cast er ,:i..r#'ei;:t-;,_s -et-i{ t state ct .ttriaa.isarsa 2313 NBV 13 AH 8= 148 lN THE COURT OF AF’PEALS FOR THE STATE OF WASH|NGTON DlVlSlON ONE ) STATE OF WASHINGTON, ) No. 77896-0-| ) Respondent, ) ) v. ) ) RANDY ROJHEL|O CHAPARRO, ) UNPUBL|SHED OPil\ilON ) Appenam. ) FiiED: NUV 13 2018 ) PER CUR|AM -- Randy Chapan'o appeals the Dl\EA coi|ection fee imposed as part of his sentence for second degree assault with a deadly Weapon. l-le contends, and the State concedes that an amendment to RCV\I 43.43.7541 applies to this appeal and requires that his DNA fee be stricken due to his prior provision of a DNA sample _S_m_e_”e_ State v. Ramirez, __ Wn.2d _ , 426 P.3d 714 (2018). We accept the concession of error and remand With directions to strike the DNA fee from the judgment and sentence Remancled. FOR THE COURT: