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Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Court: Texas Attorney General Reports
Date filed: 1957-07-02
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              _,,,,,’   1,
      Hon. Fred P. Holub, Page 2,   (WW-115)

      registered under those Acts, and we, therefore,answer
      your question accordingly.
~'\          Article 6626, V.A,C,S., which provides what
      Instrumentsmay be filed by'the County Clerk provides
      in part as follows:
              D D 0 provided,,hovever,that in oases of
             subdivisionorre-subdlvislonof real pro-
             perty no map or platof any such,subdivision
             or re-subdivisionshall be flled~or recorded
             unless and untfl the'same has beenautho-
             rized by the CommissionersCourt of 'the'
             county In which the real estate Is situated
             by order duly entered in the'-mlnutes,~of  said
             Court, except in cases of the,,partltlonor
             other subdivisionthrough 'acourt of record;
             provided that where'the real estate Is situ-
             ated wi.thinthe corporate limits or within
             five miles of ,thecorporate llmitsof any
             incorporatedcity or town, the governing
             body thereof or theslty planning commission,
             as the case may be,'as provided In Article
             97&a, Vernon".?Texas Civil Statutes,'shall
             perform the duties hereinabove imposed upon
             the CommissionersCourt. (Aspamended'Acts
             1951, 52nd Leg,, p;',745, ch. 403 %,,1. ')
             The above portion of Article 6626 was added as
      an amendment to Article 6626 R, an Act of 1951.
      This was the first time that ,th&?CbmmlssionerqsCourt
      Is requlred to authorize a plat:before it aould be
      filed for record, PreviousActspertaln only to the
      authority of city officers a~sshown InChapter 231,
      page 342, Acts of the 40th Legislature,1 27, which
      is carried forward as V.A,C.S,YArtlcle978a and V,P.C.
      Article 427b,
             None of these statutessays who 'shallor shall
      not be authorized ta make a plat of a subdivision.
      Prior to the adoption of the ,ReglsteredPublic Sur-
      veyors Act of 1955, 54th Legislature, ,page 864 ,(foot-
      note l), there is no questfon,thatanyone could make
      and present a plat for approval,,whether a ,reglstered
      engineer OP registered surveyor." Whether the Comis-
      sioner's Court may OP may not be ,authorlzedto,approve
      a plat unless made by a person regis,teredunder
      some law which authorlzeshim to make such plat,
      It Is clear that a surveyor reglstered~under'the
      above mentioned Surveyors Act ,maymake"such'plat
      to be presented to the Commlssloner~~aCourt'or~city
I     .

                              “:’    -’



    Hon. Fred P, Holub, Page 3;:,.,',:(@&5)
Hon. Fred P. Holub, Page 41, :(,tq&il5)                              ‘. ,“’~~

pers,oq engaged in the practice of.publlc surveying
as deflned~ln thls,Azt, and who i,s,registeredas
provided for herein.
   1) i
        The ~ssmeseetlon deflnes',$ublic    surVeying:as
&& .kdlen@e ap practice of ,lan~:,measurement       and,,prac-
tlced as 'a profession or servic~~~available:.itb,~the
public generally for compeng&&h,.     and’ :&ofig,   c&f&$ ”
things the preparatfon:,~of~~mapashowlng'.the~,boundaries
and areas of the subdlvislohi,of",:tr4cts',~'orl'~,l~d,:-:into,
smaller tracts," "           ,,,
                              "           ,, ,:,
                                   ',,!~,~.;      ,,,,,,:
        A public surveyor is defined as ~one,"ko:':is
employed as a surveyor or ivho~holds,   himselfoutto
the       public   as’ such,   .’   ” : ‘>,:~,   ;‘~, ”   ,;,/‘i::   1:   ,,,,‘A

       Section 3 of.the Act::PPOV~B~,B"thB't.:',the
                                                Act :
shall not apply to certair;::,:p;~redne~~:lncluding
registeredprofess,lonal~ engineer tiheni;practlclng
his professlon as ,'
                             ',,,' :...'
       Other sections pro'vide':f&the. hreatlon,of
a Board to regis'terpubli&.gharveyoi%%i~~
powers and duties of:the ?oard,~,for,,,qualif+atlons
for registration,,,and,for ,revocatlon'and reissue of
licenses.                   .,I
       Section 8~of the'Act ,p~ov+descr$minal:,    :'
penalties for anyone who shall~.pra@tice.or,offer
,topractice the profession o$,~public',surveying
without being registeredore$e&pted,~:$n,   a&ordance
with the provisions of thfs,Atit,: :,,':" :~: ::
       Section li ,;, &pt&&           pro+ide;,&&
the registrationunder-the,A@tshall~,not~:,quallfy'
the registrant to,cOnduct~,:s~ve9'8':i~a;f,:public
under Article 5299 R.C.S."n6r,~~td~~mak~siu~e'ys,the
field notes of which 'are,to,,:6~',,Yiled"ln'
                                           the General
Land Office of Texaso     ',',,,I
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