Decisions will be entered for respondent.
R issued notices of transferee liability to Ps to collect L's unpaid Federal income tax pursuant to
Held: Following our report in
Held, further, transferee liability is established under the Nebraska Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (UFTA) because L's transfer was constructively fraudulent as to R and the transfer was made for the benefit of Ps.
Held, further, unmatured tax liabilities are "claims" within the meaning of that term as defined in UFTA.
Held, further, Ps, for whose benefit the transfer was made, are transferees within the meaning of
144 T.C. 235">*236 HALPERN, Judge: These four cases have been consolidated for purposes of trial, briefing, and opinion. Little Salt Development Co. (Little Salt or company) is a Nebraska corporation. Petitioners were shareholders of Little Salt in 2003 until, in August, they sold their shares. Respondent determined and assessed a deficiency in Little Salt's 2003 Federal income tax of $145,923, along with an accuracy-related penalty of $58,369. Little Salt did not pay those amounts (together, unpaid 2003 tax). By separate notices of liability (notices), respondent determined that petitioners, as transferees of Little Salt's property, were liable for Little Salt's unpaid 2003 tax to the extent of the net value of the assets that each purportedly received from Little Salt.2 Respondent calculated each petitioner's respective liability as follows:
Petitioner | Liability |
William Scott Stuart, Jr. | $119,609 |
Arnold John Walters, Jr. | 59,804 |
James Stuart, Jr. | 59,804 |
Robert Edwin2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*15 Joyce | 59,804 |
Petitioners assign error to respondent's determinations of their transferee liability.
Unless otherwise indicated, all section references are to the Internal Revenue Code (Code) in effect at the time of the purported transfers in issue, and all Rule references are to the Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure. All dollar amounts have been rounded to the nearest dollar.
FINDINGS OF FACTThe parties have stipulated certain facts and the authenticity of certain documents. The facts stipulated are so found, and the documents stipulated are accepted as authentic.
144 T.C. 235">*237 PetitionersAt the time they filed the petitions, all petitioners resided in Nebraska except for William Scott Stuart, Jr. (Dr. Stuart), who resided in Minnesota. Together with the Estate of Charles Craft (which is not a party), they owned all the shares of Little Salt at the time of the stock sale discussed infra.
Little SaltLittle Salt, a so-called C corporation (subject to the tax on corporations imposed by
Name | Number of shares | Percentage ownership2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*16 |
William Scott Stuart, Jr. | 20 | 33.336 |
Robert Edwin Joyce | 10 | 16.666 |
Arnold John Walters, Jr. | 10 | 16.666 |
James Stuart, Jr. | 10 | 16.666 |
Estate of Charles Craft1 | 10 | 16.666 |
1Charles Craft died on June 24, 2003. |
During 2003, Mr. Joyce was president of the company; Mr. Walters was both secretary and treasurer. All of Little Salt's shareholders (shareholders), other than the representative of Mr. Craft's estate, were directors.
Land SaleUntil June 11, 2003, Little Salt owned 160 acres of saline wetlands (land) on the outskirts of Lincoln, Nebraska. On that date, it sold the land to the City of Lincoln, Nebraska, pursuant to an assignment of contract by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (commission) to the city. Before its sale, the land was used for farming and for duck hunting. The land is a habitat for the Salt Creek tiger beetle, a critically endangered species. The city purchased the land for $472,000, and, after subtracting settlement charges, Little Salt received $471,111. After it sold the land (land sale), Little Salt's only asset was cash. Little Salt realized a gain of $432,148 on the land sale. After the land sale, the company did not engage in any business activity.
144 T.C. 235">*238 Stock SaleDuring Little Salt's2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*17 negotiations with the commission leading up to the land sale, one of the commission's personnel, Bruce Sackett, received a telephone call and two letters from a representative of MidCoast Investments, Inc. (MidCoast). In the first letter, MidCoast describes itself as a company interested in purchasing the stock of C corporations that have sold their assets and that, as a result, have realized a significant taxable gain. In both letters, MidCoast represents that it would purchase the Little Salt shares from the shareholders and would pay them significantly more than the shareholders would receive if they were to dissolve the company and receive the proceeds of the sale in redemption of their shares. In the second letter, MidCoast describes its post-share-acquisition plan as follows: "[U]nderMidCoast's ownership, the company will re-engineer its operations into the asset recovery business--i.e. the purchase and collection of delinquent account receivables." Mr. Sackett delivered the two letters to Mr. Joyce, Little Salt's president. Mr. Sackett had not investigated MidCoast, and he had no further contact with MidCoast after delivering the letters to Mr. Joyce.
Subsequently, by letter dated2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*18 April 23, 2003, addressed to the shareholders, MidCoast proposed to acquire all of Little Salt's outstanding shares. The letter specified that the price to be paid would be "equal to the cash in the Company as of the * * * [closing date] reduced by sixty-four and 92/100 percent (64.92%) of the Company's combined state and federal corporate income tax liability for its current tax year (the 'Deferred Tax Liability')."
The letter contained an example showing net assets in Little Salt of $472,000, which, when reduced by a combined Federal and State tax liability of $171,040, resulted in a net Little Salt value of $301,788. The example added an "Asset Recovery Premium" of $60,000 to Little Salt's net value, which resulted in a price of $361,788 to be paid by MidCoast to the shareholders for their shares.
The letter also contained MidCoast's covenant "that it shall cause the Company [i.e., Little Salt] to pay the Deferred Tax Liability to the extent that the Deferred Tax Liability is due given the Company's post-closing business activities and 144 T.C. 235">*239 shall file all federal and state income tax returns on a timely basis related thereto."
All of the shareholders signed a copy of the letter, agreeing2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*19 to be bound by its terms and conditions. Dr. Stuart testified that, before signing the letter, he "may have very briefly skimmed it", because he "relied on * * * [his] partners in this transaction." Mr. James Stuart, Jr. (Mr. Stuart), testified that he "probably [did] not" read it before signing it. Mr. Walters "glanced through it." Mr. Joyce testified that he is "sure that he probably did [read it]."
By mid-June 2003, the shareholders had determined to proceed with selling their shares to MidCoast (sometimes, stock sale). They retained local attorney W. Michael Morrow to represent them. Mr. Morrow was not hired to investigate MidCoast or analyze whether the stock sale was a tax shelter. His investigation of MidCoast was limited to his review of MidCoast's corporate documents. MidCoast hired local attorney W. Scott Davis to represent it.
Through July and early August 2003, Messrs. Morrow and Davis (and their clients) addressed the prerequisites for the stock sale. The share purchase agreement (agreement) identifies the purchasers as MidCoast Credit Corp. and MidCoast Acquisition Corp. (which, collectively, along with MidCoast Investments, Inc., we will also refer to as MidCoast) and2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*20 provides that it is between MidCoast, Little Salt, and the shareholders. It recites that the shareholders are the owners of 100% of the shares of Little Salt and that MidCoast desires to purchase those shares from the shareholders and that the shareholders desire to sell their shares to MidCoast. It contains numerous premises, promises, representations, warranties, and covenants, among which are the following.
• MidCoast agrees to purchase from the shareholders their shares in Little Salt, and the shareholders agree to sell to MidCoast those same shares.
• The price for all of the shares is $358,826, to be paid by wire transfer to Mr. Morrow's firm's trust account.
• The combined Federal and State income tax liability of Little Salt "resulting from the sale, conveyance or other disposition of its assets and * * * [its] operations" for its current (2003) fiscal year as of the closing date "is $167,737.00 ('the Tax Liability')".
144 T.C. 235">*240 • After the closing date, it will have no liabilities other than the Tax Liability.
• MidCoast will cause Little Salt "to pay the Tax Liability, to the extent that the Tax Liability is due given the Company's post-Share Closing business activities, and shall file2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*21 all federal and state income taxes on a timely basis related thereto."
• As a condition of MidCoast's obligations under the agreement, at or before the closing date, "[Little Salt] shall have transferred all of its monies (which monies shall be in an amount not less than $467,721) to * * * [Mr. Davis' firm's trust account], as Escrow Agent under a separate escrow agreement entered into on or about the date hereof."
• Governing law is the law of the State of Nebraska.
The record contains no copy of the escrow agreement referred to in the second immediately preceding paragraph, and Mr. Walters, secretary and treasurer of the company, testified that he was aware of no escrow agreement or escrow agent. On that basis, we find that there was no separate escrow agreement.
The price ($358,826) set forth in the agreement for the shares had been determined by Little Salt's accountant, David A. Ellingson. He calculated Little Salt's unpaid 2003 combined Federal and State tax liability as of June 30, 2003, to be $167,737. He determined that 64.92% of that amount was $108,895, which he subtracted from Little Salt's cash balance of $467,721, to arrive at the purchase price of $358,826.
On July 31, 2003,2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*22 Mr. Davis sent to Mr. Morrow a draft letter (draft letter) regarding the exchange of funds to accomplish the closing of the stock sale. In pertinent part, the draft letter states:
At closing, your clients will cause Little Salt to transfer all of the cash in the account of Little Salt to this law firm's trust account. Purchaser will then immediately provide funds to this law firm's trust account for the entire purchase price. Upon receipt of the cash from Little Salt into this firm's trust account, this law firm will direct the purchase price be transferred to your law firm's trust account. * * * You as the representative for the individual, selling shareholders will receipt for the purchase price and make appropriate distribution of the purchase price to your clients.
Neither your law firm nor this law firm undertakes any duties of escrow agent * * *. However, both of our firms are obligated to follow 144 T.C. 235">*241 the instructions of our respective clients, and to that end, this letter is intended to memorialize the instructions we have both received in order to carry out the closing of the transaction. Under the law of Nebraska, we are fiduciaries with respect to the funds that we hold for the2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*23 benefit of our clients in our respective trust accounts in any event.
On August 5, 2003, Mr. Morrow sent to Mr. Davis a letter that, among other things, discussed the cash payments. Mr. Davis was to confirm to Mr. Morrow that he had on deposit in his firm's trust account the $358,826 share purchase price and that he would transfer that amount to Mr. Morrow's firm's trust account simultaneously with Little Salt's transfer of $467,721 to Mr. Davis' firm's trust account. The letter contains language almost identical to the second quoted paragraph of the draft letter.
On August 6, 2003, MidCoast transferred $358,826 into Mr. Davis' firm's trust account.
The parties to the agreement executed it, and it was effective on, August 7, 2003. Mr. Joyce signed it as president of Little Salt. On that date, Mr. Morrow delivered instructions from Mr. Walters, Little Salt's secretary and treasurer, to Wells Fargo Bank, Little Salt's bank, instructing the bank to transfer all of its cash ($467,721) to Mr. Davis' firm's trust account. Nine minutes later, Mr. Morrow received in his firm's trust account from Mr. Davis' firm's trust account $358,826. On August 8, 2003, Mr. Morrow sent the Little Salt shareholders2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*24 their pro rata shares of the $358,826 that he had received.
Little Salt's transfer of its cash to Mr. Davis' firm's trust account left it with no cash and no tangible assets.
Disposition of FundsOn August 7, 2003, after the receipt in his firm's trust account of $467,721 from Little Salt, Mr. Davis, at MidCoast's direction, caused that amount to be transferred to an account in the name of Little Salt at SunTrust Bank. On the next day, August 8, 2003, $467,000 was transferred from Little Salt's SunTrust Bank account to another account at that bank entitled "MidCoast Credit Corp. Accounts Payable". Little Salt recorded the August 8 transfer on its books as a receivable due from shareholder (shareholder loan). Little Salt's September 30, 2003 (yearend), balance sheet shows the amount due as $327,000, reflecting a reduction of 144 T.C. 235">*242 $140,000, apparently as credits for operating expenses and professional fees. As of January 27, 2004, Little Salt's and MidCoast's records show the balance due to Little Salt from MidCoast to be $394,429. MidCoast's files contain no promissory notes.
KnowledgeWhen on August 7, 2003, Mr. Morrow delivered Little Salt's instructions to its bank, Mr. Morrow did not know2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*25 of any instructions that MidCoast may have given to Mr. Davis with respect to Little Salt's cash delivered to his trust account, nor did he know of MidCoast's plans with respect to Little Salt.
Dr. Stuart did not read the agreement before he signed it. He did not know it required Little Salt to transfer all of its money out of the corporation before the closing. He testified that he "knew nothing" about MidCoast.
Mr. Stuart testified that he could not recall ("I don't know") whether he read the agreement. He could not recall seeing the provision of the agreement that required Little Salt to transfer all of its money out of the company. He testified that he was unaware of MidCoast's promise with respect to Little Salt's tax liabilities.
Mr. Walters, Little Salt's secretary and treasurer, testified that he scanned the agreement. He was aware of MidCoast's obligation to pay the Tax Liability, but he did nothing to determine whether MidCoast would actually fulfill its obligation; he accepted its word.
Mr. Joyce, president of Little Salt, testified that he knew MidCoast was getting Little Salt's cash but, at the time of the sale, he did not know what it would choose to do with the cash. He2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*26 testified that MidCoast's statement in one of the letters received from Mr. Sackett that it would re-engineer its operations into the asset recovery business meant nothing to him. He added: "I had no idea what MidCoast's intentions were with our corporation other than the little information we got from letters and their brochures about wanting to merge them into their operation. How that played into [our] operation, I didn't know and I wasn't privy to that."
144 T.C. 235">*243 Tax Returns and PaymentsOn December 15, 2003, Little Salt filed its 2003 Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return. It reported taxable income of $432,148, total tax of $146,930, and tax due of $148,456. It made no payment with the return. It reported on Schedule L, Balance Sheets per Books, that, as of the end of the year, it had cash of $278, a loan of $467,000 due from MidCoast, and no other assets; it reported no liabilities.
On February 18, 2005, Little Salt filed its 2004 Form 1120. It reported interest income of $1,739, apparently from the shareholder loan, a bad debt deduction of $450,370 resulting from the worthlessness of the shareholder loan, and, taking into account certain other deductions, negative taxable income2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*27 of $483,970. It reported no gross receipts or cost of goods sold. The bad debt deduction produced a net operating loss that Little Salt carried back to, and deducted for, 2003. It reported on Schedule L that, as of the end of the year, it had trade notes and accounts receivable of $903 and no liabilities.
Respondent examined both Little Salt's 2003 and 2004 returns and disallowed both the 2004 bad debt deduction and the loss carried back to, and deducted for, 2003. On October 5, 2007, he determined a deficiency in Little Salt's 2003 Federal income tax of $145,923 and an accuracy-related penalty of $58,369.
The parties stipulate that Little Salt was entitled to neither deduction. Respondent issued to Little Salt a notice of deficiency within three years of February 18, 2005, the date it filed its 2004 Form 1120. Little Salt failed to timely petition the Tax Court, and, on April 21, 2008, respondent assessed the deficiency in tax and penalty that he had determined for 2003. Respondent has attempted to collect the unpaid 2003 tax from Little Salt, but he has not been successful. The amount remains unpaid.
After Little Salt failed to file Nebraska income tax returns and other required annual2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*28 reports, the State of Nebraska Corporation Division placed Little Salt into inactive status on April 16, 2004.
144 T.C. 235">*244 Notices of Transferee LiabilityRespondent sent the notices in November 2010. In an attachment to each notice respondent stated his rationale for concluding that the shareholders were transferees of Little Salt's property and liable as such for its unpaid 2003 tax. Respondent explained that he would recast the transaction by which the shareholders disposed of their shares in Little Salt as he saw the substance of the transaction; i.e., not as the shareholders' sale of those shares to MidCoast, but rather, as a liquidating distribution of all of Little Salt's cash to its shareholders in redemption of its outstanding shares, followed by the shareholders' payment of a portion of that cash to MidCoast as an accommodation fee for its participation in the assumed sale.
PetitionsPetitioners timely petitioned for review of the notices, each assigning as error respondent's determinations that (1) Little Salt had a deficiency in tax for 2003 of $145,923 and incurred an accuracy-related penalty of $58,369 and (2) petitioners are liable as transferees of Little Salt's assets. Each also raised2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*29 as an affirmative defense that the period of limitations for assessing transferee liability had run when the notices were sent. Respondent denied petitioners' assignments of error and defense.
OPINIONI. IntroductionWe must determine whether petitioners are liable as transferees of the property of Little Salt for the unpaid 2003 tax. Although petitioners assign as error respondent's determination of the unpaid 2003 tax, they make no objection on brief to respondent's proposed finding of fact that Little Salt is liable for the unpaid 2003 tax. We think that there is ample evidence to support that proposed finding, and we so find. On that basis, there is no merit to petitioners' first assignment of error. That leaves for discussion petitioners' affirmative defense of the period of limitations and their remaining assignment of error, that they are not liable as transferees of Little Salt's property. We will address those issues in turn.
144 T.C. 235">*245 II. Period of LimitationsIn general, the Commissioner must assess transferee liability within one year after expiration of the period of limitations on the transferor. See
Respondent has set forth a chain of events, including extensions by the shareholders pursuant to
Petitioners are mistaken in their understanding of a corporation's obligation to file a Federal income tax return. "A corporation in existence during any portion of a taxable year is required to make a return."
Petitioners' affirmative defense relying on the statutory period of limitations as a bar to respondent's collection of transferee liability from them fails.
III. Transferee LiabilityA. IntroductionWhile the definition of persons considered transferees for purposes of
A transferee's liability for Federal taxes of the transferor of property includes any additions to tax, penalties, and interest that have been assessed with respect to the tax. See
The existence and extent of transferee liability is determined by the law of the State where the transfer occurred.
(1) the first transferee of the asset or the person for whose benefit the transfer was made; or
144 T.C. 235">*248 (2) any subsequent transferee other than a good faith transferee who took for value or from any subsequent transferee.
(a) A transfer made or obligation incurred by a debtor is2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*35 fraudulent as to a creditor, whether the creditor's claim arose before or after the transfer was made or the obligation was incurred, if the debtor made the transfer or incurred the obligation:
(1) with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud any creditor of the debtor; or
(2) without receiving a reasonably equivalent value in exchange for the transfer or obligation, and the debtor:
(i) was engaged or was about to engage in a business or a transaction for which the remaining assets of the debtor were unreasonably small in relation to the business or transaction; or
(ii) intended to incur, or believed or reasonably should have believed that he or she would incur, debts beyond his or her ability to pay as they became due.
(a) A transfer made or obligation incurred by a debtor is fraudulent as to a creditor whose claim arose before the transfer was made or the obligation was incurred if the debtor made the transfer or incurred the obligation without receiving a reasonably equivalent value in exchange for the transfer or obligation and the debtor was insolvent at that time or the debtor became insolvent as a result of2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*36 the transfer or obligation.
(b) A transfer made by a debtor is fraudulent as to a creditor whose claim arose before the transfer was made if the transfer was made to an insider for an antecedent debt, the debtor was insolvent at that time, and the insider knew or reasonably should have known that the debtor was insolvent.
Fraud under UFTA may be either actual or constructive.4
The term "claim" means "a right to payment, whether or not the right is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquidated, 144 T.C. 235">*249 fixed, contingent, matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, legal, equitable, secured, or unsecured." Id.
"Value is given for a transfer or an obligation if, in exchange for the2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*37 transfer or obligation, property is transferred or an antecedent debt is secured or satisfied, but value does not include an unperformed promise made otherwise than in the ordinary course of the promisor's business to furnish support to the debtor or another person." Id.
A debtor is considered "insolvent" under UFTA "if the sum of the debtor's debts is greater than all of the debtor's assets at a fair valuation." Id.
The burden is on the creditor to prove by clear and convincing evidence the elements necessary to show that a transfer made by a debtor is fraudulent as to the creditor. See
An action under UFTA to declare a transfer fraudulent as to a creditor invokes equity jurisdiction of a court. See
The Nebraska Business Corporation Act provides that claims against a dissolved corporation may in some circumstances and with limitations be enforced against the corporation's shareholders when corporate assets have been distributed in liquidation. See
Under the common law trust fund doctrine, "property of the corporation constitutes a trust fund in the hands of its officers and directors, and a transaction between them whereby the corporation's property is diverted from the corporation to their own use and benefit will not be upheld."
Respondent argues that, in determining whether, pursuant to
First, the court should determine under federal law whether the transaction that gives rise to the liability was properly characterized and whether the recipient was a transferee under
To make the first step (i.e., to determine the proper character of the transaction and to determine whether the shareholders are transferees within the meaning of
Taxpayers generally are free to structure their business transactions as they wish, even if motivated in part by tax reduction considerations.
However, a transaction that lacks economic purpose and substance other than sought-after tax avoidance may be treated as a sham and disregarded for federal income tax purposes.
144 T.C. 235">*251 The "labels, semantic technicalities, and formal written documents do not necessarily control the tax consequences of a2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*40 given transaction."
For Federal income tax purposes a transaction may be disregarded if the transaction was not entered into for valid business purposes but rather for "tax benefits not contemplated by a reasonable application of the language and purpose of the Code or its regulations."
As respondent sees it, the simultaneous exchange of funds by Little Salt to MidCoast, and by MidCoast to the shareholders, through Mr. Davis' firm's trust fund, followed by MidCoast's transitory deposit of the funds received from Little Salt into a new Little Salt bank account before their return to MidCoast in exchange for its worthless promise to repay Little Salt served no purpose but to put most of Little Salt's cash into the hands of the shareholders and, in exchange for a fee paid to MidCoast, to give them a plausible basis to deny that they were transferees of the company's property. As respondent puts it:
The Stock Sale is a subterfuge. In reality, it is nothing but a liquidation of Little Salt and a distribution of its assets to its shareholders making them transferees liable2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*41 for Little Salt's income tax liability.
* * * *
Little Salt had ceased all business operations as of the Asset Sale. * * * There being no business, there was no apparent business reason for the Stock Sale. In effect, * * * the parties simply exchanged unequal amounts of fungible cash, and the difference represented MidCoast's fee for assisting the Little Salt shareholders in avoiding the incidence of Little Salt's deferred tax liability.
b. Equitable RulesEven were we to disregard antiabuse doctrines pertinent to interpreting the Code, respondent believes that we would reach the same result by applying the equitable rules pertinent to considering fraudulent transfer claims. See
With respect to his satisfying the second step, i.e., showing2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*42 State law liability, respondent cites the following bases under which he may collect Little Salt's unpaid tax and penalty from petitioners: (1) under the Nebraska Business Corporation Act, as a claimant against a dissolved corporation's shareholders having received corporate assets in a liquidating distribution, (2) under UFTA, on account of the distributions' being fraudulent as to him within the meaning of
Additionally, if we are to respect the form of the stock sale (and likewise the transfer by Little Salt of its cash to MidCoast), respondent argues that, nonetheless, the transfer to MidCoast was fraudulent as to him, and, pursuant to
Petitioners view the facts as follows:
Little Salt sold land that it owned in Nebraska on June 11, 2003. It received proceeds from the sale which it deposited into its bank account. The Petitioners thereafter each sold their stock in Little Salt to MidCoast on August 7, 2003. At that time, and immediately thereafter, Little Salt had $467,721 on hand at the bank. Thus, Little Salt was2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*43 solvent prior to, during and after the stock sale.
Petitioners' argument rejecting any liability under UFTA appears to proceed as follows. Little Salt's proceeds from the land sale remained with it until the shareholders sold their shares to MidCoast on August 7, 2003. Therefore, notwithstanding that at some time thereafter Little Salt may have made transfers fraudulent as to respondent, no judgment can be entered against them under
They reject respondent's attempt to recharacterize the stock sale as a payment by Little Salt to them of cash in redemption of their shares. They add that the shareholders did not have the "requisite knowledge" (i.e., "that the Little Salt taxes would not be paid by MidCoast") to support2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*44 recharacterizing the stock sale.
D. Discussion1. Two-Step AnalysisRecently, in
Our holding in
Notwithstanding our rejection of respondent's two-step analysis, for the reasons that follow2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*49 we agree that respondent may proceed pursuant to
On August 7, 2003, Little Salt transferred all of its cash to Mr. Davis' firm's trust account (sometimes, transfer). Respondent argues that Little Salt, a debtor, made the transfer "without receiving a reasonably equivalent value in exchange for the transfer", which, pursuant to
A transfer is fraudulent with respect to a creditor within the meaning of
Little Salt received $471,111 from the land sale and, on August 7,2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*50 2003, transferred $467,721 to Mr. Davis' firm's trust account. On that date, the shareholders sold their shares in Little Salt to MidCoast for $358,826, a price determined by subtracting from the amount of Little Salt's cash in the bank 64.92% of the company's combined 2003 Federal and State tax liability. Mr. Ellingson, Little Salt's accountant, had determined that, as of June 30, 2003, Little Salt's estimated combined 2003 Federal and State tax liability was $167,737. Little Salt's 2003 tax year ended on September 30, 2003. It filed its 2003 Form 1120 on December 15, 2003, showing a tax due of $148,456. It did not pay that amount, and, on October 5, 2007, respondent determined a deficiency in Little Salt's 2003 income tax of $145,923.
The term "claim" is expansively defined for purposes of UFTA. It means "a right to payment" and includes, among others, a right to payment "whether or not * * * reduced to judgment," "contingent," or "unmatured."
The cited cases are authority principally with respect to determining whether the transferor's tax liability for the year of the transfer should be considered in determining whether the transferor was insolvent at the time of the transfer or was made insolvent by the transfer. They are not specifically authority with respect to the meaning of the term "claim" in
On August 7, 2003, the day of the transfer, respondent had, within the meaning of
Little Salt was a party to the agreement, and on August 7, 2003, pursuant to the agreement, it transferred $467,721 to Mr. Davis' firm's trust account.
We must determine whether, in exchange for the transfer, Little Salt received reasonably equivalent value. See
Pursuant to the agreement, MidCoast covenanted to cause Little Salt to pay the Tax Liability (a defined term), "to the extent that the Tax Liability is due given the Company's post-Share Closing business activities". And while that covenant was executory, it is not for that reason excluded from the statute's definition of value since it was not an unfilled promise to furnish support to any person. See
144 T.C. 235">*260 The agreement defines the Tax Liability as Little Salt's combined Federal and State income tax liability resulting from the land sale and its operations to the closing date, amounting to $167,737. Whatever value we might assign to MidCoast's covenant to cause Little Salt to pay that amount (or some lesser amount if Little Salt incurred 2003 post-closing-date tax losses), that value could not exceed $167,737, which is far from being substantially equivalent to the $467,721 that Little Salt transferred to Mr. Davis' firm's trust account. Also, pursuant to the agreement, MidCoast did pay to the shareholders $358,826. The general rule, however, is that a debtor does not receive reasonably equivalent value if it makes a transfer in exchange for a benefit to a third party. E.g.,
Petitioners' argument is that "Little Salt did not transfer anything pursuant to the Stock Sale." That, of course, is not what the agreement says. Petitioners continue,2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*56 however: "[Little Salt] had $471,221 in the bank both before and after the transaction." Petitioners cite in support of that proposition
Here the agreement is silent as to the disposition of Little Salt's funds deposited into Mr. Davis' firm's trust account. Although the agreement specifies that the funds are transferred to Mr. Davis' law firm "as escrow agent under a separate * * * agreement entered into on or about the date hereof", there was no escrow agreement. Mr. Walters, secretary and treasurer of the company, testified that he was aware of no escrow agreement or escrow agent. Moreover, in correspondence between Mr. Morrow (the shareholders' and Little Salt's attorney) and Mr. Davis (MidCoast's attorney), each makes it clear that neither thought either's law firm was undertaking any duties as an escrow agent. Nor is there here a closing statement available to all parties to the agreement showing a disbursement of Little Salt's cash to a new Little Salt account and from which we might2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*58 assume Little Salt's and the shareholders' knowledge of and agreement to such a transfer. Indeed, the contrary is the case here. Mr. Davis' draft letter of July 31, 2003, states that, in part, its purpose is to memorialize his instructions received from MidCoast, but it contains no instruction with respect to the disposition of Little Salt's cash. Mr. Morrow did not know of any instructions that MidCoast may have given Mr. Davis with respect to Little Salt's cash delivered to his trust account, nor did he know of MidCoast's plans with respect to Little Salt. Mr. Joyce, president of Little Salt, who signed the agreement for the company, testified that he knew MidCoast was getting Little Salt's cash but, at the time of the sale, he did not know what it would choose to do with the cash.
Whatever instructions MidCoast gave Mr. Davis with respect to his disposition of the Little Salt funds received into his firm's trust account, those instructions and MidCoast's intended disposition of the funds were unknown 144 T.C. 235">*262 to Little Salt and to its shareholders on August 7, 2003, when they entered into the agreement. Unlike the facts found in
Little Salt did not receive reasonably equivalent value on account of the transfer. See
Respondent argues that Little Salt became insolvent upon its transfer of all its cash (its only asset) to Mr. Davis' firm's trust account: "As its liabilities exceeded its assets (which were then zero) Little Salt was rendered2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*60 insolvent immediately before petitioners purportedly sold their shares." Petitioners answer: "Little Salt had cash in the bank in the amount of $467,221 [sic] both before and after the Stock Sale, more than sufficient to pay the tax liability in question."
A debtor is insolvent under UFTA "if the sum of * * * [its] debts is greater than all of * * * [its] assets at a fair valuation." Id.
Little Salt's transfer of all of its cash to the Davis' firm's trust account denuded it of assets unless we are to attach value (1) to the $467,721 that MidCoast lodged overnight with Little Salt or (2) to MidCoast's covenant pursuant to the agreement to cause the company to pay its 2003 estimated tax.
Whatever fair valuation one might attach to the $467,721 that MidCoast transferred to Little Salt, those funds were not, as discussed in the immediately preceding section of this report, received in consideration of Little Salt's transfer of the funds to MidCoast. Whether a transfer was fraudulent when made depends on conditions that existed when it was made. See
Also, notwithstanding the lack of any expert (or other) valuation testimony, we find that MidCoast's covenant to 144 T.C. 235">*264 cause Little Salt to pay its 2003 estimated tax lacked any fair value. The term "fair valuation" is not defined in UFTA, but it is well-known in bankruptcy law. See, e.g.,
On August 7, 2003, Little Salt transferred $467,721 to the Davis' firm's trust account, which left it with assets with nil fair value and a combined estimated tax liability of $167,737. 144 T.C. 235">*265 The transfer, therefore, caused it to become insolvent within the meaning2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*64 of
Little Salt's transfer of $467,721 to the Davis' firm's trust account was fraudulent with respect to respondent within the meaning of
Under UFTA, a transfer is constructively fraudulent with respect to a present or future claim if the transfer was made without the debtor's receiving "a reasonably equivalent value in exchange" and if either (1) the debtor's remaining assets "were unreasonably small" in relation to a present or anticipated business transaction or (2) the debtor "intended to incur, or believed or reasonably should have believed that he or she would incur, debts beyond his or her ability to pay as they became due." Id.
The first test,
Little Salt's management at the time of the transfer (i.e., Mr. Joyce, its president, and Mr. Walters, its secretary and treasurer) had no knowledge of MidCoast's business expectations or its financial projections for the company, nor did they inquire of MidCoast as to those matters. Moreover, following the transfer, Little Salt had no operating assets, no employees, intangible assets of no discernable value, and no customers. The company's 2003 and 2004 Federal income tax returns are evidence that MidCoast's only plan for the company was a tax scheme to eliminate2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*67 its taxable income. Those returns are clear evidence that, after the stock sale, the company did not engage in any business activity. They 144 T.C. 235">*267 show that, at each September 30 yearend, the company reported neither business assets, business liabilities, or other indicia of a business, such as cost of goods sold. The returns are also evidence of MidCoast's tax scheme to generate a phony bad debt deduction for the company by parking the cash MidCoast received from the company back with it for 24 hours before ostensibly lending it back to MidCoast, giving rise to a debt that MidCoast did not pay and that Little Salt erroneously claimed gave rise to a 2004 bad debt deduction and a net operating loss that the company carried back to, and deducted for, 2003. Little Salt's failure to engage in any post-stock-sale business activity and MidCoast's implementation of the tax scheme within minutes of receiving Little Salt's cash lead us to conclude that MidCoast's plans could not reasonably be expected to eliminate Little Salt's 2003 tax debts. Given those debts, if the transfer did not itself cause Little Salt to become insolvent, insolvency in the near future was a foregone conclusion. Consequently,2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*68 the transfer was fraudulent with respect to respondent within the meaning of
The inability-to-pay test found in
Having shown that Little Salt's transfer of all of its cash was fraudulent with respect to him, respondent may obtain "avoidance of the transfer * * * to the extent necessary to 144 T.C. 235">*268 satisfy * * * [his] claim". See id.
The agreement contains MidCoast's promise to purchase from the shareholders all of their Little Salt shares for $358,826. MidCoast's fulfillment2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*70 of that promise, however, was conditioned on Little Salt's prior transfer of $467,721 to the Davis' firm's trust account for the benefit of MidCoast. MidCoast was, thus, a transferee (the first transferee) of $467,721 from Little Salt. (The Davis firm, MidCoast's agent, with no right to put the money to its own purposes, is disregarded. See
The shareholders' benefit, $58,842, is substantially less than the prescription in
Respondent predicates his claim under
Respondent likewise predicates his claim under the common law trust fund doctrine on recasting the stock sale as a liquidation, and, since we do not do that, we need not further consider his trust fund claim.
5.Having determined that, pursuant to UFTA, respondent is entitled to a judgment against petitioners to satisfy a portion of his claim against Little Salt for its unpaid 2003 tax, we must finally determine whether petitioners are transferees within the meaning of
The three cited cases are evidence of the expansive reading that courts have given term "transferee" in applying
For the reasons stated, we sustain respondent's determination that petitioners are liable as transferees with respect to their respective shares of $58,842 of Little Salt's unpaid 2003 tax.
Decisions will be2015 U.S. Tax Ct. LEXIS 14">*77 entered under
1. Cases of the following petitioners are consolidated herewith: Arnold John Walters, Jr., Transferee, docket No. 1686-11; James Stuart, Jr., Transferee, docket No. 1687-11; and Robert Edwin Joyce, Transferee, docket No. 1688-11.↩
2. A transferee's liability generally is limited to the value of the assets received from the transferor. See
Hagaman v. Commissioner, 100 T.C. 180">100 T.C. 180↩ n.1 (1993).3. Under Nebraska law, the secretary of state is directed automatically to dissolve a corporation subject to the State's Business Corporation Act that does not timely pay its occupation (franchise) tax and file the required reports. See
Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. sec. 21-323 (LexisNexis 2008). Nevertheless, a corporation subject to such automatic dissolution "continues its corporate existence" as necessary to wind up and liquidate its business and affairs. Id.↩4.
Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. sec. 36-705(a)(1) (LexisNexis 2014) concerns itself with "actual" fraud, requiring a creditor to show the debtor's intent, i.e., that he "made the transfer * * * with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud any creditor of the debtor." (Emphasis added.)Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. secs. 36-705(a)(2) and36-706(a) , on the other hand, are essentially unconcerned with intent and focus, instead, on economic effect, e.g., whether the creditor received "a reasonably equivalent value in exchange for the transfer". Such intentless fraud is generally described as "constructive" fraud. See, e.g.,Wiand v. Lee, 753 F.3d 1194">753 F.3d 1194 , 753 F.3d 1194">1199 (11th Cir. 2014);Cullifer v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2014-208↩, at *49-*51 .5. Since we decided
Swords Trust v. Commissioner, 142 T.C. 317">142 T.C. 317 (2014), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has joined its three sisters in rejecting the Commissioner's two-step analysis. SeeSalus Mundi Found. v. Commissioner, 776 F.3d 1010">776 F.3d 1010 (9th Cir. 2014), rev'g and remandingT.C. Memo. 2012-61 . InFeldman v. Commissioner, 779 F.3d 448">779 F.3d 448 , , 2015 WL 759250">2015 WL 759250, at *2015 WL 759250">5 (7th Cir. 2015), aff'gT.C. Memo. 2011-297 , the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit concluded that transferee liability cases undersec. 6901 proceed in two steps: first, the Commissioner must establish that the target is a transferee within the meaning ofsec. 6901 ; second, he must establish the transferee's liability under State law. The court acknowledged that the independent State law inquiry would make a difference in outcome when there was a conflict between the applicable Federal doctrine (applying antiabuse doctrines to restructure a transaction) and the State law that determines substantive liability, but it found no such conflict on the facts before it.779 F.3d 448">779 F.3d 448, Id. at ↩, 2015 WL 759250, at *9 .6. See↩ Michael I. Saltzman & Leslie Book, IRS Practice and Procedure, para. 17.01, at 17-3 through 17-4 (rev. 2d ed. 2002).
7. In Saltzman & Book, supra, para. 17.01, at 17-6, the authors add:
Similarly, the Service may institute an action to collect a fiduciary's liability under
31 USC § 3713 . The transferee may also be held liable for the debts of the debtor under the Bankruptcy Code, which has its own fraudulent conveyance statute,15 even if the issue of liability is decided in the bankruptcy court, not the Tax Court underSection 6901 . 1511 USC § 548↩ .8. Moreover, under Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (UFTA) sec. 1 cmt. at 10 (1984) the definition of the term "claim" for purposes of UFTA sec. 1(3) is derived from
sec. 101(4) of the Bankruptcy Code,Pub. L. No. 95-598, sec. 101(4), 92 Stat. at 2550 . S. Rept. No. 95-989 (1978), 1998 U.S.C.C.A.N. 5787, accompanied H.R. 8200, 95th Cong. (1978), which, as enacted, becamePub. L. No. 95-598 . The Senate report states with respect to the definition of the term "claim" that the term is defined in the broadest possible sense, contemplating "all legal obligations of the debtor, no matter how remote or contingent". S. Rept. No. 95-989, supra↩ at 22, 1998 U.S.C.C.A.N. at 5807.9. The test of
Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. sec. 36-701(a) is a balance-sheet test (if debts exceed assets, equity is negative). In addition,Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. sec. 36-703(b)↩ contains a rebuttable presumption that a debtor who is generally not paying its debts as they become due is insolvent. Since we find that Little Salt was insolvent under the balance sheet test, we need not concern ourselves with the rebuttable presumption.