question whether the legislature has not gone still further in the Revised Statutes, and inadvertently adopted provisions which will include agreements under seal, as well as those which are not, contrary to the decision of the supreme court in Livingston v. Tremper {supra).
But even in England it was, subsequently to the decision in Wain r. Warlters, held not to be necessary that the consideration should be formally and precisely expressed in the memorandum, but that the same might be implied or inferred from the language of the instrument. This led to the remark of Turn all, Ch. J., “ That if by fair inference we can find that, that is sufficient—if we can, as it were, spell it out from the agreement.” This practice seems to have been adopted in this State to some extent in disposing of cases presenting no features by which they could be distinguished from Wain v. Walters ; but it was disapproved by the revisors and the legislature, who thought that it was improper for courts to find out the consideration of an agreement by inferring or implying or spelling out the consideration, or by making it out by argument or conjecture ;' and it was enacted by the legislature in the adoption of the Revised Statutes, that the agreement should express the consideration. This remained the law of the State for over thirty years, but the question what cases did or
On the contrary, it is fair to assume that, in view of the fact that many of the States had repudiated the doctrine of Wain n. Warlters from the start"; that in others, where it had been followed to some extent, it was either considerably modified by the courts, and in the course of time restricted to a small class of. cases, or entirely abrogated by statute ; that even the courts of England found themselves compelled to modify and refine it by degrees; that after an attempt and. trial for more than
In conclusion, I refer to the case of Thompson v. Blanchard (3 N. Y. [3 Comst.], 337), in which it was held by the court of appeals that an undertaking required by statute to be entered into by sureties, in order to give a right of appeal, is valid if it contain the necessary stipulations, although it does not express a consideration, and is not under seal; and that if it could be said that such an instrument would not be obligatory by the statute of frauds, the very obvious answer is, that the legislature of 1848 had the same power to restore the
It may be a question whether, under the peculiar circumstances of this case, the defendant is not liable upon his agreement as ah original undertaking, but under the views already expressed it is unnecessary to discuss this point.
Judgment absolute should be ordered for the plaintiff on the verdict, with costs.
Barbour, Ch. J., and Fithian, J., concurred.