464 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS Arrorl~u GENERAL Eo~orablo Sruce L, Parker Couty Attorney Gray County Punpa, Texas Dear Sir: o?iniGil NO, O-7099 Re: Condemnationof Of CfX’tdJl in Grcy County. That the Engine has surveyed th have been fuzni the countg In PL??- Spoclficzlly,you rrontto know -way usin& the procedure of Arti- under sutnorlt~ of Article 667&n, g the procodllreof Article 6703, ation of the submitted copy of tineAgree- n the Gray County CcmuisslonerssCourt HIghway Commission revetis, In siiDstance,the following: ?&ereas, S. B. IJo. 3k8, 48th Leg., Acts 193, pro- vides the State Highway Commission is authorized to Eonorable BrucreL. Parker, page 2 Ua3lp2te my county rosU In the State 0s 0 fem-to- n&act rood for pllrgoserr Gf CO~SblCtiGil, in accordcknce with the provisl~ns theroof; I?bcrezs Grq County socks to have it& road fron Almroccl to X. 7.7 miles towed Lefors doslgnnatedby tha Comuiosiloncs o fom-to-m&et, rood token over for construction;vhercas +& county ha.swived all rlChts It has for pmticipiztionby the State in po.yEontof my county o~ldoncea of ir,dabted- new incurred In tho .constructlonof such c~ounty rocd; vhorens the TaxNil&w~y Camlsnion is ci,“soz3le z.nd villing to design&o ouch rood m a farm-to-mrkot rood and to construct end to m%lntsAn sme at the sole cost and expense of the Stati conditioned upon full conp~irsce by the County tit& the ra~uironaots of S. B, 30. 348: "For 8nd in connidoratiGnOf the coveDo.nts, a,wee- mats, and waivers herein conttined to be mutually kept md performed It is und.eratoodend &greed by md betwaan the paxties .haretor "RESPOXSXBILfTYOF TEZ COUXTY; "1. That the County has passed and entered of ra- cord in its offlclaJ minutes in Voluw E3o.6, page 33, the folloving order: )I . . . "BR IT ORl?EZD by the'Comissionar&@ Court of Gray County thr?tEkeman ldhlta,Couzty.Judse cf Gray County; countyy; bo and fia 13 hereby authorized to eatw into end execute and fia for cad 03 beho.lfof Gray Gwy Counq zm c~roemnt with the Stata of Tcxcxes:.'Whhcrain Tcxcxes::WherainGrw County will o=ee to wsivo md rolinqulsh cng acid6&l-rights-Gmy Cobty o.nd/orrood Uietrict h&s or my have for po.rticiphtLon by t2e Steto in the pnyxont of cng~Couz?~yEnd/or ro3i district bends, t:orrmt3, or fi*b,er auldewes of iniebtec?nes:: incurred by Gxy County ma/or rood dl.ztrictin the constructLo>, recon%ructioa,or winteac.ma of the county roti Proa XLmrccd to Earth 7i7 !nllestCWSd tifGX3 UpCn COEc?its?.Oll the Ei&wy Comainslon of %?e%xlzswill dcsi~n+a such rocd as c farm-to-market road as contemplated by S. D. ho. 348, Acts of the Forty-ESChthLaG:islatwe, 1343, crldcomtmct, rOConstS'uct, ma/or molntain the 822x3at the s&e cost &xd expense of the Stat0 Bs a pert of the deslggmted highhuoy Baoroble Bruce L. P~rkor, Poe 3 syoton of Texas; that the dcni(gsotionof tho rocd by the IIl~~wq CozzLaalon oh&l1 novor i'orntho basis of a oleim for partioip&lon by LIo State In ths paymnt of any CounQy end/or road district bonds, wrrmts, or other evidences a? lndobtedneasagsinat said road; to e;;roeto rmove or a.bnte am and al3 encroochmxts or oacumbrancoo on said reed or rl&%-of-my at tko Sole cxpcneo or"tho Conntg boforo it3 clcaifmetion by the El~hvev Com=aLaslon,and to Purthar agree to obteln st its exaense any now or additionoIL r&-U-of-mu on location approvoh by the-State Siip$v~yCngixzooF et my - time the bsm3 should be considered ~oce~3ax7 or dctlrablo to the proger n&Lntcnznce, construction or rcconotruction of aaid roti EB I part of the St.&a system; to ~;g~e.eto la- &mnify and save hrrmleas thy StGc from all cla.lma,demands, ECtiOI28 OX C&U328 Of &CtLOn3 &Z'iSiZ2~ fZ'O;n OI' ~OVinS Out Of or dar.:c.pto property resulting In er;gmannar from the eon- strwtion or nc.ln~kx?nceof ouch ro@ oithor prlor to or after *ho dssip~tion of 8~2.1 reed ~3 a highway, vhlch hzvve rzccruedor nn?yaccrue prior to the tke suoh hi&xx Is reconstructedby the Qtota. In comldoration or t;Uch agcsermts, vcdroro, ax2dcovenants on the part oz"the County, the State ah:nrll cyxca to doni,~nc,te the county rood Srom hlonmod to ::orth~~e8 tommd Lof'Gx3 ,tisu f'wm-to-na~233t road rsfl to conetrid, reconstruct, &d/or mtintzin the a3me at thg sole ooat and expanse of the State cs a port of tho system of~designctcd bfgl2vzp of Texas GS contemplated and act forth in Chqtor 1, Title ~16, en& Chapter 126, General LQVS of the Iierg.&u~ Secssi~nof the Thlrtg-XinthL~~isl~tuxi3 aad Qiindmeats t3lomto. ,I .., : “2. That the Co&y agree13to i?.nddoes hereby VESVS und reli-,quishany axl sillclaims it ha8 or ncq hkve for jJwticipat.tion by the St3te in the pa.372er.t of any end e2.l County end/or road dintrlct bonda, varxnta, or cthor evidences of lndobtednesa outatcndfng 8Cainst such rozd for the conotructlonox l~~~~o~exait02 the road borore bei= designated w a D.rm-to-mzz3x&rozd by tlx Stke IiiLglwr;y Ccmii8sioa ~229furthor, that the desiCnetion of tie roti 'LFJ the Iii&J&~ COiEd33iOL3 3htil ECVCX fOi?il tkB bGSi3 Of CL ciaim fox the particlgitioz by the stati in the p2.JTznt OS any County or road district bonds, w2rxwta or other cvi- denccs of Pidcbtedneasaggainats&d rood., g~n~xam3 kwuce L. Pzrkor, p-e 4 5 EonorableDruoe L. Poker, poil;e rotd in cousldorotionof tk& county md/or roti distpiot rolinquichlc~ any cad all claim for strte pdxticlpation county, road ctlstrlct, in o.i?g cr dcflmd roa district bonds, VCrrtits, or cthor evldeccos of indabtodness outstcntiicg ~~nilnstsuch rod for the ccnotruction or im~rovextnt of the road before beiq deslgnatcd by the 3t&ta IX&way Con- niBSiO0. "30c. 2. It is hereby doclar6d to be tix policy of the stats that the nsou!ptlon by the ctcto of the oblfc~- tion to comtruct md mintoin such road8 dc3ignct;odb;r the Stat0 M.$~ray Comiosfon &s fozx-to-nzrketroads ucder t&I3provicionr:of Ltls Act constifctee ftCL3and cornplate oompcnsotion for any al:ac;L3fvr.dsth~;l;at ti*t huv0 bc~n eqendcd bg ong couotr, roGd bioti?ict,or &flnod rcciidis- trict in the construot~onnnd tiintonGnc,co of m2d rocd prier to its doelgxation by t&33Ytate Eighty Commission as a fwwto-m~dx2t roe&. “S0c. 3. This3hct shail be eumu3ativo of all other lcvs on thf;3113 subject, but in the wont of a conflict 'bs- twcon the provisions of t&is Act and any other Act on this oubjoct tho provinions of this hct shall prevail. Acts 5943, 46th Leg., p. 565, ch. 244. “ax. 4. The fnet that county ro@s have boen con- atrucL*d In c~tnin cortntioson ~itichthere ie outetcxd- ing indobtcdncssfor tho construction of s&id ??otis,cad the count&s in \?hichsuch rocda have been constructed we not eqtipiSTd to W%ntain "theroads duo to priorities &id lack of oqtixz~~nt;t~?dthe fUrtho2 f@ct 'that110icss such roti am t&en over w fho stat0 tixy till 3ooc de"torioruteand the p'dbblic 8% V&l A3 the cOU?tio3 will lose the ~onog which has beon 8pznt ir.coxL%uctixg such r00f33;w.a the fdat?r fact tat th$ cro~-C.cil ccotiticxiof +-the Le~ielc.tu-0 Lb3 och3ndc;rof the two lloucoo0, crsates M cmrgoncy ad irz~rrtivs gub3.I.c nccossity that the ConstitutionaliiulaFroviding bills to be FG& on tlxee saveral.dap In each Hocoo be and the ~izo is herob~ sus- penaod, end th&t t”,lsAct shell-take effect and -noin force frm ar,dafter its pass&p, ad it is SO enacted." the Ctato in payment of oounty ic&ebtodnctxs on the road, bond assumptionmatters, or llabilltles of the partlea thereto. Tha Azrcencnt, simply stated, la one rrherelathe State ~lghway Com333lon qrccs to dosiSnat.te tho county rocd from Alanreed to 8. 7.7 miles toward Lefors as a form-to-moxbt rocd for the p~~~pososad in aocordanco with the provisions Dot out in 3. 13.ilo.348 (Art. 6673-c, V.A.C.S.) subject to . the socwing of tie ri&t-of-wcty by the county at lta solo expanse and before dosigmtion by the fIi&way Cot?misnton. Until such right-of-wayfor the proposed road fs so-" curedby Gray County, the designation of tho county road as a farm-to-marketroad by the State Eighvay Commissionfor the pur- pose of conotructingand maintainInS sona at Siuta expense cisa part of a system of designsted hi,r;?aysof Texas, QS contcmpln- tad c?d set forth in Chapter 1, Title 116, zzd ~;;;cndz~ento therato, ronaim a conditionalor continzont deoigxtlon. Th43 %2&b? >If#:h- voy Commission at such time whoa the H&t-of-way has been secured vi11 ontor an ardor la its records CeofGnatin~ tilecounty road In question as a farm-to-mar!:&road for the purposes set out in S. 13.Iio.340 (Art. 6673-c) and dosiC;natingsome as part of the system of designatedhl.&ways of Texas. It follor;sthat the propoaod county road in question not having been at this date dasimated In accordcncewith the statute as a port of tho sgsten of dcslgnatedhishvays of Texas, Is not n state hi&way, end tho OOndeEiXtion cta%ute, Arts. 3264 to 3271 ~CC~US~VC,Xovised civu Stat;ltos0r Te;~i.a, 1525, es amended, cot out by the Legislature In Article 667411, V.A.C.S., as thy proper procedure to condc~ rl&ht-of-wayfor designated atate hi&ways, 1s not applicable tovord acqulsitlonby condom- nation of tho rl&ht-of-wayfor the proposed county road. Furthermore,3. 9. Ro. 348 (&Vii.6673-c, V.A.C.S.) that the St&o iilghvayCotzminsion spx1rical1y strltLtbs is author- izoa to dosJ.g-zk.e s oouat~ & in the State as a ferm-to- mrkot roaii. It.l.s,thwaforo, our considered opinion chat the propor condemnationstatute to bo folloxd and employed In tha acquisitionof "3~ cecessory right-oP-uL,7~7 for t:le proposed rocd In qwstl0n is *thctset out by the Le~Lalaturefor the condom- nation of coiintyroads, namely Art* 6703, et seq-,V.A.cS.,zs amended. TruckSng that we have satisfactorilyanswered your in- quiriess we remain Very truly yours hTTORT7liY GEi’EZAL OF TEXAS .I’ __/i-,0/ --‘&.e i- L- BY CEO:rb Chanter 33.Olllson
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion