This is a libel for salvage, filed by Cornelius K. Garrison and others, owners of the steamer San Salvador, on behalf of themselves and all others claiming any interest, against the screw steamer Saragossa, her tackle, &c. The crew of the San Salvador have come in by petition and been made co-libellants. On the 30th of April, 1867, the Saragossa, being, with her cargo, of the value of $Í00,000, and on a voyage from New York to Charleston, broke
This service was a salvage service. In order to make a salvage service it is not necessary that a vessel, whether sailing or steam, should be unnavigable, or that a steam vessel should be injured not merely in her machinery but in her hull or her sails also. Where a vessel has not received any injury or damage, and is in the same condition she would ordinarily be in without having encountered any damage or accident, a service rendered to her is not a salvage service. The Reward, 1 W. Rob. Adm. 177. A steam vessel which has lost the use of her steam machinery by an accident, is not in the same condition she would ordinarily be in, although she is sound in huu and masts and has the use of her sails, and a service rendered to her under such circumstances, by towing her, is not a mere towage service, but is a salvage service. It is not necessary that the distress should be actual or immediate, or that the danger should be imminent or absolute, but it is sufficient if, at the time the assistance is rendered, the vessel has encountered any damage or misfortune which might possibly expose her to destruction if the services were not rendered. The Charlotte, 3 Rob. Adm. 08, 71.
I think, in this case that $900 is a proper compensation. Of this sum I award $400 to the owners of the San Salvador and $50 to her master. The remaining $450 is to be divided among the officers and crew, including the master, in proportion to their respective monthly wages, the apportionment to be made by a commissioner, on a reference, unless the parties agree upon it. The claimant must, also, pay the costs of the suit.