delivered the opinion of the court:
This is a litigation between different persons asserting conflicting titles to tbe same municipal offices in tbe city of Lexington — the appellant, Standeford, and appellee, Wingate, each claiming to be mayor, and tbe appellant and appellee, Young, and tbe appellant and appellee, Gibbons, each claiming to be attorney of said city. The city judge decided that Young is city attorney, and Gibbons appealed from that judgment. In
As all the cases were consolidated on the argument in this court, and all essentially depend on the same facts and principles, we will consider them together, and decide them as one and the same case.
The 6th section of the 6th article of the Kentucky Constitution provides, that “ Officers of towns and cities shall be elected for such terms, and in such manner, and with such qualifications, AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY LAW.”
The city charter provided for the election of the mayor and subordinate officers of the city on the first Saturday in January in each year, for the term of one year — positively as to the mayor, and constructively as to the others — and declared that the term should commence immediately after the election, and that the elected officers should be installed on the first Thursday thereafter.
A statute of 1864 extended the term to two years, and, on the first Saturday in the succeeding January of the year 1865 the mayor and council were elected according to the provisions of that enactment, Wingate being then and thus elected mayor; and these officers were installed on the first succeeding Thursday. The same statute having provided that the city attorney — instead of being elected as' before, as the Constitution seems to have contemplated, by the popular vote — should be appointed by the mayor and council, they appointed Gibbons the attorney.
In February, 1866, while all these officers were claiming and exercising their respective functions, the Legislature enacted a statute repealing so much of the act of 1864 as extended the term to two years, restoring the term to the period of one year, and providing that the election should be held on the first Saturday in March in each year, instead of the first Saturday in January. And, according to the provisions of this last enactment, Standeford was elected mayor,
1st. That the legislative curtailment of the term was unconstitutional, and therefore void.
2d. That the curtailing act fixed no time for the commencement of its operation; and that, as a general statute provided that, in such a case, such pretermitting enactment should not be in force until the expiration of sixty days after its date, there was no law in force authorizing the election in March, 1866.
3d. That the provision that the elected municipality shall be inducted into office on the first Thursday succeeding the first Saturday in January, was not repealed by the act of February, 1866; and that, consequently, Standeford and Young could not be legally installed before the first Thursday after the first Saturday in January, 1867, until which time their contestants will be entitled rightfully to hold on.
These positions will be considered in their numerical order:
1. None of these municipal offices are established by the Constitution, but all depend for their existence on ordinary legislation which created them, defined their functions, and must prescribe their terms of duration. An office established by the Constitution cannot be abolished by the Legislature, nor can an officer’s term, fixed by the Constitution, be reduced or altered by an act of Assembly. But any office established by statute may be abolished by statute, unless it be a contract, which cannot be impaired by legislation. To the mind of any-enlightened jurist, these contradistinctive principles are self-evident; and no'truths have been more clearly established by authority, or more impressively illustrated by American history.
But subordinate courts of the United States, as well as of Kentucky, derive their existence from legislative acts, by which alone they must be created, organized, and limited. And the constitutional power of Congress, and of the Kentucky, Legislature, to abolish these respective courts, by repealing the laws creating them, and thereby to nullify the incidental terms prescribed by the abrogated statutes, is unquestionable.'
This last proposition is authoritatively illustrated by the memorable repeal, in 1802, of the act of Congress of 1801 organizing circuit courts, and also by the prescriptive changes' by legislation, of the inferior courts of Kentucky established by statute.
An office established ,and held for the public good is not a contract, nor is its tenure secured by any binding contract; and a legislative office should depend for its tenure, as well as its existence, on legislative discretion. No constitutional truth is more obvious, or has been more conclusively settled in this country.
Legislative offices established for the public good depend on the popular will, and may be abolished or changed for the common welfare; and the incumbent functionaries hold, not by contract, but at the will of the Legislature.
The municipal offices of the city of Lexington, including those implicated in this case, are not established by the Constitution, but depend for their existence on legislative discretion. Even the corporation itself lives or dies by legislative will. Nor does the tjonstitution define the terms of any of those
The argument of this case admits that the charter might be revoked, or the offices otherwise abolished, without any violation of the Constitution.. But, nevertheless, the counsel on one side argue, that, as long as the offices exist, the terms prescribed at the time of election cannot be curtailed during the incumbency of the elected. This we cannot admit. Power to abolish an office is power to abolish or reduce its tenure. The office and its tenure are the constituent elements of the incumbent’s title to the honors and profits. This title ceases constitutionally whenever the office is abolished, and he holds it, therefore, subject to the legislative will; and no office dependent on legislative will should have any other tenure than the same will. The Constitution never contemplated such an absurdity as a constitutional right of holding any such office against the public sentiment and public interest as represented and expressed by their legislative organ; and therefore it does not fix the tenure, but leaves it to be regulated by law, which is the authoritative expression of the legislative will; and, consequently, it provides only that the term shall be “such as may be prescribed by law — ” whenever, of course, the Legislature may choose to prescribe it — there being no limitation as to the term; and had it intended any such limitation, as the law existing at the time of the election, it would have said so, instead of saying “for such terms as may be prescribed by law.” Then it does seem to us that, as certainly as the whole includes all its constituent parts, power to abolish the whole is power to reduce any of its parts — that power to destroy the principal includes the power to limit the incident — and that power to annihilate the substance, implies the power to diminish the shadow.
The Constitution explicitly fixes the tenure of other offices, even those of constable. Why did it not, in like manner, put beyond legislative control the tenure of these municipal offices? Only because they were chiefly local concerns, which
And although the right to enjoy these offices may be property, in a peculiar sense, and to a qualified extent, yet its tenure depends on legislative will, which may either deprive the dependent owner of that property by abolishing the office, or diminish its value by curtailing the term. When the incumbent accepts and holds by such a precarious tenure, no declamation about liberty, security, and the sacredness of property, is either applicable to his case as a functionary, or befitting the occasion of a constitutional abrogation of the office, or a discretionary curtailment of the term for promoting the common welfare. Nor would it have been compatible with the object of the city charter, or the spirit of the Constitution, in deferring the election of all such officers to the local will, to have elevated either the office, or its tenure, or its salary, above the municipal or legislative discretion. (
But, however this may be, the Constitution did not give fundamental fixidity to such offices, nor, consequently, fundamental stability to their tenure. And the argument in favor of the assumed policy of such stability is altogether irrelevant and futile. The sovereign people, when they made their organic law, were the best and only rightful judges of that; and the inherent sovereignty of the people, and especially over their own agents, limited only by that organic law, should not be circumscribed by speculations about policy, or by any doubtful construction of their supreme law.
The value of the qualified property in an office consists of its salary and its duration; and nothing is more conclusively adjudged than that neither element is secured by contract. And it is self-evident that they both depend on the popular will, when, by their Constitution, the people have .not surrendered their own power over them.
In Butler et al. vs. Pennsylvania, the supreme court of the United States decided, that property in a public office, not being derived from contract, the salary and tenure, unless fixed by the Constitution, are subject to the unlimited discretion of the Legislature. And, in that case, both the term and
And in Taft vs. Adams (3 vol. Gray’s Massachusetts Reports, p. 126), the court decided that the Legislature, during the incumbency of the officer, have the power to “ shorten the term of office,” the tenure of which is not clearly defined by the Constitution. Many other concurrent decisions might be cited. But, on such a question, adjudged cases are deemed unnecessary, except to show that a North Carolina case, hereinafter referred to, is unsupported by judicial concurrence anywhere.
Power over the salary is power over the tenure; and if the salary be reduced or abolished, why may not the term be reduced? Without salary, the term is of no appreciable value; and as to these municipal' offices, the Constitution makes no allusion to salaries. Plow, then, can the Constitution be construed as inconsistently and uselessly fixing the tenure of the municipal offices beyond the discretion which controls the pay?
The only provision on that subject is the section already quoted, the only object of which was to prescribe popular election as the only mode of appointment. The election itself must necessarily refer to some term of service. But this does not imply that the term, whatever it then was, was
And why should the Constitution require the Legislature to abolish a proper office for the sole end of changing its incidental term? There could be no consistent motive for the ridiculous circuity of abolishing an office for the purpose of
In every instance in which the Constitution has established an office it has defined its tenure, and thus placed both the office and its tenure equally beyond legislative power. And, as to all offices created by the' Legislature, the Constitution has left the tenure, as well as the office, to legislative discretion, with plenary power to regulate it by ‘“/mo,” without any limitation as to time; and there is no reason for entrenching the undefined tenure of a repealable office against public opinion, popular interest, and legislative power. It seems clear to us that the letter does not so import, and. that the spirit and context discountenance a mal-interpretation so incongruous and illogical.
Within the range of our researches, the only adjudged case which could give any countenance to such an unreasonable doctrine, is that of Hoke vs. Henderson, in which, as reported in 4th Devereux, page 1, the supreme court of North Carolina decided that the term, of a legislative office could not be reduced below that which was prescribed when the incumbent was elected. That anomalous decision, on a Constitution not in all respects identical with ours as bearing on the same question, is not, in our opinion, sustained by consistent argument, which, with all proper respect, we regard as, in principle, afelo de se, even under the Constitution of North Carolina.
This court, therefore, is Satisfied that the act of 1864, providing for the municipal election on the 3d of March, 1866, was unquestionably constitutional.
And were we even perplexed with doubt, as we are not, becoming deference to the intelligence of the Legislature would not allow the judiciary to denounce, as unconstitutional, a deliberate act of legislation. Even the North Carolina court, in the case just cited, announced the same wholesome and conservative sentiment which is stereotyped on the records of every American judiciary.
The vexation and municipal interregnum resulting from this litigation have hastened our decision, even though there may be doubt whether the burthens of municipal government are compensated by its blessings to such a city as Lexington.
And yet, had no constitutional question been involved, the opinion might have followed the argument without more than one day’s consideration; for ..we do not think that on either of the other propositions there is reasonable ground for judicial difficulty or doubt. And these we will now, therefore, very briefly consider and dispose of.
II. Although the statute of 1864 does not expressly, yet it does constructively, provide that it shall be in force before the election -on the 3d of March, 1866, and long enough before to afford time for giving the required notice of ten days; and we might presume that it was intended, according to former construction, when no day was fixed, to' commence operation from its passage. The legislative intent of a con» stitutional statute is law, whatever may be the phraseology of the enactment; and that intent must' be ascertained by the language, the end, the spirit, and the context.
The provision in this statute for an election under its authority clearly and necessarily implies that it was then to be vital law, operating as legal authority for the election as prescribed by it. And this inevitable deduction is as effectual, and ought to be as satisfactory, as an express, and explicit declaration to the same effect could have been; and it is equally evident that the Legislature intended that it should operate as law more than ten days before the election.
Therefore, the required notice having been given, and the regularity of the election in every other respect not being-questioned, the election on the 3d of March, 1866, was legal, and entitled the persons then elected to assume, on taking the official oath, and to hold for a year succeeding their election, the respective offices to which they were called by the voice of the citizens of Lexington.
Wherefore (Judge Williams dissenting), the judgment of the city judge in the case between Young and Gibbons is • affirmed; and that of the circuit judge between the same parties, and that also between Standeford and Wingate, are reversed, and these last cases are remanded to the circuit court, with instructions to dismiss the petitions of Wingate and of Gibbons.
demverep the eollowing separate opinion:
The offices in question in these cases, though forming a part of the municipal government of the city of Lexington, are not private but public offices, created principally to meet the necessities and convenience of the local community, but forming also a part of the instrumentality by which the power and protection of the State, due to all within its territory, is to be extended to those who are within the particular municipality, and to be exercised for the preservation of their peace and safety, and for the promotion of their convenience and prosperity.
Such offices cannot themselves be the subject of private property. They are essentially public; belong to the public; are to be filled and held by the persons appointed or elected to them for the benefit of the public, whose interest requires the performance of the duties and services which, by the public will, are annexed to them; and it is to have reasonable assurance that these services will be properly performed that such compensation is allowed to the officer as is deemed sufficient -and proper. It is the compensation alone that gives to the office a pecuniary value, and thus imparts to its tenure a semblance of proprietary right. And if the appointment or election to an office could be regarded as creating a contract between the public and the office; that he should hold the office according to the terms, as to time and compensation, which the law prescribed at the time of his election or appointment, the constitutional guaranty .of the contract from legislative' infraction would also be a guaranty of his rights under the contract. But it is well settled that no such contract arises in that way; and therefore', in those cases in which it has been considered essential to the public interest that the officer shall have a right to hold the office-for a fixed period, the Constitution itself, in creating the office, has fixed the period for which it is to be held. So, where it has been deemed essential that the compensation of particular officers, as fixed when they take the office, shall be assured to them during their continuance in it, the Co.- stitution has prohibited the diminution of it during th. t period. These provisions are restrictions upon.
The general power of the Legislature to create axid to alter the municipal governments of cities and towns, to determine from time to time of what offices they shall consist, and to abolish such as in its opinion may be dispensed with or better supplied by othex-s which it may create, is not denied; and that it may, from time to time, fix or alter the terms for which, the qfficers are to be elected, and fix. or alter the compensation to be received for their services, or evexi delegate this last power to some department of the municipal government itself, is also evidexxt.
These powex-s, it is true, should always be exex*cised with a view to the interest of the local and general public, and we should not deny, that, in legislating for the promotion of the peace and prosperity of the local community, the feelings and judgment of that community should be to soxne extent regarded. The presumption must be that the Legislature, in exercising its discretion in relation to the municipal offices, acts with a view to the public good; and the question now presented is, whether a legislative act which shortens the terms for which certain officers were elected, under a previous act which had itself lengthened prospectively the pre-existing and long-established terms of the same offices, shall be deemed unconstitutional and void, because the incumbents under the preceding statute must, before the expiration of the terms as fixed by the said preceding statute, yield the offices to persons elected under the more recent act.
The idea of a contract being put out of the way, the objection made to the recent statute is, that it deprives the officer^ previously elected of their property or vested rights, and is, on that ground, unconstitutional. But, although the incumbents had, at all times, a vested right in the compensation previously earned, which may be regarded as px’operty of which they could not be deprived without consent or compensation, I
The right to an office is but the right to perform the duties pertaining to it, and to receive the appointed compensation therefor. As this right cannot exist in any incumbent beyond the term for which he was elected, and as, even during the continuance of the term, the duties of the office may be changed, and the compensation of the officer may be reduced, or the office itself may be abolished, whereby the term is necessarily cut off, and the right of the incumbent to perform the duties of the office is abruptly terminated, it is clear that the election of the officer, though in terms'it be to hold the office for a stated period, still leaves in the Legislature the power to be exercised at any time according to its own discretion, not only of regulating the duties and emoluments of the officer, but of annihilating the office itself, and with it the term and all future rights of the officer as such. The tenure of these offices is limited to a term and to a succession of terms, not for the benefit of the' officer, but obviously for the benefit of the public,.and to the end that the successive .incumbents may be frequently subjected to the peremptory judgment of the public which is interested in the performance of their duties. The power of prescribing the terms for which municipal officers should be elected having been committed to the Legislature, it belongs equally to every succeeding Legislature. If, therefore, the first Legislature which acted on the subject had directed, that, at the first and each successive election, certain of these officers should be.elected for ten years, and others for shorter periods, the succeeding Legislatures might unquestionably have shortened such of the terms as they deemed too long, by fixing an earlier time for the election and induction of successors to the same offices; unless by the
If the right in question be property, it is so from the time the incumbent takes the office under an election for a term, and it is no more a taking of his property to abridge the term, and thus deprive him of the office before the regular expiration of the term, than it would be to abolish the entire office, and thus to take it from him before the end of the term.
The municipal offices in this, and the terms for which they are to be held, being subject to the discretionary regulation of the Legislature, I am of opinion that the election.of certain individuals for terms prescribed by one Legislature, communicates to them no such right in their respective offices as precludes a subsequent Legislature from exercising, with a view to the good of the local community, its discretionary power over the terms or tenure of the same offices; and that although, by the operation of a statute enacted under this power, the incumbents under the' previous law may necessarily be deprived of their offices if other persons are elected to fill them under the new statute, they are not thereby deprived of any right which the Constitution protects from legislative action.
With these views, to which other reasoning might be added, I concur in the opinion that the statute brought in question in these cases does not violate the Constitution, and must there