March 2, 1949. Hon. J. B. McDonald CominissioneP Department of Agriculture Re: The necessity for Coun- Austin, Texas ty Clerks to certify all Public Weighers to Attention: Hon.,R. K. Burke the Commissioner of Agriculture. Dear Sir: Reference is made to your recent request which reads in part as follows: “This department desires a legal opinion as’to whether or not County Clerks over the state are required to certify to the Commis- sioner of Agriculture the appointment or election of Public Weighers qualifying as such under the provisions of Article 5683 Re- vised Civil Statutes of 19251 . . . ‘Are Title 132 Revised Civil Statutes and Chapter 76 Acts of the 36th Legislature In pari materia, ‘and to be construed togeth- er, in order to ascertain the true intent of the Legislature with reference to the en- forcement of the Public Weighers laws. In other words, are the laws of the old Were- house Commission or any portion thereof still in effect along with the present laws since the Commission was combined with the Depart- ment of Agriculture?” Section 1, Chapter 13, p. 35, Acts of the 39th Legislature, R. S., 1925, provides as follows: “The office of Commissioner of Markets and Warehouses of the State of Texas is hereby abolished, and the authority, duties, powers, functions, rxghts, and liabilities, heretofore vesting in said commissioner, shall hereafter vest in and be had and performed by the Com- missioner of Agriculture. The Markets and . ‘_ Hon. J. E. McDonald, page 2 (V-781) Warehouse Department and the Weights and Measures Department of the Sta~teof Texas are hereby abolished, and the duties and functions of the same shall hereafter vest in the Commissioner of Agriculture.” Section 2, Chapter 76, p. 123, Acts of the Legisla,ture,R. S., 1919 (Art. 7833b, V. c. s., :,“s supp.), relating to public weighers provides in pert tha,t : I, . . . Such bond shall be good for the term of two years from the date given, and shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioners' Court of the County in which such public weigher resides. After such bond is filed, approved and recorded, adsprovided by law, the County Clerk shall immediately certify such appointment, or election, to the Commissioner of Markets and Warehouses of Texas.. . .' The above quoted provision that "the County Clerk shall immediately certify such appointment, or election& to the Commissioner of Ma.rketsand Wa.rehouses of Texas (now the Commissioner of Agriculture) was not included when the laws of this State were revised in 1925. By Section 2 of the Codification Act, V. C. S., 1925, Final Title, there Is this repealing clause: "Tha~tall civil statutes of a general nature, in force when the Revised Statutes take effect, and which a.renot included herein, or which are not hereby expressly; continued in force, ore hereby repealed. We are unable to find any statute which re- quires the County Clerks to certify to the Commissioner of Agriculture the appointment or election of public weighers who qua~lifyunder the provisions of Article 5683, V. C. s., which reads as follows: "In all counties in which there are no city or cities in which the Governor is au- thorized to appoint public weighers, there shall be elected at each general election a public weigher for each justice precinct in Hon. J. E. McDonald, page 3 (V-781) the manner and form governing the election of other precinct officers. The commlssion- era court at the regular February term pre- ceding the election may unite two or more justice precincts for thenpurpose of elect- ing such public weighers. As to your last question you are advised that iinlyBuch portions of the old laws relating to markets and warehouses as were 3includedin the Revised Statutes of 1925 are in effect, and to that extent only may the provisions of Title 132, Chapter 76, Acts of the 36th Legislature, R.S.,lglg, be construed in pari materla with the present statutes dealing with this subject. SUMMARY County Clerks are not required to cer- tify to the Commissioner of Agriculture the appointment or election of Public Weighers qualifying under the provisions of Art. 5683, v.c;s. Only such poFtlons of the old laws relating to Markets and Warehouses as were Included in the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925 may be construed in pari materia with the present statutes dealing with this sub- ject. .Yours very truly, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS BA:bh APPROVED
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion