-- - ---·---·--- .- . NO. 065043 FILED IN 5th COURT OF APPEALS THE STATE OF TEXAS .. DALLAS, TEXAS IN THE DISTRICT COURT 11/17/2015 10:12:59 AM LISA MATZ v. . 151h JUDICIAL DISTRICT Clerk MICKEY JOE GRIFFIS GRAY::SUN liUUN I y' I r- a:: wx:: 0 0"1 a::a::x ~ owf- z: l:-l • < :CU:z r-r- (/)f-0 <(~!C - ~TATC'~ • •c 1"\1:: ADDCAI Cl ""' ....J::'"<( ::J - :z ...., wU)t!l x::a ·~ >- ;"Y' -....... = To the Honorable Judge of said Court: The State of Texas, by and through Cnmmal Drstnct Attorney Joseph D. Brown, hereby gives this Honorable Court notice of its intent to appeal tRe 1-leReFaele Ge~Ft's eH:Ic~ Glate<::l 0Gtobe~ 2'l, 20~ 5, tbat granted a motion to suppress filed by Mickey Joe Griffis. The State will prosecute this appeal to the Court of Appeals for the Fifth District of Texas at Dallas pursuant to the authority conferred under Chapter 44 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. According to the terms of article 44.01: The state is entitled to appeal aR eFdeF ef a ce~Ft in a criminal case if the order ... grants a motion to suppress evidence ... if jeopardy has not attached in the case and if the prosecuting attorney certifies to the trial court that the appeal is not taken for the purpose of delay ana that the evidence, conft:lssion, or adnrission is of strbstantial importance in the case .... Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 44.01 (a). ____ __ --------- , ""------ ----- - - • By affixing my signature below, I certify to this Honorable Court that tbe appeal io tbis case is oat tak:eo fo[ tbe pu[pose of delaJ~ and that the evidence is of substantial importance in the case. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ~ti~<-< JO EP D. BROWN GRAYSON COUNTY ATTORNEY 200 S. CROCKETT SHERMAN, TX 75090 903/813-4361 9031892-9933 (FAX.) BAR NO. 00793413 NO. 065043 STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DISTRICT COURT § vs. § 15TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT § MICKEY GRIFFIS § GRAYSON COUNTY, TEXAS On October 27, 2015 came to be considered the Motion to Suppress of Mickey Griffis, Defendant. After due consideration of said Motion, the evidence presented therewith and the arguments of counsel, the Court is of the opinion that the Motion should be GRANTED. II IS, I HEREFORE, ORDERED any evidence seized from the search of the residence located at 106 Bois D'Arc, Tom Bean, Texas and the black Samsung touch screencellular phone, Model SGH-1547, serial number R38F401140LB, shall not be introduced at the trial of this ~au>- e:::C!' .)~ ::r:G .,; e:::- 0 m ':1'-0 u(/) u... N >-->- Cl ...... _Jet::<>: _j~C:: w u w(/)<::> Cl ::::1>- lJ") '<0:0 Order on Motion to Suppress U...Q) Page I