THE ATI-ORNEY GENERAL i ;h’ OF TEXAS AUSTIN. TEXAS June 15, 1948 Hon. J. H. Kldd, Jr. Opinion No. V-602 County Attorney Kleberg County Re: Maximum compensation Klngsville, Texas of County Treasurer of Kleberg County. Dear Sir: Your request for our opinion on the above sub- ject matter Is, In part, aa follows: "A question has arisen ln this coun- ty concerningthe maximum amount of com- missions which may be retained by the Coun- ty Treasureras compensationfor his ser- vices. 'The County Treasurer Is compensated by commlsslonsonly. The rate Is estab- lished by order of the Commlssloners' Court at $0.0075 per $1.00 paid in or paid out by thetieasurer,all transfers excepted. The treasurer handles only the usual county general funds. 'The present treasurer assumed the duties of the office May 1, 1946 upon the resignation of his predecessor,and was duly appointedby order of the Commls- sioners' CoUpt on May 3, 1946. The fol- lowing informationIs taken from his an- nual reports for the calendar years 1946 and 1947: "Total commissionscollected $3,824.87 Premium on.Surety bond (less Maximum COnmlE under Art. 3943 Excess due county Hon. J. H. Kldd, Jr., page 2 (V-602) Total comissions collected $5,278.32 Premium on Surety bona (less) &#J Ret 3$53% commissionsallowed M~X~IIIUIS under Art. 3943 3.750.00 Excess due county $i3wF (the $1,403.32vas refunded in January, 1948) "The County Treasurer Is of the opinion that he IS permitted a maxl- mum of $3,750.00 commi33lonsfor com- pensation. It Is our opinion that the maximum compensationhe may be allowed IS $2,000 annually and that he is wrong- fully withholding $1,750.00 collected during the year 1947, and $2,366.54 col- lected during the year 1946 . e e "We would appreciateyour office advising us whether or not the Maxi- mum commissionsallowed the County Treasurer of Kleberg County Is $2,000 or $3,750.annually,and whether or not the treasurerIs entitled to the full maximum amount for the year 1946." You have Informed this office In ansver to our request for aaaltlonalInformationthat Kleberg County does not have any navigation or drainage districtsand, therefore, the County Treasurerdoes not receive any compensationunder Artkles 8148 and 8221, V. C. 9. Kleberg County has a population aocoralng to the 1940 Federal Census of 13,334 Inhabitants. Its tax valuations according to the 1 45, 1946 and 1947 tax rolLa are as follows: 1945 - s - 813,- 486,690; 1947 - $15,gl7.690. 10'5g3'030'1g46 Its county officialshave been compensatedfor the yeam1946, 1947 and 1948 on a "fee" basis. There- fore, the compensationof the county treasurerfor the years 1946, 1947 and 1948 has been governed by the pro- visions of Article 3943, V. C. 9. we quote that portion of Article 3943 applicableto Kleberg County: "(a) The commlssionaallowed to Hon. J. H. Kiaa, Jr., page 3 (V-602) any county treasurer shall not exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000)annual- ly; . . . '(b) The CommissionersCourt Is hereby authorized,vhen ln their judg- ment the financial conditionof the coun- ty and the needs of the county treasurer justify the Increase, to enter an order Increasing the compensationof the coun- ty treasurer In an additionalamount not to exceed twenty-fiveper cent (25%) of the sum allowed under the lau for the fiscal year of 1944, provided the total compensationauthorizedunder the law for the fiscal year 1944 did not exceed the sum of Three Thousand, Six Hundred Dol- lars ($3,600)." Subalvl8lon (b) above quoted was enacted by H. B; 258, Act8 of the 50th Legislature 1947, p. 52, and became effective September 5, 1947 t90 day8 after date of adjournment of the 50th Legislature].Attor- ney General's Opinions Nos. V-231 and V-277. therefore, only that portion of 8ubaivlslon (a icle 3943 above quoted was applicable to Klebe ty and It Is our opinion that the maximum compensation of the county treasurer of Kleberg County for 1946 was 82,000. See Attorney General'8 Opinion Ko. V-13, a copy of which Is enclosed. In construing subdivision(b) of Article 3943 above quoted, this office held In Opinion No. V-231: 'In construing S. B. 123, Acts of the 49th Legislature, (an act vhlch con- tains practically the Identicalprovl- slon8 of H. B. 258, Acts of the 50th Leg- islature, but applicable to different of- ficials) this Departmenthas conslstent- ly held that where S. B. 123 Is applicable, the Commissioners1Court Is authorized when In their judgmentthe financial con- dition of the county and the needs of the officers justify the increase, to enter an order raising the maximum compensation allowed by law to an amount not exceeding tventy-five (25%) per cent of the sum al- Hon. J. H. Klaa, Jr., page 4 (V-602) loved for the fiscal year 1944. "Therefore,it Is the opinion df this Department that upon the effective date of Ii.B. 258, Acts of the 50th Legislature, (90 days after adjournment)the Commlsslon- ersI Court of Hutchinson County will be authorized to Increase the compensationof the County Treasurer of said County In an additional amount not to exceed tventy- five (25%) per cent of the maximum sum E&- :rd unaep the law for the fiscal yeap 44; provided the total compensationauth- orized under the law fop the fiscal year 1944 did not exceed $3600.00. In other words, It allovs the CommlsslonersQCourt to raise by tventy-five (25%) per cent the maximum amount of lawful commissionsthe county treasurer may retain. Any Increase In compensationfor the year 1947, hovever, must be in the same proportion as the bal- ance of theyea* relates to the total an- naul increase that may be made under II.B. 258." Applying the principles announced In Oplnlon No. V-231, the CommisslonersqCoUpt of Kleberg County had the authority on September 5, 1947, to grant the county treasurer an aaaitlonal increase In compensa- tion not to exceed 25% of $2,000. Such increase, how- ever, must have been In the same proportionas the bal- ance of the year relates to the total annual increase that may be made under subdivision(b) of Article 3943. (117/365thsof $500.00). Therefore, the maximum com- pensation of the county treasurer for the year 194 was between $2,000.00 and $2,160.27, ($2,000 plus 160.- 27 - 117/365ths of $500) depending upon the order, if any, passed by the Commissioners'Court under the pro- visions of subdivision (b) of Article 3943, V, C, S. We quote the following from Harris County v. Charlton, 243 S, W. 460, 464: "Plaintiffin error, Harris county, insists that both the county and school funds should pay a part of the treasuPeP$s salary In commissions,and that therefore it IS entitled to recover and receive as its own these commissionswrongfully col- ,:, I Hon. J. H. Kldd, Jr., page 5 (v-602) lected from the school fund. "The commlsslonsaccrued to the bene- fit of the county treasureras he handled the various funds Intrusted to his care. Under article 928 R, S. 1895, he was re- quired to make reports to the county com- mlsslonersl court at each regular term thereof, but he was handling both the funds of the county and of the available school fund from his induction into office, and he'was entitled to commissionsupon the funds so handled as they were receiv- ed and disbursed by him. %hen his limit of $2.000 was reach- ed In collecting and disbursing these funds, in whatever month, then his right to collect and retain further commission from either fund ceased." It was held in the case of Davenport v. Eastland County, 94 Tex. 277, 60 S.W. 243, that the amount of compensationof the County Treasurer where he has served for a period short of one year Is to be arrived at not by the amount of commissionsaccruing during that period, but by apportionmentIn accordance with the time of service. Referring to the Davenport Case, the Commls- slon of Appeals stated in the case of Tom Green County v. Harper, 118 S,W.(2d) 306: 'To that question this Court made answer that Davenport was entitled to retain only that portion of the sum of $2,000 which the time he served after the expiration of his term bears to the vhole year. The constructionof the statutes there given and the reasoning there employed, when applied to the facts of the instant case, lead certainly to but one conclusion,and that is that Harper's estate was entitled to retain only that ortion of the annual compen- sation of 82,000 which he earned, and that such amount bears the same ratio to $2,009 that the timeserved bears to one yeare Hon. J. H. Kldd, page 6 (V-602) Under the facts submitted and In view of the foregoing authorities, the county treasurer of Kleberg County was entitled to retain only 242/365ths of $2000 (by3 - December 31) or $1326.03 for the year 1946. Since the County Treasurer served the entire year of 1947, he would be entitled to retain from $2,000 to $2,160.27 depending upon the order, If any, passed by the Commissioners' Court subsequent to the enactment of H. B. 258, Acts of the 50th Legislature, authorlz- lng the county treasurer to retain an additional amount not to exceed twenty-five per cent of $2,000. Therefore, it is our opinion that Kleberg Coun- ty Is entitled to recover from the county treasurer all sums retained b him which were In excess of the maximum for the yea-19 1 6 and 1947 as above set out. SUMMARY The maximum compensation of the coun- ty treasurer of Kleberg County for 1946 was $2,000. Where the county treasurer was ap- pointed on Ma 3, 1946, he was entitled to retain only 292/363ths of $2,000 ($1326.03) during the year 1946. Subalvielon (b) of Article 3943, v. C. S. (effective September 5, 1947) authorized the Commlsslonersv Court to allow the county treasurer to retain an additional amount not to exceed twenty-five per cent of $2,000. Such increase must be, however, In the same proportion as the balance of the year relates to the total annual Increase ($160.27). The maximum compensation of the county treasurer of Kleberg County for 1947 was from $2,000 to $2160.27 depending on the order, if any, pass- ed by the Commissioners' Court. Kleberg County is entitled to recover all commissions of the county treasurer re- tained by him In excess of the above men- tioned maximums. Yours very truly, APPROVED ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEKAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion