CONSENT FOR MOD|F|CAT|ON OF SUPERV|SED RELEASE/PROBAT|ON UNITED STATES DIsTRICT CoURT for the District of Columbia UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) ) vs. ) Criminal No. 1 2f1 f D/DDQ_i://’ 0 1 K\'K\< 1%151§ § 111 Wi?\ ) Defendant CONSENT TO MODIFY I'SUPERVISED RELEASE The parties agree the defendant' s conditions of supervised release/probation should be modified and being no objection theret IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the defendant' s conditions of supervised release/pcobm-ien-;M,modif`ied ‘ . a » ; ~ UMMW%@ c 11515 00 352 D(.M\]\§1161~11:Mé1@;gj1111@/6@1¢11Q2> 11114 1019511171 bWWV:;c/Q NUAMW 5111141151114 1>@1!15 511@11/1/1\@% 1>( 111Mb€/2 1111/ Failurt to flle timely bjections to the fin ngs and re ommendations et forth in this report may waive your right of appeal from an order of the District Cou adopting such findings and recommendations See Thomas v. Arn, 474 U.S. 140 (1985). The magistrate judge having recommended that the conditions of the defendant's supervised release/probation be modified and there being no objection thereto, IT IS ORDERED that the recommendation of the magistrate judge is accepted Dated: @/( %A¢/ / s /¢” | ‘\_ U.s. District Judge
United States v. Brooks
Combined Opinion