253 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN aonorabls 1. I;.MaClaln 31striot Attorney Gaorgatoun; Texa8 Dear Slfr Your letter requrrtlng ee opini matter ir l8 fO11OW8r present when the OS88 ante& thst LO be tt.iad p8 or t&o Cede ot ld eoontro1. sh8t 254 tIo5orable W. Ii. Moclain, pw 2 Vurstatute directs that the Sheriff shall _ sreoute the same; and not some other peaoe oiflosr or city marshal. I thererore'doubt ii we 0fm read into the statute the word constable or *other:$oaoe orri0e as contended by f&r. Kodges. Pleas&'sdvise U8 On the above question, and I will appreoiate the IlamB.” Article 4-41,V. A. C. C. P., d&in88 a 08pAa8 88 *a writ Issued by the oourt or olerk, and directed *To any Sheriff or the State or Texasr oommandlng him to arrest a person aooueed or an orr0n.90and bring him berore that court forthwith, or on a day or at a term etated In the writ.* Article 453, V. A. C. C. P., state8 that a oapias map be exeoated by any oonstable or other peace offioer. Artlob 36, V. A. C. C. P., states that city marshal8 are pa08 orricers. Article 918, V. A. C. C. P., whloh 18 found in Title 11 concerning prooedure In the juatlos and oorporatlon courts, 8t8tBs, "Ii the defendant be not in OU8tOdy when Judgment i8 rendered, or ii he esoapes mm oustody,thersert.er,a oaplae shall fsaue r0f hi8 arrest and oonri’n6mentin jail until he is legally dlsoharged.* In the ease or Er parte Fernandez, 57,s. W. (2d) 576, the Court oi Criminal Appeals held that Itrtiole920, C. C. P., applied to a oa6e of oonviotion in the justloe gourt rather than Article 793, V. A. c. c, P., ror the reason that Article 920 had reference to judgments or conviotlon in oriminal ao- tions before a justloe oi the eaoe while Article 793 had referenoe to judgments 0r convf otion in orimlnal aotions in oourta of higher jurisdiotion. The oourt used the following language, on page 579: 'The chapter in which artiole 920, eupm, appears ia one having rehavmoo to a judgment 0r oonviotion in a oriminal action belore a justloe 0r the peaoe, From what has been said it Is apparent that the statutory enaOtment8 make a dletinotion on the aubdeot in hand with rerersnoe to the oonvlotion of a mirdrmeanor before the justioe of the peaoe and the oon- viotion of a misdemeanor in oourtr of higher jurisdiation. . .* . 255 ‘donorableW. IS.XoClaln, page 3 Polloulng the reasoning of the above quoted 08188,it fr .our opinion that Article 913, siupra,would apply to a Oapias Issued by the juetloe court rather than Artiols 788, V.A.C.C.P. A oaplaa pro rine has been derined aa a writ r -.I ing In behalr and ror the benefit 0r a goverzzental agenod”” , *to2 oolleotion or tine and mean8 literally, you take,,fortho fine." See Word8 and Phraemt!,Vol. 6, page 60. Thersfom, a oapiaa pro ri56 ir in reality a special type or warrant or arrest. One or the requieltes ror a warrant ireued by the juetioe of the peaoe a8 eet out by Artiole 885, V. A. c. C. P., Is that, *It 8hall be dir‘eotsd to the proper rherlif, oonstabla or fmme other person name4 therein.* Therefore, it 18 Our opinfoh that the jud.loe of the peaoe may, ii 8% desirer to do so, lesue the aapIa@ pro fine In the name or EthelState of Texaae, and dlreot it to the elty marehal. Xi the $l8tiOe Oi the aoe dirootr the oa iae to the oity -mares 5" would be authorizei to 8OXVO it. rugh otty nkarsha Ho~~ver,~the’juidioe of the peaoe ia dot required to dixeot the aapiar to the oity marshal ii he doe8 not iaeelit to do 80, but he may direct the oaplar to "the proper sherifi, o0Sl8tablO or ,aome other person named therein * as provided by Utiole 885, rupra , Your8 very truly, A!FJ!ORNiCY Gi3lWAL OF ‘l’%xAs I J-R:ddt:JJ
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion