OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable WIlllam L Xerr, Ymnbar Board of Regsntr, Stntn Tcachera Collegra That Rhtlonal Bank BuIldIn Midland, Texaa Dear Sir: Oplnlca No. O-6661 Tour latter of Apll on the above ootbienaed questio aIdsration, mdsratand tha in aubatanoa, aa r0u0w-8; The tade i to om or tha &ate Taachcra Oollsgea pqmant or tuitio tending the oolle rent pqroll aad efpenaea~ dviaad whether It has tha f aonry to meet there ourrent iroumatanooa aubmlttsd. al Approprlstloa Bill, Aota 1945, 49th salon, Chapter 377, dt0r making ftemiaed paymmt of lmohrra’ lalnrlea and for the nt and malntananos oi the Tcauhera Collegea of thr Oenrral Protlalona of raid Aota aa iollowar Wubaeotlon (3). xnatitutIonal Rooelpta. * l l, . bonorablr’ WIlllam L. Xrrr - Pege 2 and any end all othrr r8orIpta 8h811 bao:ma aad are h6rrby approprlatrd ea 6eIntrnenoa or oontlngant fund to be arpendrd uadar the dlraotioa end with tha ap- prove1 of thr governing board having jurladlotlon. Bald governing board8 are euthorlaed to uao out of tha proorda OS lald rroripta end funda, In aooord- ano8 with the provIsIon of this Aat, auoh lmounta ea they ahell deem nroraaary for thr aupport mela- tonanoa, operation end Improve.arnta of aald fnatltu- tlona. Any belenora remalnlng to the oredlt or any or raid lnatItutIonal looal fund8 at arid Inatltu- tlona or In thr Stete Treasury et the on6 of eny rla- oel year era hrreby rrepproprlated ior the ebovr-mm- tlonrd purpoaea tar the ruooeeding yoer.* Thla provlalon, lubaeotlon (3). oonatltutaa an appro- priation by the Laglalature to the T8eohera Oollagea of the tul- tlon and other irea. the oollegea may reellea by vlrtua of Artlola 2654b-1, Saotlon 4, Vernon*n Annotated Clvll Statutea, -iran tha government under the a. I, Bill of RIghtal furtheraora, we are of the oplnlcm that these iunda, treated by the Leglaleturr aa pub- 110 monlaa, ~111 oonstltuta e part of the looal or InstItutIonal fund8 oi the rrapeotlvc oollegsr and are aubjsot to dlaburaement under the dlreotlon and authority of ths Board of Rag~;:o;~r aupport end meintananoa of Btata Taaohara Collegea. 2647, Beotlon 11, VernOn’a Annotated CIvIl Statutsa. Artlola 265456, Seotlon 1, Vernon’8 Annotated Civil Sta- tutea, provider In part aa followar “The Oovernlng Board of tha * * * (East, North, Sam Eouaton, Strphaa F. Auatln, Southwast,~ Sul Roaa, end the Wart Texaa) Teaohera College8 l * +, may rrtain omtrol rrapeotlvrly OS the following rum8 of monry oollroted et raoh of raid several inatItutIona ‘In gerrylng out the funotlona of en lduoatlonal Inatl- tutlon, luoh aa ruada otillrotsd from student iera oi all kinda; ohergsa ior uao of room8 and doraltorlea; rrorlpta rrom nrala, oafs8 and oafrt~riea; f8ra on deposit rrfumleblr to atudsnta under orrtaln oondl- tlona; raoelpta rros lohool lthlotlo aotIvltI8r; In- oomr. from atudsnt publloetlona or other student ao- tlvltlsa~ rroripta rrom lalo ot publloatlon produota and mIaoallanroua auppllea and rqulpmcmt~ atudrnta’ ~onorabla NIlllam L. Kerr - Paga ] voluntary dapoalta ot money with raid lohoola for aafrkarplng: all other feea end loo81 InstltutIoaal lnooma 0r~a atrlotly locel nature lrlalng out 0r and by vIrtu8 of the 8duoetIonel aotIvItI8a, or r8a8aroh or daaonatratlon oerrlrd on by asoh end all of aeld severe1 sohoola.w It la olrer, that raid Artlola doer not glvr rxprsaa authority to th8 Board of Regent8 to plsdg8 loo81 runda whloh ml be eveIlabl8 la the futur.8, nor doer it give axproaa eu- thority to the Board to borrow money to meet an rmarganoy. Con- atruiag 811 aeotlona of Artlolr 26546 tOg8th82, we think the Lag- ialeture Intenda& only to give loo81 boarda the right to Leap auoh local or Inatltutlonal runda In a loo81 dapoaltory, Instead qf re- qulrlng that they be trenamlttad to the Stat8 Traeauryg that th8re waa no intention to oonfar on auoh board8 thr power to pladgr aaoh looel runda aa might eoouaulete ln the ruture. Furtbaraor~, the Stat.8 la not bound by aa egraeaaat of it8 agent to pey Interest, unleaa there la a law authorizing the agent to enter euoh a fan- treat. 3b Taxer Jurlaprudanor page 8551 15 Toxaa 72. The ‘:ower to pledge auoh runda ia, we thbk, one whloh the Board of %genta would not have In thr abesnoa of lxpr8aaad L8glaletlvr authority. Pub110 offloaraend governmental and edmlnlatratlva boarda poa- aoaa only luoh p a r 8 aa lra rxprrsaly oonrarrad on them by law or’era n8oaaaerIly ImplIad from the powrra oonfrrrad. 34 Teraa .JurIaprudano8 4401 Fort north Cevelery Club v. Sheppard, 125 hxea 339, 63 S. W, 26 660. A&a, with raapaot to the matter of LeglaletIve Intent w would quota in pert, rrom the Eduoat:onel Appropriation Bill, aupra, Subaaotfon (41, Looel D8poaItorIaa, aa rollowar et*+ *It la hereby drolerad the L8gIalatlv8 Intent that the governing boerda and beeda of thr aavaral State Inatltutlona o? higher 18ernlng ahall not bor- row money from eny peraon,firn or oorpcretlon to br repaid out oi local funds, other than la npaoIfIoally authorized by lcgIaletlve aneotment.~ iua balleva, turther, that there la yet en eddltlonel rae- aon that would preoluda en Implloation of inplled ower n8oaaaarlly in the Board of Regent8 to borrow money or pledge P0081 fund8 whloh $onorablr Wllllam L. Xrrr - PIga 4 rr~ be lvallabla Qi the future, la tha lb a a noofr la rzprraaad #wtllW OOtIfarring the power. By virtua o? the provlalona o? ~tlola III, Srotlon LO, Conatltution or.Toxea; Arta. 4351 and b35la Varnoa’a Annotated 01~11 Statutra, tha Lrglalatura h8a art up th8 pooedura by whloh the ameaagera or State Ina~ItutIona or oaar peraona la Texaa with ths power or duty of mntreotlng for luppllaa or in any nannar plrd6ing them the oradlt o? the Stat8 ?ca any da?Ialanoy that slay uiaa under their menagaaaant & oon- trol* m8y lxtrIoata thamaalvaa iron oaaual darloIanoIaa unroraar- ebla when epproprIetlona wera made..,: The feat that the legIaletura hea praaorlbed the method to b elnployad la oaao o? drflolant ap- oprletlona would rurther praoluda, wa think, an lniaranoe o? EP lied rower La the Board o? Ragenta to authorize the ~borrowlng o? money for the purpoaaa axpraarad herein. Wa do not go Into the queatlon o? the evelleblllty to Taaohara Collagaa o? dail- olanoy approprlatlona under the faota ateted, but In lieu thcrao? etteoh and formrd harewith Attorney Ganarel Opinion O-2118, ap- proved funs UC 1940, whloh dlaouasar that mettrr, oomplstrly. In the light o? the atet:~taa end raeaona haraln above dl.eouaecd, It la the oplnlon o? thla department that your quaetlon luat be end la anawerad in the nagetlva. Truatlng the ebova letIa?aotorily lna wr a your lnqulry, 88 are Your8 vary truly AlTORNXY GENERALOF TJUAS ~fP% BY Ohratrr B, Olllaon . Aaaiitent aaaloaura
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion