MP. Coke R. Stevenson,Jr. Opinion No. WW-816 Administrator Texas Liquor Control Board Re: Whether or not Art. 667, Austin. Texas Section 23;(d) of the Penal Code permits the tax on beer to be refunded when such beer is sold to an Individualwho has a contract with a National Military Establishmentto operate a concessionwithin the enclosures Dear Mr. Stevenson: of such establishment? We quote from your opinion request as follows: "Article 667, Section 23*(d), of the Penal Code of Texas, provides, to-wit: "'It is not Intended that the tax levied in Section 23 of Article II of the Texas Liquor Control Act shall be collected on beer shipped out of this State for consumptionoutside this State, or sold aboard ships for ship's supplies, OP on beer shipped to any installationof the National Military Establishment,wherein the State of Texas has ceded police jurls- diction, for consumptionby military personnel within said Installation,and the Board shall provide forms on which Distrib- utors and Manufacturersmay claim and obtain exemption from the tax on such beer. If any Distributoror Manufacturerhas paid the tax on any beer and thereafter said beer is shipped out of this State, for consumption outside this State, OP sold aboard ships for ship's supplies, OP is shipped Into any Installationof the,NationalMilitary Estab- lishment as referred to above, for consumption by military personnel therein, a claim for refund may be made at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Board or Administrator. So much of any funds derived hereunder as ma be necessary, not to exceed two per cent (2$3 MP. Coke R. Stevenson, Jr., Page 2 Opinion No. WW-816 thereof, Is hereby appropriatedfor such purpose. The Board may promulgate rules and regulationsgenerally for the enforce- ment of this provision.' "This Department interpretedthe above to mean that if the beer Is sold to, Invoiced to, or shipped to, and paid for by an installationof the National Military Establishment,where police jurisdiction has been ceded by the State, that the State tax exemption should be allowed. On the other hand, if this merchandise is shipped to, invoiced to, OP paid for by a civilian con- cessionairewho is operating for individual profit that the State tax exemption should - not be allowed. "The situation in question Is where a concessionairewho is a civilian and is not a memeber of any branch of the Armed Services of the United States has been granted a con- cession to operate a snack bar in a National Military Establishmentwhere police jurisdiction has been ceded by the State, The beer is served at this snack bar located in a bowling alley. The bowling alley is located within the area of the National MlLltapy Establishment. The concessionagreement provides that the con- cessionaireshall not sell the products, services.,and merchandise of the concession to any person except those authorized to be present in and utilize the facilitiesof the bowling alley in accordancewith applicable military regulationsor directivesnow in effect, "In order to answer inquiries concerning the sale of tax free beer to an individualwho holds a concession in a National Military Establishment,we respectfullyrequest your opinion as to the following questions: "1o Whether OP not Article 667, 23*(d), of the Penal Code permits the tax on beer to be refunded when such beer Is sold to an individual who has a contract with a Rational Military Establishmentto operate a concessionwithin the enclosures of such establfshment? Mr, Coke R. Stevenson,Jr., Page 3 Opinion No. WW-816 c" "2. Or, is the criterion for tax exemption not whether the purchaser of the beer is a civilian, but, rather, whether or not the State of Texas has any jurisdictionover the place where the beer is ultimately sold? "These questions are not the subject of any pending litigationand your opinion is necessary in order that we may properly advise a concessionaireoperating on a Rational Military Establisbmentwhere the State of Texas has ceded police jurisdiction." A careful examinationof the terms of Art..667, Sec. 2& (d), Tex.Pen.Code,reveals no basis for your departmental interpretation. It is not required that the beer be sold to a military Installation,but only that it be shipped tothe installationfor consumptiontherein by military personnel. This proposition is clarified somewhat by reference to the second sentence of the questioned article, which states, in part: "If any Distributor or Manufacturerhas paid the tax on any beer and thereafter said beer. D .is shipped && any installation.. . a claim for refund may be made." As pointed out by Attorney General's Opinion No. W-354, three requirementsmust be met before refunds may be made in cases of this nature: 1. The beer must be shipped Into an installationof the National Military Establishment; 2. police jurisdictionever the Installationin question must have been ceded by the State of Texas; and 3. the beer must be intended forconsumption by military personnel within the Installation. According to the facts set forth in your letter, all three requirementshave been met, Accordingly,refund should be made. SUMMARY Under the terms of Article 667, Section 234 (d), Tex.Pen.Code,the Texas Liquor Control Board should make refund of taxes paid on beer shipped to a civilian concessionairewithin a Mr. Coke R. Stevenson,Jr., Page 4 Opinion No. WW-816 military installationwherein police jurisdictionhas been ceded where such beer is intended for consumptionby military personnel within the installation. Yours very truly, WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas JNP:cm APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE: W. V. Geppert, Chairman William T. Blackburn John Lawrence Hargrove Robert A. Rowland REVIEWED FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL By: Leonard Passmore
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion