The libelants claim a maritime lien npon the steamer for coal furnished in Washington. By the law of this country no maritime lien is allowed for repairs and supplies furnished to a vessel in her home port, i. e., within the state of her owners’ residence. The supplies in that case are Conclusively presumed to have been furnished on the owners’ perso?ial credit, and not on the credit of the ship. Where the vessel is known to be under the control of charterers that are in the situation of owners pro hue vice, i. e., are running the vessel upon their own account, their residence alone is looked to in determining the question of lion, since they are the only parties who are personally bound for supplies, and the only persons standing in the situation of owners, to whom credit can be presumed to be given. Supplies furnished in the state of the residence of such special or quasi owners are therefore presumed to be furnished upon their personal credit only, and the ship will not he bound. The Golden Gate, 1 Newb. 308; The Norman, 6 Fed. Rep. 406.
Where there are several part owners, general or special, residing in different states, I doubt whether any single rule can be adopted justly applicable to all cases. As the reason for denying a lion is the personal credit presumed to be given to the owners at their place of residence, the reason of the rule would seem to demand its application in all the states in which any of the owners reside that are known, or ought to bo known, to those who furnish supplies. Such is the view expressed by Hammond, J., in the case of The Rapid Transit, 11 Fed. Rep. 322, 328-330.
In the case of The Indiana, Crabbe, 479, repairs were furnished in Philadelphia to a vessel wholly owned and registered in Hew Jersey. One-sixth of the vessel was sold to a resident of Philadelphia, who was then made managing owner, and a new registry of the vessel was taken out in Philadelphia; and the repairs were afterwards continued under the direction of the resident managing part owner. It was held, and it seems to mo justly, that a maritime lien accrued for the repairs prior to the sale of the one-sixth, hut not for the repairs that were subsequent thereto. On the other hand, if the owners of a domestic vessel hold her out as a foreign ship, supplies furnished upon the faith of the foreign ownership will bo a lien, the owners being precluded from taking advantage of their own misrepresentations. St. Jago de Cuba, 9 Wheat. 416, 417; The Nestor, 1 Sumn. 75; The Mary Chilton, 4 Fed. Rep. 847. On the same principle, it seems to me, the mere residence within the state of a part owner that is unknown to the material-man, ought not to debar the latter of his lien when the vessel is registered in a different state, and the managing owner is known to reside there, and the vessel, by the name painted on her stern, apparently belongs there. Such circumstances, taken together, in the absence of notice tj the material-
In the present case, it appears that Mr. Savage was well known to the libelants in Washington. If it were also clear that his residence was there, that fact would, consequently, require the dismissal of the libel. But both the pleadings and the evidence leave this fact undetermined. The answer alleges a charter of the vessel to Collier and Savage, “of the city of Now York.” The charter party introduced in evidence describes Savage as “of Washington, D. C.” The libelant claims the right to rely upon the inference from the answer that both charterers resided in the state of New York. The oral testimony shows nothing concerning the actual residence of Savage, although the language of the charter-party, his presence in Washington during all these transactions, his being known to the libelants there for 25 years, and his personal order of all this coal, would afford a natural inference that hie residence was there. But where the. actual residence of a party is an essential condition of recovery, the description of him as “of a certain state,” etc., has been repeatedly held insufficient. Wood v. Wagnon, 2 Cranch, 9; Brown v. Keene, 8 Pet. 112; Abercrombie v. Dupuis, 1 Cranch, 343; Robertson v. Cease, 97 U. S. 646; Grace v. The American, etc., 3 Sup. Ct. Rep. 207.
Under the allegation of the answer, and the indefiniteness of the evidence as to Savage’s residence, I do not feel warranted in determining the case on the ground of the supposed residence of Savage in Washington.
The other defenses are that the supplies were furnished upon the personal credit of the charterers; and that the latter had no power to bind the ship. There is a direct contradiction between the libel-ants and the captain as to his alleged notice to them on July 15th, that, under the charter, neither the vessel nor her owners were to be responsible for coal; but the libelant’s subsequent conduct in refusing to supply coal until some further arrangements were made for payment, and until some money was paid them, the delay of the vessel’s departure in consequence, and the subsequent refusal altogether to furnish coal on Savage’s order, fall in so naturally with the captain s
The most important facts bearing on this branch of the case are the following: (1) The charterers wore owners pro hue vice, and had expressly agreed to pay for such supplies, as one of the conditions of the charter; (2) the libelants, before furnishing that part of thé bill now in snit, not only knew that Savage was running the vessel under a charter, but, as I think, were cautioned by the master that the ship was not to be held liable; (3) all the coal was furnished upon the personal order of Savage, one of the charterers, at what appears to have been at least his place of business, or one of his places of business; (4) in ordering and in supplying the coal, there was no intimation by either party to the other that tho ship was to be bound; (5) the captain was in no way instrumental in procuring the coal, but, as I must hold, gave notice that the ship was not to be held; (6) the ship was not in any port of distress, or upon a voyage partially accomplished; the supplies were furnished at one of her ordinary ports of departure, in the course of her ordinary business, and in the presence of, and under the management of, one of her special owners.
I have found no case where, upon facts like those, a maritime lien has been sustained. There seem to me to be several grounds upon which the lien hero claimed must be denied: First, because supplies furnished to an owner in person, not being master, though in a foreign port, are presumptively furnished upon his personal responsibility only, where, as here, there is no reference made in the negotiations between the parties to the ship as a source of credit, and no other circumstances clearly indicate such a common intention; secondly, because this presumption of a personal credit only in dealing with the owner is stronger where the material-man deals with a known charterer or special owner that is known to be bound to pay for the supplies himself, and is known to be bomrd not to charge the ship, the supplies being in the ordinary course of the ship’s business at one of her regular ports of departure, and not in any port of distress, or under any circumstances that render it necessary for tho vessel to continue her trips at the ship’s expense; thirdly, because, in the absence of any necessity for the ship to continue lior regular trips, good faith to the general owner, without which no lien will be upheld, does not permit the material-man to supply materials for such trips at tho ship’s expense, contrary to the known terms of the charier; And, finally, because the notice from tho captain to the libelants that the ship was not to be bound, became one of the terms of sale that could not be disregarded by the libelants, upan which the materials subsequently supplied must be deemed to have been delivered.
When a known owner,- not being master, procures necessary repairs or supplies in a foreign port, the question whether a maritime lien, i. e., an implied hypothecation of the ship, arises therefor, must
The above principles have been repeatedly affirmed and applied in the earlier and in the more recent decisions of tho supreme court.
In The St. Jago de Cuba, 9 Wheat. 409, the court say:
“The vessel upon an unfinished voyage must get on. This is the consideration that controls every other; and not only the vessel but even the cargo is sub modo subjected to this necessity. Tor those purposes, the law maritime attaches the power of pledging or subjecting the vessel to material-men to tho office of ship-master, and considers the owner as vesting him with those powers by the mere act of constituting him ship-master. • The necessities of commerce require that, when remote from his owner, he should be able to subject Ms owner’s property to that liability, without which, it is reasonable to suppose, he will not be able to pursue his owner’s interests. But, when the owner is present, the reason ceases, and the contract is inferred to be with, the owner himself, on Ms ordinary responsibility, without a view to the vessel as the fund from which compensation is to be derived.”
Judge Gonkling, in his treatise on Admiralty, (page 80,) says: “To guard against possible misapprehension,it is proper to state that no lien is over implied from contracts made by the owner in person;” quoting the language of the case above cited.
In the case of Thomas v. Osborn, 19 How. 22, Taney, C. J., in a dissenting opinion, refers arguendo to this point as clearly settled in the marine law of this country: “If Leach,” [charterer and captain,] he says, “is to be regarded as owner for the time when he was sailing the Laura under the agreement, then, by the maritime law, the repairs and supplies furnished at his request are presumed to have been furnished upon his personal credit, unless the contrary appears.” Page 38. And at page 43 he says again: “But if the owner is present, and they [the supplies] are furnished to him, it is equally well established that the credit is presumed to have been given to him personally, and no lien on the vessel is implied.” On one part only of these propositions was any qualification placed by the judgment of the majority of the court; viz., that, when the owner is also captain, supplies furnished on his order will be deemed furnished to him in his character as captain, rather than in his character as owner. Page 29. But this very distinction clearly sustains the general doctrine above stated, else there would have been no reason for distinguishing between the character of Leach as captain and his character as owner. In that case, it will be observed, the supplies were furnished not only in a foreign port, but in a very remote one, viz., Chill; and yet this prima, facie presumption is stated as the settled law.
In all the reported decisions where a lien has been sustained for supplies ordered by an owner in person in a foreign port, the court has'found-an intent by both parties that the ship should be charged,
If such is the rule of law as regards the general owner ordering supplies in person in a foreign port, the reasons for this rule are still stronger in the case of a mere owner pro hac vice, or known charterer, who has bound himself to pay for all such supplies personally, and who has no right, as against the general owner, at least, except in case of actual necessity, to navigate the ship at her expense. As the purchase in this case was by the special owner in person, the burden of proof was, by all the above authorities, upon the libelants to satisfy the court, as in the cases above cited, that it was the intention of both parties that the ship should be bound for the coal furnished. Nothing, however, appears in the evidence indicating any such common intention. A mere charge to the ship on the libelants’ books is an inconclusive circumstance, even as regards the libelants’ own intention. Beinecke v. The Secret, 3 Fed. Rep. 667. The usual practice of merchants to make such charges against the vessel indifferently, whether the vessel be in her home port or not, shows that such a charge is very slight, if any, evidence of an actual reliance on the ship. In practice it is scarcely more than a habit adopted by merchants in order that their books may not tell against them, if,
Again, this case was not one of any actual maritime necessity, such as that oí The City of New York, 3 Blatchf. 189, whore, as Nelson, J., finds, the vessel was in a port oE distress, on an unfinished voyage; and where, consequently, the interests of the general owners required that the ship should be hypothecated, if necessary, in order to complete her voyage, and thereby cancel her own obligations and the liens of freighters to a much greater extent than the mero cost of the needed supplies. See, also, The Monsoon, 1 Spr. 37. Here the supplies were in the usual course of navigation, from one of the specified ports of departure named in the charter; they were supplies that
Again, the ship in this case was under no necessity of proceeding upon her new trips, for which this coal was furnished. Savage, by Iris charter, had no right to pursue her ordinary navigation at the ship’s expense. If he could not fit her out for her trips without resorting to her own credit, having no right to use that credit for ordinary supplies, it was his duty to surrender her, or, at least, not to run her until he could arrange to do so without a violation of his agreement with the owner. There was no commercial necessity that she should depart upon this trip; and the genoral owner bad no interest that she should be navigated except according to the terms of the charter. In this respect the case is wholly different from that of The City of New York, 3 Blatchf. 189, where the vessel was in a port of distress, on an unfinished voyage, and where the interest of the ship and of her general owner also required the supplies. Broadly considered, therefore, the first requisite for a lien, viz., a necessity for the supplies, did not exist. Had Savage, being under no necessity to continue the vessel’s trips, and not being in any port of distress, expressly contracted for ordinary supplies on the ship’s credit, this would have been a clear wrong to the general owner, and a violation of the terms of the charter, because the stipulation of the charter w'as for the very purpose of preventing this. The language of the supreme court in the case of Gracie v. Palmer, 8 Wheat. 605, 639, would in that case seem to bo applicable. “The charterer,” the court say,
There being apparently some differences in the views expressed in recent cases in the circuit court of this district, as regards the power of a charterer to charge the ship for supplies contrary to his stipulation in the charter, (The Secret, 15 Fed. Rep. 480, followed in Beinecke v. The Secret, and Maxwell v. The Same, 3 Fed. Rep. 665—667; The India, 16 Fed. Rep. 262,) although possibly these differences may be harmonized by the distinction between supplies furnished in the ordinary course of navigation and those furnished under circumstances of actual necessity, as in a port of distress, like the ease of The City of New York, supra, I make no reference to the mere question of the charterer’s power, but place my decision exclusively upon the grounds above mentioned, viz., the dealings with the charterer in person, and the absence of any understanding or agreement for a credit of the ship; and upon those grounds the libel must be dismissed; but as the ease presents features of uncertainty on the pleadings, as well as on some of the facts, the dismissal will be without costs.
See The Gen. Meade, 20 Fed. Rep. 923.