That fraud was practiced in obtaining the respondents’ name to the charter, is clear. Hoffman & Meyer were distinctly informed, while negotiating, that- the prompt sailing of the vessel from Cartagena was an essential requisite to the contract. With this in mind, the terms were agreed upon, and reduced to writing, with a clear understanding that the paper should be signed as written. Mr. Young, consequently, with the knowledge of Mr. Hoffman, marked the paper as examined and ready for the respondents’ signature. Mr. Hoffman testifies that he understood Mr. Young’s mark; that it was a sign the paper had been examined, “so that Mr. Neall, or any other member of the firm, could sign, without reading it through; that the sign was on the paper when it was received, and sent to New York. He further testifies that he and Mr. Meyer objected, earnestly, to the alteration which Funch, Edye & Co. proposed to make; that Funch, Edye & Co. had agreed to sign the charter-party as prepared, without alteration. Hoffman & Meyer telegraphed to Funch, Edye & Co. “Don’t alter, — vessel to sail promptly, — as Wrights will surely object to the same.” And again, “Wrights insist to have charter to-day. They will cancel charter if you alter it, therefore post at once, unchanged, to avoid trouble.” In short, Hoffman & .Meyer knew that the paper expressed the definite agreement of the parties, and was to be signed as written; that Peter Wright & Sons would agree to nothing else, but would withdraw from the transaction if any alteration was made; and that when the paper should be returned, with Mr. Young’s sign of examination and approval upon it, they would sign it without reading. After the alteration had.been fully resolved upon and made, by Funch, Edye & Co., they requested Hoffman & Meyer to communicate with respondents about it; and were answered by Hoffman & Meyer that Mr. Neall had been seen and his consent obtained, “after a short struggle.” This answer was wholly untrue.
Upon whom should the consequences fall ? If Hoffman & Meyer were the respondents’ agents, or were not the libel-lant’s, the latter must not suffer for their unfaithfulness. Whom did Hoffman & Moyer represent ? Mr. Young, whose duty, as an employe of the respondents, it is to charter teasels, says, “Hoffman & Meyer called and asked for a bid for the ‘Hero;'” that “Peter Wright & Sons did not ask Hoffman & Meyer to procure them tonnage; ” but that the latter asked the former to make a bid for the vessel, and they did so. Mr. Neall says “the vessel was brought to the attention of Peter Wright & Sons by Hoffman & Meyer, who advised us they had the vessel from Funeh, Edye & Co.” It is thus rendered quite plain, (for there is no contradiction of this testimony,) that the respondents did not employ Hoffman & Meyer, or regard them as interested in their behalf. Mr. Meyer, who was called as a witness by the libellant, (and would seem to be interested in sustaining the charter,) says “Funeh, Edye & Co. gave us, Hoffman & Meyer, the ‘Hero’ to got a charter-party for, in this city. We then applied to Peter Wright & Sons for an offer, and had several interviews with them, the substance of which wo communicated to our principals, Punch, Edye & Co., before an understanding was reached.” This corresponds with the testimony of Messrs. Young and Neall, to the extent they go. It reaches further, however, and proves, if believed, not only that they were not the agents of Peter Wright & Sons, but were the agents of the ship. -The testimony of Meyer is corroborated by the correspondence between Punch, Edye & Co. and Hoffman & Moyer, — the letters and telegrams, most, if not all, of which contain evidence that Hoffman & Meyer represented
These communications, of themselves, would seem to leave no room for doubt that Hoffman & Meyer were acting in behalf of the vessel, alone, and that Funch, Edye & Co., as well as themselves, so understood. The only evidence to the contrary is that found in the testimony of Mr. Volckens, of the firm of Funch, Edye & Co., who says they did not place the vessel with Hoffman & Meyer for charter, but that the latter gentlemen, as agents for Peter Wright & Sons, applied to them to take freight, and that they simply closed with the offers made by Peter Wright & Sons, through such agents. The testimony of this witness (who, no doubt, intends to be entirely fair), shows, in my judgment, a strong bias in favor of the libellant. He seems to be especially on his guard, throughout, against any form of expression or answer, tending to show concert between his firm and Hoffman & Meyer, repeating with unnecessary frequency the idea that Funch, Edye & Co. simply accepted the offer of Hoffman & Meyer as representatives of Peter Wright & Sons. He also seems forgetful of Hoffman & Meyer’s remonstrances respecting the alteration of the paper, and their representations of Wright’s
I have not overlooked the rule, in considering this case, that brokers must sometimes he treated as agents of both
It is much to be regretted that Funch, Edye & Co. did not immediately communicate Peter Wright & Sons’ repudiation of the paper, to the libellant, on receiving notice of the fact. The ship had not then sailed, and no serious loss would have resulted, had this been done. The position they assumed,— that their agency closed with the signing of' the charter,— rests on a very contracted view of their duty, — the adoption of which they may yet, possibly, have occasion to regret.
The libel must be dismissed, with costs.