The collision, in this case, took place at mid-day, in an open river, in clear weather, and between two vessels which were in plain sight of each other. The case has been ably and earnestly argued, as might well be expected, from the character of the counsel, and the amount of property concerned, and, especially, from the fact, that it involves, to a considerable degree, the intelligence and skill of those who were in charge of the navigation of the vessels. I have, therefore, studied the case with a care and attention corresponding with its magnitude, and the interests involved; and shall proceed to state, in a few words, the conclusions arrived at.
The Corsica was descending the river, (having come out of her dock, next below the Jersey City ferry, on her way out to sea,) some three hundred yards off the Jersey shore. The America had come from the East
The proof is clear, that, if the Corsica had kept her course down the shore, no collision could have taken place; and, also, that there was room between her and the shore, for her to have ported her helm, and to have passed even further inward. The error of the pilot and master of the Corsica consisted in not observing the rule of navigation established by law. Article 14 provides: “If two ships under steam are crossing, so as to involve risk of collision, the ship which has the other on her own starboard side shall keep out of the way of the other.” Under this rule, the burden of avoiding the collision rested upon the America; and she took the proper measures to discharge that duty. Article 18 provides, that where, by the above rules, one of two ships is to keep out of the way, the other shall keep her course, subject to the next article (191, which provides, that, in obeying these rules, due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation, and also to any special circumstances, which may exist in any particular case, rendering a departure from such rules necessary, in order to avoid immediate danger. The counsel for the Corsica has strongly urged, that that vessel, under the existing circumstances, comes within the qualification; and that her pilot or master had a right to assume that the America intended to cross his bows, in which event a collision would certainly have followed, if the Corsica had not starboarded her helm. I do not doubt, that the pilot and master acted honestly under this belief, when the order to starboard was given. But I cannot forget, and they should not have forgotten, that it was the duty of the America to give way, and that of their vessel to keep her course; and, as there was opportunity for the America to take measures in fulfilment of this duty, it was a fault in the pilot and master of the Corsica not to have acted on this view. It was the departure from the rule that embarrassed the America, and led to the disaster. Acting under this rule, and carrying out its injunction, the America had disabled herself from remedying the error committed by the Corsica. She had stopped her headway, and was lying helpless in the water. Inasmuch as the movements she adopted would have prevented the misfortune, to permit special circumstances in the case to modify them or renderthem inefficient, would be such an administration of the rules as would operate to entrap the responsible vessel.
Decree affirmed.