ACCEPTED 14-14-00822-CV FOURTEENTH COURT OF APPEALS NO. 14-14-00822-CV HOUSTON, TEXAS 7/21/2015 9:02:51 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK IN THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS AT HOUSTON FILED IN 14th COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 7/21/2015 9:02:51 PM TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE, CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk Appellant V. MARGARET MODUPE DRISCAL, Appellee ON APPEAL FROM THE 310TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS TRIAL CAUSE NO. 2013-66224 APPELLEE'S BRIEF Respectfully submitted, ~~ THEODORE HAYNEs:nt! Attorney for Appellee Texas Bar No. 00787665 P.O. Box 300833 Houston, Texas 77230-0833 Telephone: (713) 660-7646 Telecopier: (713) 660-0203 E-mail: ORAL ARGUMENT REQUESTED IDENTITY OF PARTIES AND COUNSEL AppelJee: Attorney: Margaret Modupe Driscal Theodore Haynes, Jr. Attorney for Appellee Texas Bar No. 00787665 P.O. Box 300833 Houston, Texas 77230-0833 Telephone: (713) 660-7646 Telecopier: (713) 660-0203 E-mail: Respondent/Appellant: Attorney: Tokes Tosin Adeleye Pro Se 7901 Glen Cove Lane Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083 Telephone: (770) 498-3525 Telecopier: (770) 498-3525 TABLE OF CONTENTS lI)1O~1'I1',{ ()J1 I'l\Jft1'J];~ f\J\[[) (;(){JJ\f~101o ..... .. ... .. ... .... ........ ........ ............ i 1'ABlolO ()J1 (;()~1'E~1'~ ...... .......... ... .. .. .. .. ....... . .. ... ...... .... .... ....... ....... .ii il'IDIOX ()J1 AU1'H()RInlO~ .... ... .. . .. .... ....... .. ... ... ... ........ ... .......... .... .. .iii-iv RE(;()RD REJ1ERE~(;E~ ..... ........... .............................................. ................................v ~1'A 1'1Ol\ffi~1' ()J11'HlO (;A~K ... .. .. ..... .... ... .... ...... ... ... . ........ ........ . ......... I ~1' A 1'1Ol\ffi~1' m1'HlO J1A(;1'~ .... .. .. ..... .. ....... ............................ ........ 2-12 ~UMMAR,{ ()J11'HlO l\JftGUl\ffi~L ........... ................. ... ...... .... . .. ......... 13 l\JftGUl\ffi~1' ...................... ...... ..................... ........ ... ......... .. ....... 14-57 Reply to Appellant's Issue ~o . I. 1'he finding that that parties were married in ~igeria, on May 18, 1984, without impediments, was a just and right fmding by the trier of fact and the facts support that finding ......................................................... ................. 14-42 Reply to Appellant's Issue ~o. 2. Appellant received ample notice that an expert in ~igerian traditional weddings would testify .. .... ............................ 42-44 Reply to Appellant's Issue ~o . 3. 1'he 1'rial (;ourt had in personurnjurisdiction over the I'etitioner and the Respondent ....................................... .... ..... 44-50 Reply to Appellant's Issue ~o. 4. 1'he 1'rail (;ourt had in rem jurisdiction over the property the subject of the lawsuit. ...................... ... ...... 51 -57 REQUIO~1' 1'() ~UI'nIOME~1' (;loIORK'S RE(;()RD ........................ .......... 58 AH()~,{'~ J1EIO~ AND (;()~lr. ...... ...... .. ...... .. .... . . .. ............. .. ...... .58-59 I'RA '{lOR.. .. ............. ..... ...... ...... ......... ....... .. ... ..... .. .... .. ...... ......... .... 60 (;ER1'ITI(;A1'10 ()J1 (;()MI'UA~(;IO ...................................................... ...................... 61 (;IOR1'ITI(;A1'E m ~IORVI(;IO ... ... . ....... .. ..... .. ........ .. ...... .... .. ..... .. .. ........ 61 VIORIH(;An()~ ... ....................... . ... .... ... ... ........ ... ....... ...... ......... ..... 62 11 INDEX OF AUTHORITIES Texas Family Code, §1.l01.. ................. . ... .... ........... ...... .. ......... 14 Texas Family Code, §1.l03 ... .... ................................... .. .... . .... .. 14 Texas Family Code, §1.l 02 ......................................... .............. 15 Texas Family Code, Chapter 6 §6.202 ..... .... .. ... .. . ..... .. .... . ..... ......... 16 Fantasy Ranch, Inc. v. City ofArlington, 193 S.W. 3d 605, 615 (Tex. App. - Fort Worth 2006, pet. denied) ... . ... .. .41 McMahan v. Greenwood, 108 S.W. 3d 467,500 (Tex. App. - Houston [14TH Dist.] 2003, pet. denied) ........ . .... ... ...... .. . ...... ..... . .................... . ..... ...... ... .41 Tex. R. App. P. 33.1 (a) ................ ........ ... .. ........ .. ...... . ...... .... .41 Pat Baker Co. v. Wilson, 971 S.W. 2d 447, 450 (Tex. 1998) ......... .. .41 Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Hines, 252 S.W. 3d. 496, 507 (Tex. App. - Houston [14TH Dist.] 2008, pet. deni ed ............... ........ ..... .. ..... ...... .. ..... ........................ .41 Texas Family Code, Chapter 6 §6.301.. ...... ................... ... .. . .. ..... .. .44 Texas Family Code, Chapter 6 §6.202 ............. ............................. .44 In the Interest ofSA. v. , 837 S.W. 2d. 80 (Tex. 1992) ..... ....... ... ... ... . .. .48 III Reynolds v. Reynolds, 2 S.W. 3d. 429 (Tex. App. - Houston [1 ST Dist.] (1999) ..................... .48 Texas Elec. Ry. Co. v. Neale, 244 S.W. 2d. 329 (Tex. Civ. App. Waco, 1951) ... .. ........................... 52 Orbeckv. Allen, 276 S,W, 947 (Tex. Civ. App. - Waco 1925) .... .... ........ 52 Davey v. Margaret! Jordan Royalties, Inc. Court of Appeals, Tyler, August 13,2014, Not reported in S.W. 3d, 2014 WL 3939669, 12-13-00002-CV ............................................ 52 Aloe Ltd., Inc. v. Koch, 735 S.W. 2d. 364, (Tee, Civ. App. - Corpus Christi, 1987, no writ) ........ 52 Fish v. Tandy Corp., 948 S.W. 2d. 886, 887 (Tex. App. Fort Worth 1997, pet. denied) . .. .. ...... 52 Wells v. Hiskett, 288 S.W. 2d. 257 (Tex. Civ. App. - Texarkana, 1956) ... 52 IV RECORD REFERENCES Clerk's Record The Clerk's Record consist of one (1) volume and is referred herein as CR followed by the page number(s). Reporter's Record The Reporter's Record consist of a one (I) volume of one (I) of the temporary orders hearing, on January 7, 2014, recorded by Deputy Court Reporter Kim Weidenheft, (referred to herein as D.R.R., followed by the volume number, page number(s) and line number(s)) and the two (2) volume of three (3) volume of record of the trial itself, on September 23, 2014, recorder by Official Court Reporter Ben Alva, (referred to herein as O.R.R. followed by the volume number, page number(s) and line number(s)) and the one (1) volume of one (1) volume of record of the trial itself, on September 24, 2014, recorded by computerized stenotype machine, by Deputy Court Reporter Geneva M. Villanueva, (referred to herein as R.R., followed by the volume number, page number(s) and line number(s). Exhibits Exhibits will be referred to by Exhibit No. e.g. "Petitioner's Exhibit No.1" v TO THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS: MARGARET MODUPE DRISCAL, (hereinafter "Driscal"), Appellee, files her brief in response to the appeal of TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE (hereinafter "Adeleye"), Appellant, in this cause. Driscal requests the opportunity for oral argument of this appeal. Because of the complexity of the claims and procedures in issue, Driscal believes oral argument will help to clarify the claims of the parties. STATEMENT OF THE CASE The finding that the parties were married in Nigeria, on May 18, 1984, without impediments, was a just and right fmding by the trier offact and the facts support that fmding. Appellant received ample notice that an expert m Nigerian traditional weddings would testify. The Trial Court had III personam jurisdiction over the Appellee and the Appellant. The Trial Court had in rem jurisdiction over the property the subject of the lawsuit. STATEMENT OF FACTS On MAY 18, 1984, the parties to the underlying lawsuit were married in NIGERIA, through a traditional Nigerian wedding, which is recognized as a valid marriage in the United States of America. After the wedding, the parties lived together as husband and wife, held themselves out to the world as being married, were the biological parents of three children and shared in the payments of expenditures together. No evidence of any marriages of the parties that occurred prior to the MAY 18, 1984, such as a malTiage license or marriage certificate, was produced and entered into evidence or even attempted to be entered into evidence. On November 1, 2013 , Driscal filed her Original Petition For Divorce. On JANUARY 7, 2014, a temporary orders hearing was held in the underlying case, to decide which party would have temporary possession of the real property located at 23015 ADWICK COURT, KATY, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 77450. The property the subject of the temporary orders hearing was in the possession of the AppelleelPetitioner MARGARET DRISCAL (Driscal), at the time of the temporary orders hearing. An eviction case had been filed by AppellantlRespondent TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE (Adelye), at the time ofthe temporary orders hearing. 2 Please note that the eviction case was not filed by LONGTERM CARE, INC. or on behalf of LONGTERM CARE, INC., as Plaintiff, but was filed with TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE (Adeleye) as Plaintff. To/res Adeleye v. Margaret Driscal, Cause No. EV52C0348292, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2, Harris County, Texas (December 17, 2013 - January 7, 2014. After the temporary orders hearing, the Court ruled that Adeieye should have temporary possession of the property the subject of the lawsuit. The Court found that additional evidence of the traditional Nigerian wedding was required. On SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 and SEPTEMBER 24, 2014, the parties to this cause proceeded to trial before the Court, and the Court having heard and considered the admissible evidence and the arguments of counsel rendered its opinion as follows: "No jury having been demanded by either party, and it appearing that the Original Petition for Divorce filed herein by Petitioner has been on file for at least sixty days and is in proper form and contains all the allegations required by law, the Court proceeded to hear the evidence and argument, and, same having been submitted to the Court, the Court is of the opinion that the material allegations of said Petition are true and correct and have been proved by full and satisfactory evidence and that [mdings and orders should be entered as follows: 3 The Court finds that the pleadings of Petitioner are in due form and contain all the allegations, information and prerequisites required by law. The Court, after receiving evidence, finds that it has jurisdiction over this cause of action and the parties and that at least 60 days have elapsed since the date the suit was filed. The Court finds that, at the time of the filing of this suit, Petitioner had been a domiciliary of the State for the preceding six-month period and a resident of this county for the preceding ninety-day period. All persons entitled to citation were properly cited. The Court finds that the parties were married in NIGERIA, on MAY 18, 1984, and therefore the marriage is valid. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the marriage of MAY 18, 1984, in NIGERIA, of MARGARET MODUPE DRISCAL, Petitioner, also know as MARGARET MODUPE EGUN, and TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE, Respondent, is val id. The Court finds that Petitioner should be granted a divorce from Respondent severing the bonds of matrimony between them. 4 IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADruDGED, AND DECREED that the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between said Petitioner and Respondent are hereby dissolved and Petitioner is granted a divorce from Respondent. The Court finds that the following is a just and right division of the parties' marital estate, having due regard for the rights of each party: IT IS ORDERED, ADruDGED AND DECREED that Petitioner, MARGARET MODUPE DRISCAL, is awarded the following as her sole and separate property, and Respondent, TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE, is hereby divested of all right, title, interest, beneficial interest, and claim in and to such property: a. The parties real property located at 23015 ADWICK COURT, KATY, TEXAS 77450, including but not limited to any escrow funds, prepaid insurance, utility deposits, keys, garage openers, house plans, warranties, service contracts, and title documents and legally described as follows: LOT(S) 60, IN BLOCK 3, OF GOVERNOR'S PLACE, SECTION FOUR (4), A SUBDIVISION IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AT FILM CODE NO. 353011 , OF THE MAP RECORDS OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS. 5 b. The 1994 Toyota Camry, License Plate No. BK5Z524, Vehicle Identification Number 4T1 SK12E5RU369861. c. The 1995 Toyota Land Cruiser, License Plate No. RSN022, Vehicle Identification Number JT3DJ81 W2S0096317. d. All household furniture. furnishings, fixtures, goods, appliances, and equipment in the possession of or subject to the sole control of Petitioner. e. All clothing, jewelry, and other person effects in the possession of or subject to the sole control of Petitioner. f. Any and all sums of cash in the possession of or subject to the sole control of Petitioner, including money on account in banks, savings institutions, or other fmancial institutions, which accounts stand in Petitioner's sole name of from which Petitioner has the sole right to withdraw funds or which are subject to Petitioner's sole control. g. Any and all sums whether matured or unmatured, accrued or unaccrued, vested of otherwise, together with all increases thereof, the proceeds therefrom, and any other rights related to any profit-sharing plan, retirement plan, pension plan, employee stock option plan, employee savings plan, accrued unpaid bonuses, or other benefit program existing by reasons of Petitioner's past present or future employment. 6 h. Any and all policies oflife insurance insuring the life of Petitioner. i. Any and all stocks, bonds, and securities registered in the name of Petitioner, together with all dividends, splits, and other rights and privileges in connection therewith. IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Respondent, TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE, is awarded the following as his sole and separate property, and Petitioner, MARGARET MODUPE DRlSCAL, is hereby divested of all right, title, interest, beneficial interest, and claim in and to such property: a. The parties real property located at 7091 GLEN COVE LANE, STONE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA 30087, including but not limited to any escrow funds, prepaid insurance, utility deposits, keys, garage openers, house plans, warranties, service contracts, and title documents. b. The parties real property located at 2920 NORTH DESHONG ROAD, STONE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA 30097, including but not limited to any escrow funds, prepaid insurance, utility deposits, keys, garage openers, house plans, warranties, service contracts, and title documents. 7 c. The parties real property located at 1 LOT IN COLUMBUS GEORGIA, including but not limited to any escrow funds, prepaid insurance, utility deposits, keys, garage openers, house plans, warranties, service contracts, and title documents. d. The 2001 Mercedes Benz Model S430 License Plate No. _ __ _ __ _ , Vehicle Identification Number e. The 2008 Volkswagen Passat, License Plate No. _ _ __ _ _-' Vehicle Identification Number --- - -- -- - -- - ------- f. The 1983 Mercedes Benz Model 380, License Plate No. Vehicle Identification Number g. The 1996 Lexus LX450, License Plate No. Vehicle Identification Number ------ - - - - -- ------- h. All household furniture. furnishings, fixtures, goods, appliances, and equipment in the possession of or subject to the sole control of Respondent. i. All clothing, jewelry, and other person effects in the possession of or subject to the sole control of Respondent. 8 j. Any and all sums of cash in the possession of or subject to the sole control of Respondent, including money on account in banks, savings institutions, or other fmancial institutions, which accounts stand in Respondent's sole name of from which Respondent has the sole right to withdraw funds or which are subject to Respondent's sole control. k. Any and all sums whether matured or unmatured, accrued or unaccrued, vested of otherwise, together with all increases thereof, the proceeds therefrom, and any other rights related to any profit-sharing plan, retirement plan, pension plan, employee stock option plan, employee savings plan, accrued unpaid bonuses, or other benefit program existing by reasons of Respondent's past present or future employment. I. Any and all policies oflife insurance insuring the life of Respondent. m. Any and all stocks, bonds, and securities registered in the name of Respondent, together with all dividends, splits, and other rights and plivileges m connection therewith. 9 IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that, MARGARET MODUPE DRISCAL shall pay, indemnify and hold TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE hannless from payment and liability for the following debts: a. The real property taxes associated with the real property, located at 23015 ADWICK COURT, KATY, TEXAS 77450, mentioned above, account number 1174940030060 and account number _ __ __ _ _ _ b. All credit card debt in Petitioner, MARGARET MODUPE DRISCAL ' S name. c. All debt in Petitioner, MARGARET MODUPE DRISCAL' S name. IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE shall pay, indemnify and hold , MARGARET MODUPE DRISCAL harmless from payment and liability for the following debts: a. The mortgage and any debt associated with the real property, located at 7091 GLEN COVE LANE, STONE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA 30087, mentioned above, _ _ _ __ _ account number _ __ _ __ __ . b. The mortgage and any debt associated with the real property, located at 2920 NORTH DESHONG ROAD, STONE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA 30097, mentioned above, _ _ _ __ _ account number _ _ _ __ _ __ 10 c. The mortgage and any debt associated with the real property, located at 1 LOT IN COLUMBUS GEORGIA, mentioned above, _ _ _ _ __ account number - - - - - -- d. All credit card debt in Respondent, TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE ' S name. e. All debt in Respondent, TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE' S name. The court finds that it would be fair and equitable for the Court to award to each property now in his or her possession as separate property. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that each party take as his or her separate property all property not otherwise disposed of by this Decree, now in his or her possession, and that each party assume all indebtedness against such property so awarded to him or her. The Court fmds that no unmarried children now under the age of eighteen years were born to or adopted by this marriage and that none is expected. 11 All costs of Court extended herein are taxed against the party incurring the cost, for which let execution issue if not timely paid. IT IS ORDERED that all relief requested in this case and not expressly granted is denied." During the temporary orders hearing and the fmal trial of the underlying case, no evidence of any marriages of the parties that occurred prior to the MAY 18, 1984, such as a marriage license or marriage certificate, was produced and entered into evidence or even attempted to be entered into evidence. 12 SUMMARY OF THE ARGUMENT The fmding that the parties were married in Nigeria, on May 18, 1984, without impediments, was a just and right fmding by the trier offact and the facts support that fmding. Appellant received ample notice that an expert m Nigerian traditional weddings would testifY. The Trial Court had in personam jurisdiction over the Appellee and the Appellant. The Trial Court had in rem jurisdiction over the property the subject of the lawsuit. 13 ARGUMENT Reply to Appellant's Issue No.1 The finding that the parties were married in Nigeria, on May 18, 1984, without impediments, was a just and right finding by the trier of fact and the facts support that finding. In order to promote the public health and welfare and to provide the necessary records, this code specifies detailed rules to be followed in establishing the marriage relationship. However, in order to provide stability for those entering into the marriage relationship in good faith and to provide for an orderly determination of parentage and security for the children , of the relationship, it is the policy of this state to preserve and uphold each marriage against claims of invalidity unless a strong reason exist for holding a marriage void or voidable. Therefore, every marriage entered into in this state is presumed to be valid unless expressly made voidable by Chapter 6 and annulled as provided by that chapter. Texas Family Code, § 1.101. The law of this state applies to persons married elsewhere who are domiciled in this state. Texas Family Code §1.l03. 14 The validity of the marriage in the United States depends on the parties' compliance with the foreign rules and foreign laws of the foreign countly. Foreign marriages are recognized by the United States, as long as the marriage was entered into pursuant to the laws of the country where it is performed. Under the principle of comity, a marriage obtained in another country, that was entered into pursuant to the laws of the country where it is performed, receives full faith and credit in all other states and countries. Comity is a term used in international law and in the law governing relations between United States to describe an informal principle that nations extend certain courtesies to other nations, particularly to recognize the validity and effect oftheir executive, legislative, and judicial acts. When two or more marriages of a person to different spouses are alleged, the most recent marriage is presumed to be valid as against each marriage that precedes the most recent marriage until one who asserts the validity of a marriage proves the validity of the prior marriage. Texas Family Code, § 1.102. 15 Texas Family Code, Chapter 6, §6.202, entitled, "Marriage During Existence of Prior Marriage." (a) states, "A marriage is void if entered into when either party has an existing marriage to another person that has not been dissolved by legal action or terminated by the death of the other spouse." During the temporary orders hearing and the final trial of the underlying case, no evidence of any marriages of the parties that occurred prior to the MAY 18, 1984, such as a marriage license or marriage certificate, was produced and entered into evidence or even attempted to be entered into evidence. Appellant did not orally request a motion for continuance or file a written motion for continuance at any time during the litigation of this case to retrieve additional evidence to support a marriage prior the marriage of the parties. In fact, Appellant opposed the motion for continuances filed by Appellee on June 30, 2014, July 30, 2014 and August 29,2014 and announced ready for trial. 16 The testimonial evidence at the temporary orders hearing, held on January 7, 2014, pertaining to the marriage, was as follows: Q "Did you marry me honestly? A "Yeah." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 19, Lines 11-12) Q "Did you observe them living together as husband and wife? A "Yes." Q "Did everybody in the family recognize them as being husband and wife? A "Yes." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Lines 1 -2). Q "Why do you say that you recognize them as being husband and wife?" (DRR, Volume I, Page 22, Lines 6-7). A "Well, back in 1983 Margaret came to Nigeria, she was pregnant with her first child." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Lines 8- 9). "So I was instrumental into the traditional marriage that occurred back in Nigeria back in 1984." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Lines 9-11) "If I'm not mistaken." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Line 11). "I must have written a letter for the traditional wedding that took place in Nigeria." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Lines 11-12). "The purpose of this is the family of Tokes will come and ask for Margaret's had in marriage, which was what happened, and a celebration ensued after that." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Lines 13-15). 17 "And shortly after that was when I moved to the U.S. and she had the first child before I came because she had Margaret in July and I came in August of this year." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Lines 15-18). Q "Were you present at the traditional wedding that they had in Nigeria?:" (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Lines 19-20). A "Yes, I was." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Line 21). Q. "Is that recognized as a legal marriage in Nigeria?" (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Line 21). Q "Is that recognized as a legal marriage in Nigeria?" (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Lines 22). A. "Yes, it is." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Line 23) Q. "And if people come to the United States, are they still considered married?" (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Lines 24-25). "They're married in Nigeria with that ceremony?" (DRR, Volume 1, Page 22, Line 25 and Page 23, Line 1). A. "Yes because the two parties - husband's - the man's family has to ask the woman's hand in marriage before the father and the mother so that both families are present in that." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Lines 2-5). "And that's exactly the same type of marriage that I had too." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Lines 5-6). Q. "When does the marriage actually occur?" (DRR, Volume I, Page 23, Line 7). 18 A. "This marnage for tern occurred in Margaret's parents' home because the family of Tokes has to come --- ." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Lines 8-9). THE COURT: "Is there and official that performs the ceremony that you know of?" (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Lines 10-11). THE WITNESS: ''No, No. What happens is they write a letter of proposal and then they bring what is considered dowry and other for the marriage ceremony.". (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Lines 12-14) "And then after that, of course, then the ceremony, there's the celebration and they are considered husband and wife." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Lines 14-16). THE COURT: "What actually records the marriage?" (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Line 17) THE WITNESS: "Not in Nigeria. Nobody records the marriage, not as far as I know." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Lines 18-19). Q (BY MR. HAYNES) "Was there a dowry presented and were there things - "(DRR, Volume 1, Page 23 , Lines 20-21). A. "Things are presented." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23 , Line 22). "That's the custom." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Line 22). "That is the custom when you do a traditional wedding." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Lines 22-23). 19 "Things are presented from his side of the family to our side of the family because they are the ones asking for her hand in marriage." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Lines 22-25). Q. "Do the people who are getting married have to be present at the wedding at all?" (DRR, Volume I, Page 23, Lines 1-2) A. "No. No." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 23, Lines 1-2). Q. "Is it still considered a legal marriage in Nigeria even if they are not present?" (DRR, Volume 1, Page 24, Lines 4-5). A. "Yes." (DRR, Volume I, Page 24, Line 6). Q. "And that marriage is also considered to be a legal marriage in the United States when you come here and you shoe that that's recognized as a legal marriage?" (DRR, Volume 1, Page 24, Lines 7-9). A. "As far as I know." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 24, Line 10). The testimonial evidence at the [mal trial on the First Amended Original Petition For Divorce, held on September 23, 2014 and September 24, 2014, pertaining to the marriage, was as follows : 20 Q. "Are you married to the Respondent who is Tokes Adeleye?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 8, Lines 7-8). A. Yeah." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 8, Line 9). Q. "And, Ms. Driscal, you've alleged in your petition that you and Mr. Tokes Ad~leye were formally married on May the 18 th of 1984; is that correct?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 8, Lines 21-24. A. "Yeah." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 8, Line 24). Q. "And you ' re asking the Court to find that that fonnal marriage was a valid marriage; is that correct?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 8, Line 25 and Page 9, Line 1). A. "Yeah." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 9, Line 2). "It was a traditional marriage in Nigeria." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 9, Line 2). Q. "Is this a formal marriage or common law at this point?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 13, Lines 12-13). A. "It's a traditional marriage in Nigeria." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 13, Line 14). "And what happens is the guy is going to call or inform his family that he ' s found somebody he wants to marry and the family is going to go on his behalf." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 13, Lines 14-17). "They are going to write a letter to ask for the girl's hand in marriage and they will arrange the dates where they will do the ceremony and this is the letter." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 13, Lines 17-20). 21 Q. " Okay." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 15, Line 1). "All right." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 15 Line 1). "Have you known anyone else who has gone through this traditional type marriage that we have right here?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 15, Lines 1-3). A. "Yes." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 15, Lines 4). Q. "And has that marriage --- was that marriage acknowledged wen they came to the United Sates as being married." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 15, Lines 5-7). A. "I believe so." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 8, Line 8). Q. "After you had that formal marriage, in May 18, 1984, did the two of you ever live together?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 21, Lines 24-25 and Page 22, Linel.). A. "Yeah." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Lines 2). Q. "When did you start living together?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Lines 3. A. "We started living together in 1983." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Lines 4). Q. "And where did you live together?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Line 5). A. "I was in Huntsville, Alabama." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 8, Line 6). Q. "And are you saying Mr. Adeleye was living together with you in Huntsville, Alabama?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Lines 7-8). A. "I moved to Alabama to join him." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Line 9). 22 Q. "Okay." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Line 10). A. "Yeah." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Line 11). Q. "And did you agree to live together as husband and wife while you were in Huntsville?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Lines 12-13). A. "Yes." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Line 14). Q. "And you - did you represent to other people that you were married while you were in Huntsville?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Lines 15-16). A. "No, because J don't thing the ceremony was done while we were in Huntsville." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Lines 17-18). Q. "After the ceremony was done, did you represent to people that you were married?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Lines 19-20). A. "Oh, yeah." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Lines 20). Q. "Who did you represent to that you were married?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Lines 22-23). A. "Neighbors, friends, his family, his sister, his brother." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 22, Lines 24-25). 23 Q . "And you were together in Atlanta, Georgia?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 23, Line 23). A. "Oh, yeah." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 23, Line 22). Q. "What year was that?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 23, Lines 23). A. "We lived in - actually went to visit in Nigeria December 1983 ." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 23 , Lines 24-25). "And before I came back, we had arranged to move to Atlanta and he did the moving." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 23, Lines 24-25 and Page 24, Line 1). "So when I fly back, I flew straight to Georgia to Atlanta to join him." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 24, Lines 1- 2). "So we live together in Atlanta form that time until we move to Texas." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 24, Lines 3-4). Q. "During the time you were here in Houston, Texas? (ORR, Volume 2, Page 32, Line 3). A. "Yes." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 32, Lines 4). Q. "You two were still sharing expenses while he was here in Houston, HalTis County, Texas; is that correct?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 32, Lines 5-6). A. "Yeah." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 32, Lines 7). 24 Q. "And what were they written to you for?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 36, Line 4). "What were they paying for?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 36, Lines 4-5). A. "For expenses to get the bills and everything we needed." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 36, Lines 6-7). Q. "And that's for the house that you had here in Houston, Texas; is that correct?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 36, Lines 8-9). A. "Yeah, for the house here in Houston." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 36, Lines 10). Q. "And is it your contention that by him sharing the expenses that that's proof that he had an ongoing relationship and a marriage with you?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 36, Lines 11-13). A. "Yeah, because I was a homemaker." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 36, Line 14). "I took care of the girls because he kept two home and he was moving back and forth." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 36, Lines 14-16). Q. "Okay." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 36, Line 17). A. "So he was paying for the bills here." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 36, Line 18). 25 A. "Twelve is a family photograph that we took when his mom cam to visit us in the U.S. here in Houston." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 41 , Lines 16-18). THE COURT: "I don't want you to tell us anything right now other that what that document is." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 41, Line 19-20). ''It's a photograph." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 41, Line 21). A. "Okay." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 41 , Line 21). "A photograph, yeah, a family photograph." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 41, Line 22). THE COURT: "Okay." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 41 , Line 23). Q. (BY MR. HAYNES) "And, ma' am, in that photograph are you depicted in that photograph?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 41, Lines 24-25). A. "Yes." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 42, Line 1). Q. "Is Mr. Tokes Adeleye in that photograph?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 42, Line 2). A. "Yes." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 42, Line 3). Q. "And about what time period - do you know when that was taken?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 42, Lines 4-5). "Was that in Atlanta or was that in Nigeria, was that in Houston?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 42, Lines 5-6). A. "No, here in Houston." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 42, Lines 7). 26 Q. "Okay. And. Mrs. Driscal, could you please tell the Court why it is that you think that this Court should find either that there was a formal marriage in Nigeria or that that there was a common law marriage that existed between you and Mr. Adeleye?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 56, Lines 2-6). A. "Because even before the ceremony, we lived together." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 56, Lines 7-8). "And that's been since 1983 . (ORR, Volume 2, Page 56, Lines 8). "And he's been responsible for our expenses and everything in Houston." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 56, Lines 8-9). "We came together to Houston to look for the house." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 56, Line 10). "We found a house, got the house and we moved in." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 56, Lines 10-11). "We made three or four trips to Houston and the witness is here." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 56, Lines 11-12). "His brother is here, his sister is here that know about everything." (ORR, Volwne 2, Page 56, Lines 13-14. Q. "Okay. But you still believe that the marriage actually initiated in 1984 in Nigeria as a formal marriage, correct?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 58, Lines 11-12). A. "Yes." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 58, Lines 14). Q. "And you are not withdrawing that; is that correct?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 58, Lines 11-13). A. "Right." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 58 Line 17). 27 THE COURT: "Okay. I'm gomg to allow this witness to testify as an attorney who is licensed in Nigeria and to give his opinion, expert opinion, in that regard with regard to the family law in Nigeria." (RR, Volume 1, Page 15, Lines 7- 8). Q . "Is that marriage recognized in the United States?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Line 1). A. "It is. " (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Lines 2). Q "And have --- in your immigration practice have you used that as a valid malTiage in the United State?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 27, Lines 3-4). A. 'I have." (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Line 5). Q. "Does the United States accept that as being a valid marriage." (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Lines 6-7). A. "I have. And Chapter 2 of United States Citizenship and Immigration Service Policy Manual recognizes customary law and customary law by proxy, as far it's consummated." (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Lines 8-11). Q. "What does customary law by proxy mean?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Line 12). A. "Customary law by proxy means getting married without the parties being physically present." (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Lines 13-14). Q. "Would you explain how that works?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Line 15). A. "How it works is that both families - the family of the --- the family of the bride and groom will meet with the agreement, which is consent --- implied, express - or consent by certification of the spouse --- two spouses." (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Lines 16-19). "They will meet, agree on the bride price, which is to be paid by the groom." (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Lines 20-21). 28 Q. (BY MR. HAYNES) When you have this proxy wedding in Nigeria, who IS present at the proxy. wedding? (RR, Volume 1, Page 18, Lines 21-22). A. "Families or any representative from both families and then at least two witnesses." (RR, Volume 1, Page 18, Lines 23-24). Q. "And once that is done, are these parties legally married in Nigeria?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 19, Lines 2-3). A. "They are legally man·ied." (RR, Volume 3, Page 19, Line 4). Q. "Are they legally married in the United States?" (ORR, Volume 1, Page 19, Line 5). A. "They are legally married in the United States." (RR, Volume 1, Page 15, Line 6). Q. "And you're telling me that in order for this to occur, both of the families of the bride and the groom have to get together and have an agreement to such?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 19, Lines 7-9). A. "That's correct." (RR, Volume 1, Page 19, Lines 10). "And it is recognized in the United States for purposes of immigration as far as the marriage is consummated." (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Lines 10- 12). "It is varied for purposes ofirnrnigration, and it's recognized by Chapter 2 of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Policy Manual." (RR, Volume 1, Page 19, Lines 13-16). 29 Q. "I just want to recap and make sure we understand." (RR, Volume 1, Page 17, Lines 17-18). "You are saying that it is possible to be married in Nigeria without the two parties being present?" (RR, Volume I, Page 19, Lines 19-20). A."It is possible, and I have also had a traditional marriage." (RR, Volume 1, Page 19, Lines 21-22). Q. "You had a traditional marriage such as the one you just indicated?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 19, Lines 23-24). A. "By proxy." (RR, Volume 1, Page 19, Lines 25). "1 was not there." (RR, Volume 1, Page 19, Line 25). "My wife was not there." (RR, Volume 1, Page 19, Line 25 and Page 20, Line I). "The two families met together." (RR, Volume 1, Page 20, Line 1). "We got married.' (RR, Volume 1, Page 20, Line 1). "My wife is also here in the United States; and she is a family law attorney here in the US, in Texas." (RR, Volume 1, Page 20, Lines 2-3). 30 Q. "And your last name is Adleye." (RR, Volume 1, Page 28, Line 10). "Are you related to the Respondent in this case?" (RR, Volume I, Page 28, Lines 10-11). A. "Yes." (RR, Volume I, Page 28, Line 12). "That's my brother --" (RR, Volume 1, Page 28, Line 12). Q. "How are you related to him?" (RR, Volume I, Page 28, Line 13. A. "That's my brother." (RR, Volume 1, Page 28, Line 14). Q. "And what we want to do is we want to just go ahead and get to the point." (RR, Volume I, Page 28, Lines 15-16). A. "Okay." (RR, Volume 1, Page 28, Lines 17). Q. "Is it true that there was a marriage or wedding ceremony between Ms. Margaret Driscal and Mr. Tokes Adeleye (sic) in Nigeria on May 18 th 1984?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 28, Lines 18-20). A. "Okay." (RR, Volume 1, Page 28, Line 21). "There was an engagement" (RR, Volume I, Page 28, Lines 7-21). - Q. "Yes." (RR, Volume 1, Page 28, Line 21). A. "--- in Nigeria," (RR, Volwne 1, Page 28, Line 23. 31 THE COURT: "Was there a marriage in Nigeria, sir, or an engagement?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 29, Lines 6-7). THE WITNESS: "It is called, in Nigeria, it is a traditional wedding; and it's called "engagement." (RR, Volume 1, Page 29, Lines 8-9). MR. HAYNES: "Okay." (RR, Volume 1, Page 29, Line 10). THE COURT: "And an engagement is actually a marriage." (RR, Volume 1, Page 29, Lines 11 -1 2). THE WITNESS: "Yes. ma'am. " (RR, Volume 1, Page 29, Line l3). THE COURT. "Okay." (RR, Volume 1, Page 29, Lines 14). "Thank you." (RR, Volume 1, Page 29, Line 14). Q. (BY MR. HAYNES) "Okay. Now Mr. Adeleye, were you present at that wedding in Nigeria in May 18 th of 1984." (RR, Volume 1, Page 29, Lines 15- I 7). A. "1 was." (RR, Volume 1, Page 29, Line 18). Q. "Were there people from both sides of the family there, from your side of the family as well as Ms. Driscal's side of the family, at the ceremony." (RR, Volume 1, Page 30, Lines 1-3). A. "Yes." (RR, Volume 1, Page 30, Line 48). Q. "And Ms. Adefunke Lamidi, who was a witness, was she at that ceremony, also, too? (RR, Volume 1, Page 30, Lines 5-6). A. "Yeah." (RR, Volume 1, Page 30, Lines 7). "That's my sister.' (RR, Volume 1, Page 30, Lines 7). 32 Q. "What I want to ask you at this particular time is whether or not your family recognize Ms. Driscal and Mr. Adelye (sic) as being married." (RR, Volume 1, Page 30, Lines 21 -23). A. "Yes." (RR, Volume 1, Page 30, Line 4). Q. "And did they hold themselves out to you as being married?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 30, Line 25 and Page 31, Line 1). A. "Yes." (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Line 2). "They were living together." (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Lines 2). Q. "And did they act as husband and wife in any capacity that you know of?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Lines 3-4). "Did they perform as though -" (RR Volume 1, Page 31, Lines 4-5). A. "Yeah." (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Line 6). Q. - "they were husband and wife?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Line 7). A. "They have children together." (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Line 8). "I mean, we - I visited them --- 1--- I've been to their house in - in - " (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Lines 9-10). A." - Houston." (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Line 12). 33 Q. "You're living in Houston, Texas, now; is that correct?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 8-9). A. "Yes, I do." (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Line 10). Q. "And did you - have you seen Mr. Adeleye and Ms. Driscal here together in Houston, Texas, while you were here?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 14-16). A. "Of course." (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 7-8). Q. "Many Times?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 18). A. "Yeah.' (RR, Volume I, Page 32, Lines 19). Q. "And did they have a house that they were staying in?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 20-21). A. "Yes, in Katy." (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Line 22). BY MR. ADELEYE: Q. "Have you ever visited my house with me there in Katy?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 35, Lines 24-25). A. "Yes." (RR, Volume I, Page 36, Lines I). Q. "When was this?" (RR, Volume I , Page 36, Line 2). A. "Several times." (RR, Volume I, Page 36, Line 3). Q. In my house in Katy? (RR, Volume I , Page 36, Line 4). A. "Yeah." (RR, Volume I, Page 36, Line 5). Q. "With me there in the house?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 6). A. "Yes." (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 7). "When you first bought the house, you took me there in 2006. Or 2007, when I came to the US." (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Lines 7-8). 34 THE COURT. "And do you know if your brother was ever married to a woman named Michelle James?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 44, Line 25 and Page 45, Line 1). THE WITENSS: "No." (RR, Volume 1, Page 45, Line 2). "Never heard of that name." (RR, Volume 1, Page 45, Line 2). THE COURT: "Okay." (RR, Volume 1, Page 45, Line 3). "Thank you. sir. You can step down." (RR, Volume 1, Page 45, Lines 3-4). THE COURT: "And, so, what I'm asking you is: What proof do you have that you were married on that date?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 58, Lines 13-14). MR. ADELEYE: "I have - it's on the - I'll look for it. It's on - ifI don't have it, it's - I think I have it." (RR, Volume I, Page 58, Lines 15-17). "It's a transcript that they gave me ---" (RR, Volume 1, Page 58, Line 17). THE COURT: "Do you have a marriage certificate?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 58, Lines 18-19). MR. ADELEYE: "I used to have the marriage since we divorced., I think I gave all that --- I don't know what I did with it after the divorce, but I divorced her in 1998." (RR, Volume 1, Page 58, Lines 20-23). THE COURT: "Okay. But it doesn't state the date you married ---" (RR, Volume 1, Page 58, Lines 24-25). MR. ADELEYE: "Yes." (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Line 1). THE COURT: "-- Ms. James." (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Line 2). MR. ADELEYE: "Yes." (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Line 3). 35 THE COURT: "So, do you have any documentation that states the date that you were married to Ms. James that would be able to be admitted?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Lines 4-6). MR. ADELEYE: "Yes, Your Honor." (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Lines 7). THE COURT: "Okay." (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Line 8). MR. ADELEYE: "I will --- I'll go - if you give me some time ---" (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Lines 9-10). THE COURT: "Yes, sir." (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Lines 11). MR. ADEL YE: "This is a letter from my attorney at the time that's -" (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Lines 15-16) THE COURT: "And I need you to show that to Mr. Haynes before I can look at it." (Sotto voce discussion between Mr. Haynes and Mr. Adeleye) (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Lines 17-20). MR. HAYNES: "Yes, Your Honor. I object to that as being hearsay." (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Lines 21-22). THE COURT: "And I'm going to sustain that." (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Line 23). "If its not a certified copy --- " (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Line 24). MR. ADELEYE: "It's not certified.' (RR, Volume 1, Page 59, Line 25). "It's from my - it's from an attorney." (RR, Volwne 1, Page 59, Line 25 and Page 60, Line 1). THE COURT: "And I'm going to mark that as R-5, but I'm not going to admit that." (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Lines 2-3). "But I'm going to need the copy for now, and then I will make copies ---" (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Lines 3-4). MR. ADELEYE: "Yes." (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Line 5). "Sorry Judge, yes." (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Line 5). 36 THE COURT: "-- to substitute for the original." (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Lines 6-7). MR. ADELEYE: "Original, yes." (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Line 8-4). THE COURT: "So, do you have any other documentation that you were married prior to the May 18TH 1984, marriage that allegedly occurred in Nigeria?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Lines 11-13). "Do you have any documentation?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Lines 13-14). MR. ADELEYE: "No. No. Nigeria?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Line 10). "No, I did not marry in Nigeria." (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Lines 15-16). THE COURT: "No, sir." (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Line 17). "I want you to listen to my question." (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Lines 17-18). "Do you have any documentation that you were married to anyone prior to the alleged marriage in Nigeria on May 18 th , 1984?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Lines 19-21). "So, you have any documentation showing you were married to someone else before the date May 18, 1984?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Lines 21-23). MR. ADELEYE: "In my possession, no." (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Line 24). "But other than that, that's all I have." (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Lines 24-25). "Yes --" (RR, Volume 1, Page 60, Line 25). THE COURT: "The Court finds that the marriage between the parties on May 18 th , 1984, is valid based on the evidence presented to this Court." (RR, Volume 1, Page 64, Lines 6-8). 37 The exhibits entered into evidence at the final trial on the First Amended Original Petition For Divorce, held on September 23, 2014 and September 24,2014, pertaining to the marriage, were as follows: Petitioner' s No. 1, Application For Your Daughter' s Hand in Marriage Petitioner's No.4, Letter from Tokes Tosin Adeleye to Margaret Driscal Petitioner's No. 12, Photo Petitioner' s No. 13, Photo Petitioner's No. 19, Post Card From Tokes Tosin Adeleye to Margaret Driscal Petitioner's No. 20, Post Card From Tokes Tosin Adeleye to Margaret Driscal Petitioner's No. 21 , Post Card From Tokes Tosin Adeleye to Margaret Driscal Petitioner's No. 23A, Copy of Check No. 4083 Petitioner's No. 24, Copy of Check No. 4430 Petitioner's No. 25, Copy of Check No. 4206 Petitioner's No. 26, Copy of Check No. 4170 Petitioner's No. 27, Copy of Check No. 4158 Petitioner' s No. 28, Copy of Check No. 4175 Petitioner's No. 29, Copy of Check No. 4094 Petitioner's No. 30, Copy of Check No. 4113 Petitioner's No. 31 , Copy of Check No. 4117 Petitioner's No. 32, Copy of Check No. 41 29 38 Petitioner's No. 33, Copy of Check No. 4145 Petitioner's No. 34, Copy of Check No. 4302 Petitioner's No. 35, Copy of Check No. 4311 Petitioner's No. 36, Copy of Check No. 4340 Petitioner's No. 37, Copy of Check No. 4349 Petitioner's No. 38, Copy of Check No. 4364 Petitioner's No. 39, Copy of Check No. 4382 Petitioner's No. 40, Copy of Check No. 4387 Petitioner's No. 41, Copy of Check No. 4411 Petitioner's No. 42, Copy of Check No. 4412 Petitioner's No. 43 , Copy of Check No. 4398 Petitioner's No. 44, Copy of Check No. 4324 Petitioner's No. 45 , Copy of Check No. 4157 Petitioner's No. 46, Copy of Check No. 4168 Petitioner's No. 47, Copy of Check No. 4180 Petitioner's No. 48, Copy of Check No. 4442 Petitioner's No. 49, Copy of Check No. 4444 Petitioner's No. 50, Copy of Check No. 4443 Petitioner' s No. 51 , Copy of Check No. 4189 Petitioner's No. 52, Copy of Check No. 4197 39 Petitioner's No. 53 , Copy of Check No. 4431 Petitioner's No. 54, Copy of Check No. 4231 Petitioner's No. 55, Copy of Check No. 4248 Petitioner's No. 56, Copy of Check No. 4683 Petitioner's No. 57, Copy of Check No. 4686 Petitioner's No. 58, Copy of Check No. 4282 Petitioner' s No. 59, Copy of Check No. 4459 Petitioner's No. 60, Copy of Check No. 4474 Petitioner's No. 61, Copy of Check No. 4528 Petitioner's No. 62, Copy of Check No. 4511 Petitioner's No. 63. Copy of Resume ofMichae1 Ejeh 40 During the temporary orders hearing and the final trial of the underlying case, no evidence of any marriages of the parties that occurred prior to the MAY 18, 1984, such as a marriage license or marriage certificate, was produced and entered into evidence or even attempted to be entered into evidence. A party may not rely on new evidence in a motion for new trial without showing that the evidence was newly discovered and could not have been discovered through due diligence prior to trial. Fantasy Ranch, Inc. v. City of Arlington, 193 S.W. 3d 605 , 615 (Tex. App. - Fort Worth 2006, pet. denied); McMahan v. Greenwood, 108 S.W. 3d 467, 500 (Tex. App. - Houston [14TH Dist.] 2003, pet. denied). To preserve a complaint for appellate review, the record must show that the complaint was made to the trial court by a timely objection that stated the grounds for the ruling sought with sufficient specificity unless those grounds are apparent, and that the trial court ruled or refused to rule on the objection. Tex. R. App. P. 33.1 (a). We cannot reverse a judgment in a civil case based on unassigned error. Pat Baker Co. v. Wilson, 971 S.W. 2d 447, 450 (Tex. 1998) (per curium) Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Hines, 252 S.W. 3d. 496, 507 (Tex. App. - Houston [14TH Dist.] 2008, pet. denied. 41 The Court, after hearing the evidence and arguments of counsel and the parties, found that the parties were married in NIGERIA, on MAY 18, 1984, and therefore the marriage is valid. The Court ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the marriage of MAY 18, 1984, in NIGERIA, of MARGARET MODUPE DRISCAL, Petitioner, also know as MARGARET MODUPE EGUN, and TOKES TOSIN ADELEYE, Respondent, is valid. Reply to Appellant's Issue No.2 Applellant received ample notice that an expert in Nigerian traditional weddings would testify. The expelt witness, MICHAEL I. EJEH, was listed as an expert witness on Nigerian weddings in the Petitioner Margaret Modupe Driscal's First Amended Designation of Fact and Expert Witnesses, dated July 11,2014. Notice was provided to Appellant that Nigerian traditional weddings would be an issue on July 11 , 2014, some three months before the [mal trial on the First Amended Original Petition For Divorce commenced, on September 23,2014. 42 The exhibits entered into evidence at the final trial on the First Amended Original Petition For Divorce, held on September 23, 2014 and September 24,2014, pertaining to the AppellantlRespondent receiving ample notice that an expert in Nigerian traditional weddings would testify were as follows: Petitioner's No. 72, Copy of Petitioner Margaret Modupe Driscal's First Amended Designation of Fact and Expert Witnesses, Dated July 11, 2014, with facsimile confmnation page. The expert witness, MICHAEL 1. EJEH, testified that in fact he was married by proxy in Nigeria and Adeleye had the opportunity to cross-examine this witness and did cross-examine the witness. (RR, Volume I, Page 20, Lines 10-25, Page 21 , Lines 1-25, Page 22, Lines 1-25, Page 23 , Lines 1-25, Page 24, Lines 1-19, Page 25, Lines 19-25, Page 26, Lines 1-25, Page 27, Line 1-20). 43 Reply to Appellant's Issue No.3 The Trial Court had in personam jurisdiction over the Appellee and the Appellant. Texas Family Code, Chapter 6, §6.301, entitled, "Jurisdiction, Venue, and Residence Qualifications, states" A suit for divorce may not be maintained in this state unless at the time the suit is filed either the petitioner or the respondent has been: (I) a domiciliary of the this state for the preceding six-month period; and (2) a resident ofthe county in which the suit is field for the preceding 90 - day period. Texas Family Code, Chapter 6, §6.301, entitled, "Acquiring Jurisdiction Over Nonresident Respondent," (a) states, " If the petitioner in a suit for dissolution of a marriage is a resident or a dornicilary of this state at the time the suit for dissolution is filed, the court may exercise personal jurisdiction over the respondent or over the respondent's personal representative although the respondent is not a resident of this state if: (1) this state is the last marital residence of the petitioner and the respondent ant the suit is filed before the second anniversary of the date on which marital residence ended; or (2) there is any basis consistent with the constitutions of this state and the United States for the exercise of the personal jurisdiction." 44 The testimonial evidence at the [mal hearing on the First Amended Original Petition For Divorce, held on September 23,2014 and September 24, 2014 pertaining to the Courts jurisdiction over the Appellee was as follows: Q. "At the time that you filed this divorce petition, where were you living?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 7, Lines 21-22). A. "23015 Adwick Court in Katy, Texas 77450." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 7, Line 23). Q. "And was that in Harris County, Texas?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 7, Line 24). A. "Yeah." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 7, Line 25). Q. "And how long have you resided in Harris County, Texas?" (ORR, Volume 2, Page 8, Lines 1-2). A. "Since 1997." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 8, Line 3). Q. "And you're the Petitioner of this proceeding; is that correct Ms. Driscal?' (ORR, Volume 2, Page 8, Lines 4-5). A. "Yes." (ORR, Volume 2, Page 8, Line 6). Q. "And did they hold themselves out to you as being married?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 30, Line 25 and Page 31, Line 1). A. Yes. (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Line 2). They were living together. (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Line 2). Q . And did they act as husband and wife in any capacity that you know of? (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Lines 3-4). Did they perform as though - . (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Lines 4-5). 45 A. Yeah .. (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Line 6). Q. - they were husband and wife? . (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Line 7). A. They have children together. . (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Line 8). I mean, we - I visited them --- I --- I've been to their house in - in - . (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Lines 9-10). MR. ADELEYE. Objection, Your Honor.. (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Line 11). A. - Houston .. (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Line 12). Q. Okay. You're living in Houston, Texas, now; is that correct? (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 8-9). A. Yes, I do. (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Line 10). Q. And did you - have you seen Mr. Adeleye and Ms. Driscal here together in Houston, Texas, while you were here? (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 14-16). A. Of course. (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Line 17). Q, Many Times? (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Line 18). A. Yeah. (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Line 19). Q. And did they have a house that they were staying in? . (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 20-21). A. Yes, in Katy. (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Line 22). 46 Q. Have you ever visited my house with me there in Katy? (RR, Volume 1, Page 35, Lines 24-25). A. Yes. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 1). Q. When was this? . (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 2). A. Several times. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 3). Q. In my house in Katy? (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 4). A. Yeah. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 5). Q. With me there in the house? . (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 6). A. Yes. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 7). When you fIrst bought the house, you took me there in 2006. Or 2007, when I came to the US. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Lines 7-8). 47 Appellant established minimum contacts with the state of Texas by repeated visit to Texas to complete business transactions, purchase property and litigate lawsuits, which is continuous and systematic activity in the state of Texas and comports with fair play and substantial justice. In the Interest o/S.A. v. , 837 S.W. 2d. 80 (Tex. 1992). Reynolds v. Reynolds, 2 S.W. 3d. 429 (Tex. App. - Houston [1 ST Dist.] (1999). Appellant cannot claim that a Texas has no jurisdiction over him when he participated in two (2) additional lawsuits in the state of Texas, Margaret Driscal v. Tokes Adeleye, Cause No. CV52C0346688, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2, Harris County, Texas (October 18, 2013 - April 14, 2014, as a Defendant) and Tokes Adeleye v. Margaret Driscal, Cause No. EV52C0348292, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2, Harris County, Texas (December 17,2013 - January 7, 2014, as a Plaintiff). A Court has jurisdiction over a party when the party makes a general appearance and not a special appearance. A general appearance is a waiver. Texas Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 120A, Rule 121 , Rule 122 and Rule 123. 48 ' Appellant made a general appearance at the temporary orders hearing on January 7, 2014 and never filed a special appearance, plea to the jurisdiction or plea in abatement. Appellant made a general appearance at the final trial on the First Amended Original Petition for Divorce on September 23, 2014 and September 24, 2014 and never filed a special appearance, plea to the jurisdiction or plea in abatement. The testimonial evidence at the temporary orders hearing, held on January 7, 2014 pertaining to the Courts jurisdiction over the Appellant was as follows: MR. ADLEYE: "The purpose of Mrs. Driscal filing this bogus, frivolous and fraudulent lawsuit is to avert the eviction which is coming up at four o'Clock today." (DRR, Volume I, Page 35, Lines 10-12). "The main reason Mrs. Driscal purported this is to prevent me from evicting her from a house." (DRR, Volume 1, Page 36, Lines 10-11). The testimonial evidence at the final hearing on the First Amended Original Petition For Divorce, held on September 23,2014 and September 24,2014 pertaining to the Courts jurisdiction over the Appellant was as follows: 49 Q. Okay. You're living in Houston, Texas, now; is that correct? (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 8-9). A. Yes, I do. (RR, Volume 3, Page 32, Line 10). Q. And did you - have you seen Mr. Adeleye and Ms. Driscal here together in Houston, Texas, while you were here? (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 14-16). A. Of course. (RR, Volume I, Page 32, Line 17). Q, Many Times? (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Line 18). A. Yeah. (RR, Volume I , Page 32, Line 19). Q. And did they have a house that they were staying in? (RR, Volume I, Page 32, Lines 20-21). A. Yes, in Katy.. (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Line 22). Q. Have you ever visited my house with me there in Katy? (RR, Volume I , Page 35, Lines 24-25). A. Yes. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 1). Q. When was this? . (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 2). A. Several times. (RR, Volume I , Page 36, Line 3). Q. In my house in Katy? (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 4). A. Yeah. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 5). Q. With me there in the house? . (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 6). A. Yes. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 7). When you first bought the house, you took me there in 2006. Or 2007, when I came to the US. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Lines 7-8). 50 Reply to Appellant's Issue No.4 The Trial Court had in rem jurisdiction over the property the subject of the lawsuit. After a scrupulous and arduous search throughout the fifty (50) United State of America, Articles of Incorporation for a LONGTERM HEALTH CARE, INC. were never found. There is no proof presented at the temporary orders hearing held on January 7, 2014 or the Final Trial on September 23 , 2014 and September 24, 2014 that the alleged corporation was ever formed. This places Adeleye in the position of a promoter of a corporation that was never legally formed or in existence at the time the property was acquired. A certified copy of the warranty deed which conveyed the property the subject of the underlying lawsuit to a corporation that was not In existence is attached as Appellee' s Exhibit "I" and is incorporated by reference. A certified copy of the water district notice, signed by Adeleye as "Adeleye Tokes, C.E.O, Longterm Care, Inc.", a corporation that does not exist, is attached as Appellee's Exhibit "2" and is incorporated by reference. 51 A deed is an instrument in writing duly executed and delivered, conveying real estate. Texas Elec. Ry. Co. v. Neale, 244 S.W. 2d. 329 (Tex. Civ. App. Waco, 1951) judgment refd on other grounds. 151 Tex. 526, 252 S.W. 2d. 451 (1942). A deed in writing between two parties, signed by one of them and accepted by the other is a written contract and is treated as such by the cow-ts. Orbeck v. Allen, 276 S,W, 947 (Tex. Civ. App. - Waco 1925). As a general rule, where a promoter enters into a contract in the name of a corporation that has not yet been formed, he is personally liable on the contract, absent an agreement with the contracting party that the promoter is not liable. Davey v. Margarett Jordan Royalties, Inc. Court of Appeals, Tyler, August 13,2014, Not reported in S.W. 3d, 2014 WL 3939669, 12-13-00002- CV. Aloe Ltd., Inc. v. Koch, 735 S.W. 2d. 364, (Tec, Civ. App. - Corpus Christi, 1987, no writ). Fish v. Tandy Corp., 948 S.W. 2d. 886, 887 (Tex. App. Fort Worth 1997, pet. denied). Actions in relation to corporate property must ordinarily be brought in its corporate name, and its shareholders, as such may not maintain actions to recover possession of corporate property. Wells v. Hiskett, 288 S.W. 2d. 257 (Tex. Civ. App. - Texarkana, 1956) . 52 Appellant cannot claim that a Texas has no jurisdiction over the property the subject of the lawsuit when he participated in two (2) additional lawsuits in the state of Texas, with the property being the subject of the lawsuit, Margaret Driscal v. Tokes Adeleye, Cause No. CV52C0346688, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2, Harris County, Texas (October 18, 2013 - April 14,2014, as a Defendant) and Tokes Adeleye v. Margaret Driscal, Cause No. EV52C0348292, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2, Harris County, Texas (December 17, 2013 - January 7, 2014, as a Plaintiff) A copy of the computer generated print-out for the two (2) cases and the answer filed by Appellant are attached as Appellee's Exhibits "3" "4" and "5" respectively and are incorporated by reference. In Margaret Driscal v. Tokes Adeleye, In Cause No. CV52C0346688, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2, Harris County, Texas (October 18, 2013 - April 14, 2014, as a Defendant), Appellant's response states, "Now comes Tokes Adeleye, the owner of the property 23015 Adwick Court, Katy, Texas 77450, acting Pro se." and "The property belongs to me and she does not have any right or legal authority over my property." 53 The testimonial evidence at the final hearing on the First Amended Original Petition For Divorce, held on September 23,2014 and September 24,2014 pertaining to the Courts in rem jurisdiction over the property the subject of the underlying case was as follows: Q. "And did they hold themselves out to you as being married?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 30, Line 25 and Page 31, Line 1). A. "Yes." (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Line 2). "They were living together." (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Lines 2). Q. "And did they act as husband and wife in any capacity that you know of?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Lines 3-4). "Did they perform as though - " (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Lines 4-5). A. "Yeah." (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Line 6). Q. - "they were husband and wife?" (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Line 7). A. "They have children together." (RR, Volume 1, Page 31 , Line 8). "I mean, we - 1 visited them --- I --- I've been to their house in - in - " (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Lines 9-10). A." - Houston." (RR, Volume 1, Page 31, Line 12). 54 Q. Have you ever visited my house with me there in Katy? (RR, Volume 1, Page 35, Lines 24-25). A. Yes. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 1). Q. When was this? . (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 2). A. Several times. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 3). Q. In my house in Katy? (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 4). A. Yeah. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 5). Q. With me there in the house? . (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 6). A. Yes. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 7). When you first bought the house, you took me there in 2006. Or 2007, when I came to the US. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Lines 7-8). Q. Okay. You're living in Houston, Texas, now; is that correct? (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 8-9). A. Yes, I do. (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Line 10). Q. And did you - have you seen Mr. Adeleye and Ms. Driscal here together in Houston, Texas, while you were here? (RR, Volume I, Page 32, Lines 14-16). A. Of course. (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Line 17). Q, Many Times? (RR, Volume I, Page 32, Line 18). A. Yeah .. (RR, Volume I , Page 32, Line 19). Q. And did they have a house that they were staying in? (RR, Volume 1, Page 32, Lines 20-21). A. Yes, in Katy . . (RR, Volume I , Page 32, Line 22). 55 Q. Have you ever visited my house with me there in Katy? (RR Volume 1, Page 35, Lines 24-25). A. Yes. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 1). Q. When was this? . (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 2). A. Several times. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 3). Q. In my house in Katy? (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 4). A. Yeah. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 5). Q. With me there in the house? . (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 6). A. Yes. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Line 7). When you first bought the house, you took me there in 2006. Or 2007, when I came to the US. (RR, Volume 1, Page 36, Lines 7-8). THE COURT: What proof do you have that the home is owned -- ,MR. ADELEYE: Because -- THE COURT: -- by anyone other than yourself? Do you have any documentation? Do you have any documentation? MR. ADELEYE: Not at the moment. No. I don't have it on me THE COURT: Okay. MR. ADELEYE: Because I borrowed money to purchase the property. (RR, Volume 1, Page 76, Lines 22-25 and Page 77, Lines 1-6). 56 THE COURT: Did you buy the home in Katy outright? Did you pay cash for it or pay for it? MR. ADEL YEY: Yes, I did. THE COURT: Okay. So there's no mortgage? MR ADELEYE: There is no mortgage, but it's not my money. I borrowed money to buy from the Company. So it's not - THE COURT: Okay. Do you have any documentation -- MR. ADELEYE: Yes, I do. THE COURT: -- that shows that you borrowed money from - MR. ADELEYE: Yes. THE COURT: -- the Company? MR. ADELEYE: No. No. No. I have - no. No. It's from - it was a personal loan from Nigeria that I used. (September 24, 2014, RR3, Page 85, Lines 1-17). 57 REQUEST TO SUPPLEMENT CLERK'S RECORD In preparing the Appellee's Brief, Driscal realized that several documents germane to the appeal have been omitted from the previously filed Clerk's Record. Contemporaneous with the filing of this Brief, Driscal is requesting a Motion to Supplement Clerk's Record to include these documents. Rather than seek a further extension of time to file the Brief, Driscal has elected to file it, without complete cites to the Supplemental Clerk's Record. True and correct copies of all documents which Driscal has requested to be added to the Clerk's Record have been attached to and incorporated by reference to this Brief as Appellee's Exhibit's "1", "2", "3", "4" and "5" respectively. ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COST This suit has been brought for purposes of harassment, is in bad faith, and is frivolous. Accordingly, and pursuant to the Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code, and Rule 13 of the Tex. R. Civ. P, Driscal prays that he be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and cost that are expended in the defense of this appeal. Driscal is entitled under and pursuant to CHAPTER 38 ATTORNEY'S FEES, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, V.T.C.A., to recovery of reasonable attorney's fees, which Driscal alleges to be at least $10,000.00, and for which amount Driscal additionally request. 58 Driscal seeks all reasonable and necessary attorney's fees in this case which include the following: (a) Preparation and Appellee's Brief of this appeal; and (b) Legal Research 59 PRAYER For the foregoing reasons, Driscal prays: I. That the original judgment of the 310TH Judicial District Court, Harris County, Texas be in all respect AFFIRMED; and 2. That the Honorable Court render a judgment m favor of Driscal in accordance with the original underlying judgment of the 310TH Judicial District Court, Harris County, Texas; and 3. That this Court of Appeals would uphold the ruling of the trial court; and 4. That all cost and attorney's fees incurred of $10,000.00, which IS reasonable in relation to the amount of work expended, by reason of the appeal, be paid by Adeleye; and 5. That Driscal have all such other and further relief to which it may show itself to be justly entitled. Dated JULY 20,2015. Respectfully submitted, >;;~1~ THEODORE HA rns;;: Attorney for Appellee Texas Bar No. 00787665 P.O. BOX 300833 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77230-0833 Telephone: (713) 660-7646 Telecopier: (713) 660-0203 E-mail: 60 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE As required by the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure 52.10 (a), I certify that I have notified or made a diligent effort to notify all parties by expedited means that this Appellee's Brief has been filed and this Appellee's Brief contains 10,650 (ten thousand and six hundred and fifty) words and has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface using Microsoft Word 1997 in 14-point Times New Roman font for text, which meets the typeface requirements. SIGNED this :;;2 0"t1t- day of ~ , 20 / c;-: «fioa-c>q Theodore Haynes, Jr. ;;$ Attorney for Appellee CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby celtify that a tlUe and correct copy of the above Appellee's Briefhas been sent by facsimile and certified mail by depositing it enclosed in a postpaid, properly addressed wrapper in a post office or official depository under the care and custody of the United States Postal Service to Mr. Tokes Tosin Adeleye, 7901 Glen Cove Lane, Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083, AppellantlRespondent Pro Se. SIGNED this ~ day of ~ , 20 [ ' . p d5 ~ Theodore Haynes, Jr. ?1z" Attorney for Appellee 61 VERIFICATION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF HARRIS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared THEODORE HAYNES, JR., who being by me duly sworn on his oath deposed and said that he is the Attorney of Record for Appellee in the above-entitled and numbered cause; that he has read the above and foregoing; and that every statement contained therein is within his personal knowledge and true and correct. t~-4f. ~ ~ THEODORE HAYNES, JR. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME on the certify which witness my hand and official seal. 's Signature rZ0'tJHItfJ &rotASJfM-! (No's typed or printed name) I My commission expires: ~ Ilo ( 1. '. S308364 WARRANTY DEED l"f'~fS :---- UI.O:! EXHIBIT No.L \ ,-,V . JANUARY 31~ ~ '-J n ...c· 1...." Gt-= BTB, INC., A 'I1!XAS ~11ON "f _"MaiIIIII~(Iar"""'-'): 13101 NO&l1IWl!Sl' nEEWAY, SUIll! 31Z HOUSTON, IIAUIS COUNI"Y, TX 77040 / Gtamee: LONG11laY CARl!, INC. , /.;.J..- CoosidenlloG: TEN AND NOiloo DOB t,IlS ($10.00) AND 01HEIt VALUABUl CASH CONSIDEliAnON, TBB lIECIiIl"I' AND SUFFICIIiNCY Ol' WBICB IS IIIiIUlIIY ACJO«)W' JIDGHD. Propeny (\Du ID emv_1III1 wunaty: nus DI!I!D IS I!XECUI"I!D, DI!UVI!RI!D AND ACCI!PTI!D SUBJECT TO ALL AND SINGULAIt ANY UENS SI!CURlNG TBB PAnmNT 01' ANY DEBT CREATED 0& ASSUMED IN CONNllCl1ON BI!IIEWlI1l AND D!!SCRmED III!III!IN, AD VALOIlI!M TAXI!S FOR TBB CllUI!NT AND ALL SUBSEQ1lI!NT YI!AJIS, TAXI!S FOil SUBSI!Q1lI!NT ASSI!SSllfNTS I'OJl TBB CllUI!NT AND PilOIl YI!AJIS DUB TO CHANGES IN LAND USAGII, OWNl!RSBll', 0& JIOIB, ZONING O&DINANCI!S AND unurY DISTilCT ASSI!SSMI!NTS, IF ANY, Ai'l'lJCAIIUj TO AND 1!NfOlICI!ABLi! AGAINST TBB ABOVI! DI!SCRII!!ID PIOl'I!R.TY, AND ALL VALID I!ASI!MI!NTS, 11 RI!STRICl10NS, IlI!SI!IlVAnONS, NINI!IlAL IlI!SI!IlVAnONS AND MAINTENANCE FUND LIENS, IF ANY, APPUCABLB TO AND I!tIFOPCI!ABJ R AGAINST TBB ABOVI! G DI!SCRIBI!D PIlOPI!PTY AS SHOWN BY TBB PFCO!!DS 01' TBB COUNI"Y CU!RX OP TBB COUNTY IN WHICH SAID IlI!AL PIOl'I!PTY IS LOCATED. GraIIIOr ior Il1o _lIII1l1Objoct ID I l 1 0 ' - ' - from l1li1 ........... lD .....eyaou l1li1 waaaaI)', FI"II, ..u..11111 .....oyalD o.-lIIo~, 10&- wiIIllllllll1liD&111ar Il1o riibll l1li1 _ _ _ Ia Illy wIIo """",,,'II_ ID ...... l1li1_ illD GnoIoo, 0 . - ' , ............ lIII1 ...ipa forovor. _ ....... _ 1 I I I 1 _', 1IIIn, OUCIIfOn, - . ............ l1li1 Ulipa ID watrlll& l1li1 forovor del..,., III l1li1 IiD&1IIar Il1o ~ ID Gtamee l1li1 Gtamee', IUccessol"S l1li1 ...ipa aplDa fNerJ _ _or Iswfill1y dalmiD& or ID claim Il1o ....,. or any part lIlereaf. Whoa IhiI Deed II ... ""t'" by IlIOn _ """ ponoa, or _ Il1o Gtamee ia more _ """ person, III. instrumoa& obaII rail u Ihou&h porIiaool vodll, IlOlIIII l1li1 proIIDIIIII wore lIf.elar-.--J;R;J,o'""b h-e , i".., ......! s~___ Deputy • 5\ 1-72-3\90 (CwpGn&II A • i wL 1pn 0 STATi! 01' 'I'EXAS I HARRIS I ~~ ~ ---------- i .=== day of JANUhilY • 1997, ofBTH, INC., P&Ei'.uED BY THB OFFICE 01': _ Butte WWom CallI. DIf& II: I'nppie<, LL.P. 14 ar-ay Plaza, _ 2001 -,T_77046 hiolol2 \I Any provision herein which restrict the sale, rental or use of the described Real Property because of color or race is invalid and unenforceable under the Federal Law. Confidential information may have been redacted from the document in compliance with the Public Information Act. A Certified Copy Attest: 6/18/2015 Stan Stanart, County Clerk Harris County, Tex ~ ---'.S-"t.l:Oecu< lIa Gt--_R"o*b*e*rt~~T-___ Deputy .J i I -, '-- J'tUU At ~ fi,t.LQ-es. WATER DISTRICT NOTICE lHI.l ~G£.~C1 *28 EXHIBIT NO.~ S30B42S 111.00 JVO\l C. t:" - The real property described herein, which you are about to purchase is loc~ted in the CIMMARRON MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT. The district has taxing authority sep~rate f com any other taxing authority, an~ may, subject to voter approval. issue an unlimited amount of bonds and levy an unlimited rate of tax in payme nt of such bonds. As of this date. the rate of taxes levied by the district on real property located in the district is $1.30 on each $100 . 00 of assessed valuation. If the district has not levied taxes. the most recent projected rate of debt service tax, as of this date. is $1.30 on each $100.00 of assessed valuation. The total amount of b onds which has bee n approved by ~he voters and which have been or may. at this date . be issued is $40.6 1 0.000.00, and the aggregate initial principa l amounts of all bonds issued for one or more of the specific facilities of the district and payable in whole or in part from property taxes is S14,510,000.00. Th~ district has the authority to adopt and impose a sta ndby fee on property in the district that has water, sewer or drainage facilities and services available but not connected, and which does not have a house, building or other improvement located thereon and does not substantially utilize the utility capacity available to the property. Th e district may exercise the authority without holding an election on the matter. AS of this date. the most re c ent amount of the standby fee is S-O - . An u n paid standby fee is a pers o nal obligation of the person that own e d the property at the time of imposition and is secured by a lien on the property . Any person may request a c ertificate from the district stating the amount . if any . of unpaid sta.ndby fees on a tract of property in the district. The purpose of this district is to provide water, sewer, drainage or flood control facilities and services wi chin the district t h rough the issuance of bonds payable in whole or in part from property taxes. The COSt of these utility facilities is not included in the ~ u rchase price of your property, and these utility facilities are owned or to be cwned by the district. \ , The legal description o f LOt ls ) 60, in Block 3 of in Harris County, Texas , th@ pro perty which you are acquiring is as follows : GOVERNOR'S PLACE, SECTION ~UR t4l, a subdivision according t o the map or plat thereof, recorded at D Fi lm Code No. 353011, of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas . 1(\ BY,-,,=l4~'{~)[J~1iJ!U N'- rf\
Tokes Adleye v. Magaret Modupe Driscal
Combined Opinion