THEATTOKNEYGENERAX.. OF TEXAS; PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL Ap~ll 2, 1948 Hon. L. A. Woods Opinion No. v-534 State Superintendent Department of Education Be: Expenditure of 10~~1, Austin, Texas tax funds of a School Diatriat. whose scho- Attention: Hon. T. M. Trimble lastics are transfer- red, to build a baae- ball field for the community. Dear Sir: We refer to your opinion request of recent date wherein we are advised that Center Point Common School District has not,maintaineda school within then past two years and has been transferringIts scholastics to the Carbon IndependentSchool District. Center Point has about $2,000.00 in local tax money in the de- pository and it wants to spend this money on construc- ting ancllighting a baseball field for the community. Query: May the trustees of this district span-lthis local tax money forthis pur- pose? while you did not so state, we assume for the purpose of this opinion that the Center Point scholas- tics are attenclingthe Carbon District under the auth- ority of Article 2699, Vernon's Civil Statutes,which provides, in part2 " * e 0 all the chilclren residing in a school district may be transferredto another district, OP to an independent&is- trict, upon such terms as may be agreed up- on by the trustees of said districts inter- ested." The authorieeclexpentlituresfor which local school funds from district taxes may be used are set out in Article 2827, Vernon's Civil Statutes, which reads, in part, as follows: . Hon. L. A. Woods, page 2 (v-534) "The public free school fund shall not be expended except for the following purposes: "2. Local school~fundsfrom district taxes, tuition of fees of pupils not en- titled to free tuition and other local sources my be used Por the purposes enum- eratedafor state and county funds and for purchasingappliances and supplies,forthe payment of Insurance premiums, janitors and other employees,fop buying school sites, buying, building and repairing and rent- ing school houses, and for other purposes necessary in the conduct of the public schools to be determinedby the Board of ->Trustees. . ." Under this statute loos1 school funds from dis- trict taxes shall not be expended except for the specific purpeaes enumerated therein and for other purposes nec- essary in the conduct of the public schools to be deter- mined by the local Board of Trustees. Thus, the expendi- ture of such funds may be made only for the purposes ' enumeratedand for other purposes necessary in the oon- duct of the public schools. Public funds, among which are Included school funds, collected and designatedby statute to be used only for particular public nurposes cannot bs lawfully diverted to the use of anotherparti- cular public purpose. San Benito Inde endent School District v. Farmers' Bank, 78 S.W. (26P 741; Madeley v. Trustees of Conroe IndependentSahool, 130 S.W.(2d) 929. Under the facts submittedherein, it Is contem- plated that such local school funds from district taxes shall be used for a public purpose, namely, for the con- structlon'andlighting of a baseball field for the com- munity, which Is a purpose other than for which the funds were collected and designated. Such a use OP di- verslon Is prohibitedby Article 2827 and violates the public trust principle announced in the olted San Benito casee A school district is but a trustee or guardian of public funds coming into its possession,and may disburse them only in the manner and for purposes prescribedby law. Love v. City of Dallas, 120 Tex. 351, 40 S.W.(2d) 20. Eon. L. A. Woods, page 3 (V-534) SUMMARY Common school district, Whose scho- lastics are transferredto another dis- trict, may not use local tax money to build a baseball field for community. Art. 2827, v. c. 9. Yours very truly, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS CEO:mw Chester E. Ollison 8 Assistant APPROVED:
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion