The board of supervisors of tfye county of Jackson in the year 1896, in prop'er form, ordered the election of township collectors of taxes, under chapter 137 of the Acts of the Twelfth General Assembly, in all the townships of said county, save the two in which the county seat was located; the city of Maquoketa being in part in Maquoketa township and in part in South Fork township. In five of the townships in which elections' weré ordered, none were held; and, there being no township collectors therein, the plaintiff, who was county treasurer, did, as he avers, collect the taxes therein at the special instance and request of the board of supervisors, performing* extraordinary services in so doing, and expending* money, all with the understanding that he was to be compensated by defendant county therefor. He claims the amount of $609.07. The demurrer to the petition presents the question which we now proceed to determine.
The township collector system prevailed in all the other townships of Jackson county, save-those mentioned. In counties where such system is in force, it is no part of the treasurer’s duty, as such, to collect any taxes in townships other than that in which the county seat is located, except those returned as unpaid by the collectors. Sections 5, 10, Acts Twelfth General Assembly. Notwithstanding the failure of these five townships to electcollectors, thatsystemmust be said to have prevailed in Jackson county, and the compensation of the treasurer was therefore limited to the sum of $1,200 per annum; and this was to be made up of fees allowed from certain sources, which do not include such
The judgment of the district court is correct, and it is AKKIRMBD.