AttentionaJ.L.wdhrlty &ad of Charter DlvIrIen Deal- Sir: opinion HO. o-6717 F&t Authority qf Seoretary of State to Irsue * eertI~io*te showlmg aoaplIanae with the lmre of Tewutdmodatndingora wkiag to do buai- Dominican Republic. Your latter or reoent date requefmng ml 0pMon from this de&sirtmmt on the above rubject matter 18 am followet "Wehand you herewith 8 photortatlu oopy 0r R lette~maeIvedbythInoffIce@asthelawrirpl .of ._ Butler, BInIon, Rice a Cook In Houston, Wtsaa, together uith a paot0tttatitt 00~ 0r &he Certiiieate wem to ~un~letter and the ExhIbIta attaahed to said ear- Will you plew exanine then iqptruaents snb ba&it w withr0mt to the mming qubdattttt “2. If the 6eeretary of &ate ha8 muah power 8nd 8utht3rity and ain hl8 duty IstheeertIf1eateusubluItted bytLlartirninpro~r0.w “3. xr the seen* 0r stak ha8 mm pprac&nfxauthol-Ity8ulddu~,utatha -' eertlfla~te 10 not lb proper rormt,~111 YOU pleu~r do wt thr i*vor 0r pr0pmtg u8 ewh a ewtlfIuM+e that will be In proper r0m* ‘phe letter irar the lur fira 0r Butler, mni~n, Rioh and ~Cook which you emlomd ir at, r0iitttt0r #A 4aetttat this orri0e, fnd8p0ttdm w0ttpat- j Iag Ccepaay~ag-lpertnerehip, huundwtakenthe perOmtttnce or a cttntr8et in the DciemIcattRepublic. . _ Srhtorablo Clad8 Iabell, -. ,. ?a~e P 0-67w In order that the partnerahIp may qualIl’y to do bual- ne8a under the laws 0r the Domman Republic, it be- awe neoermry to obtain oertfflaate by a State OfrIcIal that the part-p &a or@niud ia aomplIance with the hue 0r the State 0r ‘Ihur. “Several weeke ago we took the nattier up with the Attorney t3~rai~a 0rri- and mmelved aeveral aug- geatlona fran IIt?. H.C. Cettottj one or which ma to aon- ault with the County Clerk Ia the oounty In whlah the INtPtnWhip ha6 ittt pdttCip&i p-e Or bUBineSB, ,whlCh we did, and wereadvltted by him that he muld only aertl@ an to Inatrumenta whIoh we- on tile In his ;~g~;,” oould not aertiig a8 +o the existence or any We have hsrtrtororcb furnished the orricialrr 0r the LaInwin Republic with a certlfled copy 0r the htturwd wsabscmiricrk, attda 08rtiriad copy 0r the Articles of Partnerahlp, which by themeelves are not auffi~ient to meet their requIrememt8. “we that the80 0rriam prt3auitte are aaldng ror a certlfiaate aImllar to that i8aued by t&2 Seo- rotary 0r State toahuw that corporationa organlaed under the State 0r Tew are In good rtandIng. are enclosing; a certitlcate “We which ue h8ve prepared and which we believe will meet their requIrementa and a certlflcate to whioh we believe the Secretary of State uan certify. After you have examined the 8ame and if it appears.att proper to=, will you please have the certlflaate executed nnd adviae us the amount 0r your ma atid we rIl1 IaEue our check th0sreror.m - The oertIfIaate mrefied to In the aforeaald letter i6 as r0ii0ttttr “uwIT6D6TAT6s i -‘- ~%TAT6 OF TExIls lcmfALLJI6Nl3YTR6s6-t cowwTYwxluuus I “THATI, Claude Iabell, Secretary 0r State 0r the state 0r Texas, do 0ertIfy that the r0ii0tting statute, being Artlale 5920 0r the Retied Statutea 0r the State 0r Tua8t “‘#to person ahall oonduot or tranaaat bualnestt In this State under any assumedname or under any ~desIgnatIon, name atyle corporate or othenflse other than be red name of eaah Individual uonductiag or traneaM.nfg auoh bualnerr, unle~ such p er so nlhall file Fn the orrice or the oounty clerk of the oountler In whlah auoh pernon oonduata, or &&&a or Intends to
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion