3¢231 ` GF§) OFFICE oF ' ‘ THE ATToRNEY GENERAL AUST!N. TEXA¢ R IC E DANIEL "ronmaw GENERAL July 2, 1947 Hon. D: C. Greer Opinion No. V~291 State Highway'Engineer Texas H way Department Re: Authority of the Austin 2 , Texas Texas Highway Com- mission to enter into an agreement with Galveston County for the con- struction, mainte- nance, and operation of a toll tunnel. Dear Sir: There are submitted for our opinion four ques- tions relating to a proposed agreement between the Texas Highway Commission and Galveston County for the construc- tion, maintenance, and operation of a toll tunnel in Gal- weston County. The tunnel is to link State Highway 87 between Galveston leland and Bolivar Point, and will re- place the State-operated ferry services now existing between said points. _ In the negotiations between the Highway Commis- sion and Galveston County, the Commission by Minute No. 22947, has tendered to the County three different propo- sals, the third of which has been accepted-by the County, as follows: 'THIRD, if Galveston County desires to pro- ceed with the construction of a toll tunnel, it should proceed with said construction, in which case the State Highway Gommission agrees to re- move-that portion of Highway No. 87 from the highway system in order that Galvesten Gounty might proceed with the construction and opera- tion of such tunnel. If upon completion of such toll tunnel Galveston County can show its legal ability to enter into a binding contract with the State relative to the tunnel, and if Galves- ton County will agree by binding contract that the bonded indebtedness on the tunnel will never be the responsibility of the State, and if such. lS{N) follows: Hon. D. C. Greer, Page 2, V-291 should ever be the case and the Btate High- way Department is deprived of revenues,then the County will indemnify the Highway Depart_ ment for such deprivation of revenues, pres_ ent and future, payable in Travis County,and the County will give the Department the right to approve the toll charges and examine the books under the operation of the tunnel,then the Highway Commission will agree in so far as its present membership is concerned, to cease the operation of the Department's fer- ries_ and 't_o invest the annual net operating _ loss of said ferries, estimated to be approx~ imately $2005000.00, in the tunnel each year during a current biennium, it being under- stood that.such annual payment will be effec- .tive only during the period of office of a current Commissioner and would not be con- strued in any way as obligating a State High- way Commission to make authorization for pay~ ments beyond the current biennium. , FIT,IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT.Galveston Connty be advised that, due to the need for expedition of transportation facilities at .1:,this point, it is necessary that complete ac- ;ceptance of one of these proposals be made within .thirty days from the date of this order, after which date this order becomes null and void and the State Highway Engineer is directed to proceed to the best of his judgment in im- \proving_the transportation facilities on State }-Highway Noi 87 at Boiivar Point." .The_four-questions above referred to are as "1. In harmony with the provisions of Article_6795b, and Commission Minute No. 22947, is the Texas Highway Commission legally author- .ized~to.enter into an agreement with the Com» missionsrs* Court of-Galveston County, which agreement will provide that the Texas Highway Commissinn will maintain the tunnel with its rown forces out of the State Highway Fund,while the County operates the tunnel and collects tolls foryits use? "2. if the above question is answered in Hon. D. C. Greer, Page 3, v-291 the affirmative, can the Tezas Highway Com§ mission legally contribute Highway Funds to Galveston County for the County's use in maintaining the tunnel, in lieu of the per~ formance of the maintenance of the tunnel by the State with State forces? W3. Is the State Highway Commiesion legally authorized to commit and bind the State and future State Highway Commissions; by agreement with the County, to pay or con- tribute to the County a fixed sum of money from the Highway Fund each year for the main~ tenance of the tunnel for a term of years be- yond the period of office of current Highway Commisaioners, or, is the authority of the Highway Commission to bind the State in such instances limited to one biennium? weston County, in harmony with the above quoted minutes, and particularly reserving to the Highway commission: session o was law, tained. light of (a) the right to audit the County's records of cost of construction, main- tenance and operation of the tunnel and the disposition of tolls, (b) the right to determine the rea- sonableness and adequacy of the tolls to be collected by the County, and (c) the right to renew and resume ferry service between Galveston Is- land.and Point“Bolivar in the event the tunnel is out of service or fails to meet the needs of the traveling public for such transportation facil- ity. All of the above questions, negotiations and 501 relate directly to the terms and provisions of -b, V. C. S., which has been amended by the past f the Legislature. During the time this Article the constitutionality was never judicially ascer- waever, this Department construed the not in the this question and held the Act constitutional in 502 Hon. D. C. Greer, Page N, V-29l Opinion No. 0-6032, a copy of which is enclosed,q¢hs Fiftieth Legislature early in the session passed S;_fh 76, amending Art. 6795-b. 'rhe effect or campaign ment was to amend Section 1 of the Article and'ohit entirely the remaining sections, thereby destroyi§g this bill for all practical purposesc The Legislatupgv later in the session, passed H. B. 835, which not on-*‘ ly carried the amendment as was provided by 8. B. 76, but made several changes in Az-ticle 6796»b. s. B. 835 is now the law governing such a proposal as you hava"' outlined in your request. The difference between.nrtr 6795~b and H~ B. 835 is very slight. The two bills are in essence the sameZ The new bill made these changes: (l) eliminated from the last line of Sec. 1 "leading to any port” and adds ”with a maintained depth of twenty (20) feet or more"; (2) eliminated from Sec. 3 "the county shall be under no obligation to accept and pay for any property condemned and shall in no event pay for same except from the proceeds de- rived from the sale of the revenue bonds, and”; (3) eliminated Sec. 6; (L) added to Sec. 8 "operations" wherever the word "maintenance" appeared ; (5) eliminated Sec. 10 and added: "all laws in conflict herewith to the extent of such conflict are hereby repealed." These changes are apparently an effort to meet four grounds of attack on the constitutionality of Art. 6795-b in a law- suit which has arisen in Nueces Gounty. The Nueces County suit is for injunction sought in the District Court by Sam Wilson against Nueces Connty to enjoin the County from proceeding further in the pro- posed construction of a causeway within the County pur- suant to Article 6795-b. The suit was predicated on-the issue that Art. 6795-b was unconstitutional and four grounds of attack were made;' l. Preliminary expenses for the project could not be made from the County's general fund; 2. Inadequate consideration for the owner of condemned land; 3. The negotiable feature of the bonds made the bonds a debt of the county; and 4. A board of trustees appointed by the commissioners' court of the County 503 Hon. D. C. Greer, Page 5, V-291 was an unwarranted delegation of power. The District Court granted the injunction without fil- ing conclusions of law and findings of fact, but, in effect, the ruling was to hold that the act was uncon- stitutional. The County duly perfected its appeal to sam s. wilson, Jz-., et ai, Appellees, No. 11,726, in the Fourth Court of Civil Appeals. ¢"that any county proceeding hereunder * * * * may enter into any agreement or agreements not prohibited by the constitu- tion which may be necessary to obtain such loans, grants or gifts." - ‘Again, in Sec. 8 of the new Act: "The State Highway Commission shall have authority without further legisla~ tive enactment to make such provision for .contributions toward maintenance of the project as it may see fit * * * *." By the same provision, the Highway Commission may' contribute highway funds to Galveston County for the County's use in maintaining-the tunnel, in lieu of the maintenance of the tunnel by the State with State forces. The County would she performing a governmental function as an agent of the "State. A similar performance was upheld in Jefferson County vs. County'Bo§rd of District Road Indebtedness (Sup. Ct.) 192 90 » ' ' waever,:we do not wish to be understood to be _ Hon. D. C. Greer, Page 6, V-291 passing upon the validity or constitutionality of then Act. Since that issue is in the above mentioned inj”": tion suit, we will refrain from passing further upon;' validity of the Act until final judgment in the pa "*' case. We will advise you as soon as this issue has bee§ finally settled by the Courts. "" ‘ If the Act is held to be valid, in order ton make such contributions as are proposed by the State- `” way Commission to Galveston County for the maintenance§o" the tunnel, the State Highway Commission should designa"; and constitute the tunnel as a part of the State Highwayi System. Otherwise, the tunnel would be strictly a county project, an exclusive undertaking, independent of performp ing a governmental function for the State. This would " fall within the prohibition of Section 51 of Article III of the State Constitution which provides in effect that the Legislature shall have no power to grant or authorize the granting of public moneys to any "individual, asso- ciation of individuals, municipal or other corporations whatsoever." This view was specifically upheld in the" case of Road District No. ll-, Shelby County vs. Allred,123 Tex. 77, 68 S. W. (2d) 164 (Commission of Appeals, opinion adopted by the Supreme Court) where it was held that money granted to the road district and not used for highway pur- poses was unconstitutional. From an examination of H. B. 835, it seems appar- ent that the Legislature has intended that such a project should be a part of the State Highway System, and that both County and State may join in the construction, maintenance _ and operation thereof. In Section 8, there is specific prob vision for the Highway Commission to declare the project to be a part of the State Highway System, provided that the property and contract rights in such project and in the bonds are not unfavorably affected thereby. In any event, in Sec-` tion 8, the Legislature has declared that the project shall become a part of the State Highway System when the bonds and interest have been paid or sufficient amount set aside in a trust fund for the payment of the indebtedness. This view is in harmony with other statutes relati to the State Highway System, 6674q-l; 6674q-#; 6674q- , V. G. S. These statutes make plain the policy of the State in the im» provement, construction, and operation of the State Highway System; that is, to-reimburse counties for aid rendered by the counties to the State and for the State Highway Commis- sion to control the State Highway System. It seems that H. B. 835 is consistent with this policy. Hon. D. C. Greer, Page 7, V-291 In answer to your third question, you are ad- vised that the prohibition contained in Article.VIII, tion 6 of Article VIII limits every appropriation by the legislature to a term of two years. Inasmuch as two years; the contract for payment of money will not be binding beyond a period of two years. This is pro- vided for in your proposed draft of contract. - In answer to your fourth question, we have examined the proposed agreement between the Highway Commission and Galveston County, which has .been fur- nished to us by Mr. J'ohn Green, and approve said agree- ment, subject to the following suggestions: , ,_ (1)' In the third paragraph on page 1, inmnediately after the word "Island", add , "pursuant to authority granted under House B;}lln835, Acts of the Fiftieth'l¢egislature, l 7.. ' . _ (2) ; `_The' second paragraph on-page 2_ n should-be re-w;ritten in order to. conform to the new nct. - _ . o . . (3). On page 3, in paragraph.b, in the fourth line, immediately after the word '- "Island@, add "on state nighway No. 87". In the same paragraph, in line 6, after the word "be" add the word "possible",‘ , - ~- _ ‘(4) _ .On page 4, paragraph.$,\ in.the_. 7 eighth_line_thereof, substitute\the.-word j 7 "be'-' -~for _-'the word "become".\ .-In the next t .the last line of said paragraph 3 , eliminate the word "-if." and in the place of.the ._word "become?' add7 f'be at all times.". At the end of. the next -t_o the last line .o.f-_ said paragraph.... ,» -JT U`I 506 Hon. D. G. Greer, Page 8, V-'291 "The tunnel shall be a part of the State Highway System and shall be turned over by ' the County to the State H.ighway Commission in' good repair and operating condition. ?revided, however,'that said tunnel shall be at all times a part of the State Highway Sys‘tem, the same as any other part of said System and shall be‘ considered as such." ' (5) On page 5, in paragraph 2,` in the second line thereof, add immediately after the word ”tunnel" these words: "and in lieu of such maintenance". ' (6) Eliminate all of the provisions of paragraph 6 on page 6. (T) la addition to the terms of paragraph 7, add the following after the last word in said paragraph: £'It is understood and agreed that the State Highws.y Gommission reserves the right to determine the reasonableness and adequacy of the tolls to be collected by the county for the oper- ation and maintenance of the tunnel.” (8) On page 8, eliminate the terms and provisions under paragraph ll. We do not believe that a person selected by the parties to the agreement should make a binding decision on a con- troversial matter which would be binding upon the State. (9) Eliminate all of the provisions in paragraph 15 and substitute therefor the follow- ing: "That nothing in this contract is, nor is intended to be , a direct or binding commitment or obligation on the part cf the State of Texas or the Highway Commission to pay any amount be- yond the end of the current bienniu.m, and this contract shall always be subject to the regular biennium appropriation bill or other act of the legislature of Texas. It is understood and agreed that this contract met be renewed and extended every two years thereafter by official action cf the State Highway Ccoosis`sion at the First Regular Monthly Meeting of the State fligh- way Commission following the appointment and Hon. D. C. Greer, Page 9, V-291 qualifying of each new State Highway Commis- sioner throughout the life of the contract; and if the State Highway Commission in its discretion, at any such meeting of the State Highway Commission, fails or refuses to renew and extend this contract; then in that event, this contract shall thereafter be null and void; and no further payments may be made thereunder to Galveston Connty by the State Highway Gommission. If in the event any pro- vision of this contract conflicts with the provisions of this section (l§th), then it is stipulated by the parties hereto that the provisions of this section (l§th) of the ccn- tract shall prevail." SUMMARY (l) The;Texas Highway Commission and Galveston County, through its Commissioners' Court,-are_authorized under the provisions of --H. B. ~835,~F1rts_e1:h Legislature, to enter in- to an agreement providing that the Texas High- way Commission will maintain a proposed tunnel to_beaconstructed between Galveston leland and Boliver Point in Galveston County with its own forces out of the-State Highway Fund, while the County operates the tunnel and collects = tolls_for its use; subject, however,-to the va-_ lidity of the Act being upheld in the case of George A. Prowse, et al, vs. Sam.E. Wilson; et al, now pending in the Court_of¢Givil Appeals at San Antonio. (2) The Texas Highway Commission may legally contribute highway funds to Galveston ;County for the County's use in maintaining the proposed tunnel,mentioned above, in lieu of the .performance of the maintenance of such tunnel .by the State forces; provided, that such tunnel shall be designated and constitute a part of the State Highway System, and subject_to the validity of H. B. 835, Fiftieth Legislature, as above men- tioned. ' - ' (3) The State nghway Gommission is not legally authorized to commit and bind the-State and future State Highway-Commissions by agreement 507 503 son. D§ o'. creer, Page 10, v-291 with Galveston'County to pay the County $200,000.00 each year for the maintenance of the proposed tunnel referred to'for a term of more than two years. Article vIII, Sec- tion 6, Constitution of Texas. ~ fours very truly ATToRnsY onmnm. or ms-_ By @_C-e'-/é-@M ' Charles E. Crenshaw CEC/JMc/RT _ Assistant A PROVED' f hour/w ATTORNEY GENERAL
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion