220 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY G~NIRAL ,&7-//A / itonorsble G. A. tieal cow3 ty iwlltor nllla county ;iaxahaohla, Texas D88r sir: opinionNO.O-6619 taa or the axht.8 by expreaa rrg v. Lorstt, 173 2. *i. Liorard T. danderson and i. h. :-l#. CO. nlon LO. O-5898 this bd~rtGWAt hsld court or ch8d~8 1‘8' county -al legally 88and lxp+na oountg runda r0r a 8hort n'0 rind no luoh authorization to oonatabloa. ‘.,o know or no prorialon Ln tho Conatltutlon or th8 lt0tut08 or thia Litate ahioh oonrera upon tho Comdaalonora~ Honsrablu G. A. Koal, >ago 2 Sourt olthor by orpraaa tern8 or by impllO8tiOn tha purr to p ur o hmei0 a 8e lpuipant out or tne fund8 or the oorur;g ror tke privately own86 oar of a oonatablr. do, thareora, lnawar your quoation in thr nogativa. Your8 very truly .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion