THE ~7llTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Hon. Ray Lackey County Auditor Yoakum County Plains, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. o-7215 Removal of County Seat. Authority'of County Auditor to serve as trustee of Rural High School District Your request of recent date for an opinion from this department on the above subject matter is as follows: "I would like an opinion from you on the following: "May the County Seat of a County be moved by a two thirds vote from the present position when it is located within a five mile radius of the center of the county and has been located here for a period of 35 years. %ag the County Auditor serve as trustee of a Rural High School District which is operating as an Independ- ent District & having their own tax collector and asses- sor and containing more than one hund,redsquare miles of territory and electing their trustees at large over the district." The answer to your first question is found in the provisions of Articles 1595, 1596, 1599 and 1600, V.A.C.S. Article 1595, supra, read~s,in part, as follows: "No county seat situated within five miles of the geographical center of any county shall be removed ex- cept by a note of two-thirds ;f all the electors in said county voting on the subject. Article 1596, supra, is as follows: "When it becomes desirable to remove the county seat of any county, the county judge of said county, upon the written application of not less than one hundred free- holders and qualified voters, who are resident citizens of Hon. Ray Lackey, page 2 O-7215 said county shall make a written order upon the minutes of said commissioners court for the holding of an elec- tion at various voting precincts in said county on a day therein named, which shall not be less than thirty nor more than sixty days from date of order, for the purpose of submitting the question to the electors of said county. When a county seat has been established for more than ten years, it shall reouire two hundred freeholders and aualified voters to make said aoolica- tion. In counties having less than three hundred and fifty legal voters, to be determined by the number of votes cast at the last preceding general election such application may be made by one hundred resident free- holders and qualified voters of said county. When a county seat has been established for more than forty years, if shall require a majority of the resident free- holders and qualified voters of said~county to make the application, said majority to be ascertained by the county judge from the assessment rolls thereof. In counties having not more than 150 qualified voters, such application shall be held sufficient when it shall have been signed by a majority of the resident freeholders and qualified voters of said county, said majority to be ascertained by the county judge, from the assessment rolls thereof. In the event of the fallure, refusal or inability of the county judge to perform any duty im- posed upon him by this article such duty may be pzrform- ed by any two county commissioners of the county. (Underscoring ours) Article 1599, supra, provides: "The county judge or commissioners shall order said election in each voting precinct in said county, which shall be conducted as near as may be, as elections for county officers. The officers holding the elections shall make return thereof to the authority ordering said election within ten days after the same was held, who shall then proceed to open said returns and count the same, and declare the result, which shall be entered upon the records of said commissioners court, and shall also state the name of the place from which, and the name of the place to which, the same is removed. A certified copy of such entry shall theTeupon be recorded in the proper deeds of such county. Article 1600, supra, reads as follows: "When such entry has been made. the count-iseat,if the election be held to move the county seat from a Point - . Hon. Ray Lackey, page 3 O-7215 within five miles of the neoarauhical center, to a woint more or less than five miles from the geograwhical cen- tar, or from a point more than five miles from the geographical center, to any other point more than five miles from such center, shall be removed to the olace receiving the votes of two-thirds of allythe electors voting on the subject; and such place shall thereafter be the counts seat of such county. If the election be held to move"the county seat from a point more than five miles from the geographical center to a point within five miles of such center, then the county seat shall beg moved to the place receiving a majority of,all the elec- tors in the county voting at such election, and such place shall thereafter be the county seat of such county." (Underscoring ours) In view of the above quoted provisions it is the opinion of this department that the county seat may be moved from a point within five miles of the gsographic center of the county to a point more or less than five miles from the geographic center of the county by a two-thirds vote of all the electors voting on the subject provided the provisions of the foregoing Articles have been complied with. We are sending for your con- sideration a copy of our Opinion No. O-1681 dealing with a similar situation. In answer to our request for additional information concerning your second question, we received the following from Hon. G. P. Beane, County Judge and Ex-Officio County School Superintendent: "In answer to your inquiry of April 25th relative to Plains Rural High School District, I wish to state that this School District is a rural High School Dis- trict formed by grouping a number of rural common school districts. "The status of this district is hard to determine since it pertakes of both the nature of an Independent School District and a Common School District. In some respects it is governed as an Independent School District and in others, it is governed by the laws relating to Common School Districts." We, therefore, assume that the Plains Rural High School was established under the provisions of Article 2922a. Article 2922b states that all rural high school districts as provided for by Article 2922a shall be classed as common school districts. .. - Hon. Ray Lackey, page 4 O-7215 Therefore, your second question is answered in the negative by our Opinion No. O-7191, a copy of which we are herewith enclosing. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By s/J. C.Davl.s, Jr. J. C. Davis, Jr. Assistant By s/John Reeves John Reeves JR:djm:wc APPROVED MAY 8, 7~946 s/Carlos C. Ashley FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL Approved Opinion Committee By s/BWB Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion