delivered the opinion of the court. The demandant’s right to recover her dower depends on the nature of her husband’s seisin. Timothy Stow, her husband, purchased the premises in question after his marriage with the plaintiff, and paid part of the consideration money; and
The case of Nash v. Preston, (Cro. Car. 190.) would seem, at first view, to be opposed to the proposition, that a deed to the purchaser, and a mortgage given back by him to the grantor, at the same time, would not entitle the wife of the .purchaser to her dower; yet it is observable, that the principle is admitted,that an instantaneous seisin of the huáband
I am authorized to say, by the decision of this court in Jackson v. Dunsbagh, (1 Johns. Cas. 95.) that where two instruments are executed at the same time, between the same parties, relative to the same subject matter, they are to be taken in connection, as forming together the several parts of one agreement. I entirely agree in the opinion expressed by Ch. J. Parsons, in the case of Holbrook v. Finney, (4 Mass. Rep. 569.) that where a deed is given by the vendor of an estate, who takes back a mortgage to secure the purchase money, at the same time that he executes the deed, that there the deed and the mortgage are to be considered as parts of the same contract, as taking effect at the same instant, and as constituting but one act; in the same manner as a deed of defeasance forms, with the principal deed, to which it refers, but one contract, although it be by a distinct and separate instrument.
The substance of a conveyance, where land is mortgaged at the same time the deed is given, is this. The bargainor sells the land to the bargainee on condition that he pays the price at the stipulated time, and if he does not that the bargainor shall be rcseised, free of the mortgage ; and whether this contract is contained in one and the same instrument, as it well may be, or in distinct instruments executed at the same instant, can make no possible difference. It is true that courts of equity have interposed to relieve the mortgagor against the accident of his nonpayment of the price, at the stipulated period. It is, also, true, that courts of law have considered the interest of the mortgagor as liable to be sold on execution. This, however, does not interfere with the question, as to how the contract between the original parties is to be viewed, as between themselves, when the equity of redemption is gone and forfeited.
The opinion which the court has formed, receives decisive
This statute conveys the sense of the legislature, that the seisin of the mortgagor, under the circumstances stated in the act, was a seisin for an instant only; for it cannot be doubted, that a judgment will attach on lands, of which the judgment debtor becomes seised at any time posterior to the judgment; and nothing could prevent a judgment creating a lien on the subsequently acquired lands of the judgment debtor, but the circumstance that his seisin, in the given case, was instantaneous. Surely,' then, the analogous case of dower cannot stand on a better footing than a judgment unsatisfied. As a declaratory act, this statute is entitled to high respect; and it fortifies and supports the position, that the demandant’s husband acquired, by the deed to him, a seisin, which he parted with eo instanti he acquired it, .and that his wife is not endowable of the premises. The court are very well satisfied, that the law is so, for it would be extremely inequitable, in most cases, to claim dower on - such purchases. • We are, therefore, of opinion, that there must be judgment for the defendant.