THEATITORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS December 16, 1959 Honorable James A. Turman Opinion No. WW-761 Executive Director Texas Youth Council Re: Authority of the Comp- Austin, Texas troller to issue warrants covering the cost of foster home care for children in the custody Dear Dr. Turman: of the Texas Youth Council. You have requested the opinion of this office on the fol- lowing questions: "1. Can the Comptroller issue warrants covering the cost of foster home care for children in the custody of the Texas Youth Council, and presently residing in Institutions under its jurisdiction, in accordance with existing statutory authority (Article 5143d) at the rates specified in House Bill 4, Article II, Section 40, Acts of the 56th Legislature? "2. In the creation of the Texas Youth Council and the delegation of the administrative responslbil- ities thereto, was it the legislative intent that children in the Waco State Home be provided less, in terms of foster care provisions, than the other five institutions under this agency? "3. If the answer to the above is in the affirma- tive, can the Comptroller approve warrants covering the cost of foster home care for children being cared for presently in the Waco State Home? '%. If your answer to the above is in the afflrma- tive, can the Comptroller approve warrants covering the cost of foster home care for children presently residing in foster homes at the rates specified in House Bill 4, Article II, Section 40, Acts of the 56th Legislature?" Honorable James A. Thurman,page 2 (~~-761) As you have explained in your opinion request, Article 5143, VernonXs Civil Statutes, enacted by the 55th Legislature in 1957, created the Texas Youth Council as successor to the State Yout,hDevelopment Council and also placed under its jurisdiction the Corsicana State Home, the Waco State Home, and the Texas Blind, Deaf and Orphan School. Article 5143d, Sections 1,4(f), 8. Sec- tion 8 provides: "The Texas Youth Council shall succeed to and be vested with all ri.ghts,powers, duties, facilities, personnel, records and appropriations, relating to the care, custody, and control of children, now held by (a) the State Youth Development Council, including the Gatesville State School for Boys, the Gainesville State School for Girls, and the Crockett State School for Negro Girls; (b) the Board for Texas State Hospi- tals and Spec,iaLSchools in respect to the Corsicana Sta,teHome and Texas Blind, Deaf and Orphan Home; and (c) the Department of Public Welfare with respect to the Waco State Home." Section 25 of Article 514311reads in part as follows: "(a) Por the parpose of,carrying out its duties, the You,thCouncil is authorized to make use of law enforcement, detention, supervisory, medical.,educa- tional, correctional, segregative, and other facilities, institutions and agencies within the state. When funds are available for the purpose, the Youth Council may enter into agreements with the appropriate private or public'official for separate care and special treatment in existing institutions of persons subject to the control of the Youth Council." We think this section is broad enough to encompass foster homes, inc:LudSngchildren's boarding homes, as those terms are used in child welfare work. The currerat