260 Oi=FICE Ok ‘rHE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hoooreble Cleude Iebell secretcry of state Auatin, Texas itteM&m: flofioreble Xoraoe 8. .*eaione Lieouritleacommlablor.r '3earsir: rty (30) peraoIIe. The ssouritia8 Diviuion or ra of the proposed exa6 SoouritietsAot wae availebxa, th6 reglstretlon provioloue of. e neoeessry . ornay contend8 that, rinoe thir ID ifi whioh the aubsarlbera ntarpriea pertlalpeted in aubsorlbl~ ror etook, the Texas tioaurities Aot would have no epplioa- tiOE. 93inoe to our knowledge this mntter ha8 not been the eubjsot or httorney Oenersl*e oplnlon, and wa have no Taxes oaaea beering on the eubject, , we u5 .itiltlli 511all rspprCcl%te::o+rfi>vorin(- O&l- Ion OE the question raisd4 by the attornej'for the lnoorpd~ators. %e atteoh Lareto CT copy or th3 popoee4 chur- tor an4 efrmvit, together with.our complete aor- re8pondenoe file for your l.uforn@tlonin &ivlng tha mott*r aon8i46retlon. ;ue ehell aypreolate Lhe return of tais matorial.w The purposo clause of the Woo4 Leke Auter Corporstion 0s stated In the Article8 of Inoorporation ia: mThe purpo8s for wnioh the oorporhtion I8 organleod Is to rupply water to the pub110 In the iw0a IalE4comauuity In Trinity county, Texe8.a' T& amount of the 8took I8 Three Thourend Dollar8 (,3,000.00) 4lvi4od into 8Ixtb (60) ihnrea at rlrtyDollar8 (+SO.OO) leah, all of wtioh oepltel stook has beon in good fait3 sub8orIbodand the 8um of Two Thousand Two Iiundnd Dol- ler8 (i2,2OO.O0) pal& In as.per~arrIdavlt aooorapanylng the chartar. Tha rpOunt paid in by the lubearibers wa8 paid by tha aalo, tran8rar and oonveyanoe to the corporation of th8 property whioh we8 purohaaed~ iron an agency OS tho Units4 stetoa gov4mmont 46sorlbe4 In the arridevlt eooocnpanying the Art10108 of lnoorporatlon. Cenerelly apeakhg the ohar- ter of e priveto ~oorporatlon oannot be file4 unle88 tha full amount of It8 authorized oapital stock he8 bean In go04 faith aubrorlbod an4 rirtg per oant (56) thoreor peI4:ln oaah, or it8 oquivaloentIn Other property or labor done. (Artlola 1308, Vernon08 Annotated Civil Statutea). Thin provl8Ion re- refer8 in term8 to the aggregate mount of oeQlt.81stock. S0 longerrl!th8 con814aratI00 re00lv04 rr0m nome 8tookhol4ora n0ouut8 to rirty par oat (SW$) or the total amount of the oa$Ital *took, thl8 yrarequirito,o1 Incorporetlon I8 00m- plied with. (Stringfellow v. Panhandle i:eoklngCornyany,213 4. 3. 250.) SuboootIon8 (a), (b) and (0) or Seotlon 2, Article WOa, Varnon*8 Annot8te4 Clvll Statute8 are ~8 follow8r *(a)T&o term * esourity’ or *8eaurltlo8* 8haU Inoludo any share, stook, troaaury ltook, 8took oortlrloate undar a votlng trust ag~oaant, oollatoral trust oortIrlcate, aquipmsnt tru8t 262 06rtifioa tu , prtor,+iilzutioii ccrtiiicoto or receipt, aubeoription or raoreonizetion o~rtlficotc, s.ota, bond, debefitura , mortgo~a o6rtificat.eor other avi- denca of indebtedness, an!, form of oOiUU6rOialpap6r, cartiriotit6in or under 6 i.rofits:iurlI&or pUti.- clpetlon egreem6nt, certlflcata or any inetrument reprcraontinganj-interest in or under PfiOil, L;68 or mining 16686, fee or tltla, or any oertifloata or inatrumant repreeentlng or 86our6d by en inter- est in any or all or tha oapitol, property, 6aset8, profita or oarri~a of eny oomyeny, inVaatm6I~tCOIL- treat, or any other inetrument oommonly known 68 a security, whether eMl6r to those herein rafarred to or not. *(b) The term *oompany' ahall inolu46 a aor- poratlon, a pbraon, joint #took company, pertfiar- ship, 888OOi8tiOn, OOmQeny, 8yndia6to trIl#t,in- oorporatsd or unincorporated, h6retofora or horoerter fOrrpSdtSI46rthe 16~8 Of this or any other Stat., oountry , 8OVOId&nty or politioal 8UbdiviDiOn thore- OS. An ~884 horein, the term *trust9 8haU be daowb to inoludo e eOpIleo0 leu trust, but ah6u not inoluda a trust oreat or appointed under or by virtua of 8 lO#t will en4 tO@tW&O5t or by 8 OOUrt Of law end equity, *(a) The tom *dealer* anal1 inaluda every parson or company, Other f&en a sa~68~I6n, who en- gages In this Ytate,~eithar for all or pert 0r hi8 or Its time, directly or through en agent, in selling, 0rrOring ror sale or 4611vrry or solioitlrq 8ubeoriy- tiOIl8 to, or Order8 for, or undertaking to 418po8e of, or to bvlte OffOrD ror, or sealing in 6ny other PBnnor In ayy aoourity Qr seouritiar within thin State. Auy issuer other than e reglataro4 dealer, Of 6 seourity or DSOUriti638 who, dlreotly or tu-ougn any poreonor oomyany, other than a roglstere4 dealer, ortern ror 8616, 60118 Or AT&~@ SuleD Of it8 Own DOOUdty or 8~OUdtiO8 8h811 bo dOOnL.4 a dOd#r ?Uld Shall bo rS~Uir04 ii0 oomply with the proVi#iO&I# hereori provi464, howav6r. thie YeotiOU Or QrOVi8iOIi8 lh611 not 6Qply t0 8uoh i#@U~r if auoh 8eOllrityOr saouriti68 6~ .0rf6ma ror aale or 8014 alth6r to a :0J10ratll6 Glaude I~bcll, i;yi~;e 1+ action 3 of rrtiols 600s. Vernon*8 Annotated Civil Statute8 onuaeratae Oartaln oxumpt tl’tiJiBUOt~OJiU,tllld sub- tbOtiOn (1) Of t&id s6OtiOA it Ma I’OllOV~O: Subeoriptions t3 OapILbi 8GOCk LluOba- “(1) sery to (;ualIfyfor Incorporation &en eubeoribed by AOt aore than fifteen (15) lnoorporatorr In a proposed Text8 oorporation." Under the dafinitiOn 0i the tern “8eoUrity” or “8e0Uri- tie&P there 18 no question but the atook referred to Is sub- jsot to the yrorl~Io~a of the Seourltles Act, unle88 exempt thereX= by 80~8 prdri8ions of the Act. The Tex88 Security Aot r6gdXe8 the r6gittrttiOA Of all t6eUdti68 8016 IA Toxcr8 unleue 8uah atouritita oaw within a 8psoiflo exemption from rtgirrtrttionunder Sootions 3 and 23, and the hot al80 pro- vides that pawn8 makin any orfaring and eale OS 8eourltie8 be lioennd a8 nourity t ealert unlto~ the saourltler, ere aold .X.~ ,~ in exeiapttrsn8sotiont lI8ted under the sxemptioA8 proviatd under 8ald eeotiona above mentioned. It will be notad that under, Sib8ection (1) , seotion 3, 8upra, sUb8oriptiOA8 to oapital 8took neoe88ary to qwirg for inoorpor&d.on I*heA8ub8orIbed by not more then fiftOtA (15) inoorporatora in & proposed Texae oorporatlon art exmipt fP2m the JWOTi8iOA8 Of tht SOOllritI~8bOt. ItMy~:,~~a";;t the dopartawt8l oonatruotion or the Seorttary 0 if there wore 010x% 'thanfifteen (15) subaoribsrs to. oapital stook or e propoevd Texa8 Qorporetlon tLl6prOV&DiOA8 'of the 3ourItie8 itotwould oe applloeble, unless exempt b; nome provI8lon8 OS the statute. The subsoribere Lo capital etook m6 A06 moe88ariig the iAOOrpOBStOr8. The Inaorporators an the panon obtaining the oharter. see 2 uordt EIAQ I’hrtntn, 1st seriar, 1623. (tioUidty v. Parsons et tl, 116 s. L. 907.) It 18 8tated la HilGebrsnd18 Texas Corporation8, VOluait 'Tha Tou8 atatute8 do not dilrerentiate be- tweon btookholdsrr* and ‘eubaorlberr* to the etook Of the OOrpOretiOA. For iA6t6flO0iA VerJlOA'eAAAO- tattd Civil statutea, Artiole 1308, It i8 provided that before the charter oun btr filed by the &ore- tary or state, tha full amount ot its oayital ntook &et be eubeorlbed by Its atockholdaru. IA Arti 1313 It in thu stocnholdars t:ictxurriiehevidence tu the xcrottiry of state t!i6ttlielow has been oompliud with. fiocordiAGto krtiole 1326 th6 by-luwe me:: b6 altered, ohaagador timendedby a majority vota or the StOOkhOld6ro. 4rtIole 1323 providea that thenbooks aAd raoorda of Lb6 oor>o- ratiOA ehall b6 open t0 iA8peotiOJlOf any etook- holdar. Artiola 1336 authorizee the forreiture of the atook If aw atookholder n6,eleoteto pa? any Inat&.lment ae rsGuIred by the Board of DireetOrS, aAd Arti016 1345 authorizes an exeou- tlon againat a4y of the stockholders to 6n extent equal to the emount of the etook unpaid. UA the other hand, Artiole 1335 provldee that the Board Of DireotOrS mey reqUir0 'th6 SUbeorIberS* t0 the oepite1 8tOok to pey the emount eubearibed a6 is prOVided in the by-1awS. In other words, IA mO8t iASttflOt8,a party who hae subscribed for StOok in e oorporetion on ortdlt It deaiguattd es e atookholder even though he hoe not fully peld for hi8 etook. Tharefora, the atatutat do riot fUrAi8h e 801UtiOA Or muoh USSittJAAOt iA deoiding th8 above problfma. . .* YUbaectiOA (8) Of SeOtiOA 2 of krtiole 6008, VerAon' CiVfiSt&Ate8 18 US rOllOWt: .iJUIOtOted *The t0rmt ~8~16~ or *orrer for sala* or *tell' 8hl.l inolude every diSpOSItiOA, Or 6tteJnytto die- POM Or t 88OUdtJ for Vtbe. The term ‘S&h* meano atiP includes oontraota and egreements whereby aoouri- tie8 ere 8old,~treded or orohawedfor moJJey,property or other thing of value, or uny transfer or agreement to trunrter, IA trust or otharwise. kqy seourlty given or delivered with or as b bonus on eooount of, any pUrohe8e of eeourltleo or other thIAg ortielue, shell be oo~olusfvs~ prseumod to constitute a part Of the aubjoot of ouoh puraheae end to htVobeen sold for value. The teW 'Sell' m6eA8 eny eet by rhioh a salo io mado, end the term *selec or *Offer tOr 8810' 8hSu. inOhld@ 8 SUbSOriptIOA, eA OpttOn ior Sth, a'solioitationof 8818, an attempt to ~011, or an ofror to 8011, diwotly or by an egent or Sa~OS- man, by a olroulsr, lotkr or 8dV6rti86m6nt or othar- WiSe, IAOlUdiAg the deposit IA e United St6ttS POSt tirflcaor ~11 box ~)rin ULA~in~m~er i;ltwit;United ;it,ateanails sithifithis state of a latter, clroular or other sdvortlaln& matter; yrovidr;d,!iowt)ver,that notninE harsin shell llmlt or dlmiuleh the full meaning or the tarma *aala,' *sell* or 'offer:for anle' aa used by or aooaptad ln courta of law or uquity. Provided, further, that ths aala of a aoourlty undar oondltlona whioh entitle the pur- ohaaer or subaaquant holder to exohangv ths,aaaa for, or to purohaaa noaa other eeourlty ahall not ba deaaad a eula or offer ror sale or suoh other leo ur lty;but no lxohanga for or sale of suoh othar aaourltg ahall aver ba made unleaa and until the aala tharaof ahall have basn flrat authorlzad in Texas under this Aot, if not exempt hereundur, or by other prorlaiona Of law.* saotlon 5 of mtiole 6000 la in part aa rollowrr *No dealer, agent or aa1aam.m ahall 8011 or offer for aala any aeourltlealaauad after the paaaage of this Aot, exoapt those which ooae within the oleaaaa anuaaratad in Subdlriaiono (a) to (a), both lnoluairo,of Saotion 3 of this Aot, or Sub- dlvlalona (a) to (1). both lnolualve of section 23 of thla Aot, until the iaauar of such aeouritlea 8hsl.l have beon cranted a porn&t by the saoretary of Sate, and no auoh parmlt ahall be graptad by the 3eoratary of Stat8 until the laauer of auoh aaourltloa ahaU have filed with the Seoratary of State a aworn ltntaaunt verified under the oath of an lxooutlre offioor of the lsauer and attaatad by the aaoratary tharaof, .aottlngrorth the r0ii0+ ing inror5atlonr i . .* Tha Artfolua of Inoorporatlon of tba Wood J,aka‘u;ater CorpOrutiOi dlaoloaa that than ara th~raaincorporatora who here subaorlbod for a oartain nucnber of aharaa of atook and that thara We a number of other parsons who have aubaoribad for oerta5.n nun- bera of aharaa of atook and that 8UOh aubaorlptlona whlab hava b~eanpaid, aa horalnabove ltatad, ware paid in by the tranefer Of oertaln proparty to the oorporntion. Gonerally agesking atookholdora are menbora of a oorporatlonihowarar, thay an not neoaaaarlly tha lnoorporatora. After oarorully conaiderin(Jyour (iueatlon,wa place the laaa ooaatruotion on Subaaotion (19, Se+ tlon 3 of Artiola 600a, Veraon* Annotatad Civil Ytetutua aa tho 266 ,ecrztury or stato,~tfrstis, if there are ~uore thnr~ I‘ifteer (13) subsoribera to the obpltal stook, then the provisions of the _.ccurity hit are applioable. ha there nre snore than fifteen (15) eubaorlbora to the oapltel stock or the proposed coryora- ti0fiin .ueatlon It is our opinion Lhet the srovlaione of the ,ecurity Aot are applioeble end that the exemptions sat forth in the Leourity Aot are not available to the proposed oorpora- tial. stated differently it will be nooaaaary zor one of the iuOor~oratora or lponsora eotlrrg ror the incorporatora to ap- i,ly for and obtain a dealer*8 permit in order that the aaourl- tiea iuayDB aold ln oomplianoe with th0 ?exne security kot. It ie contended by the attorney for the incorporators that there hts been no sale or will be no sale of atook. In view or the defifiition of the term *aslea oontalned in the 3acurltloa Aot, ne c.%MOt agree with the OOntOntiOA Of the attorney for tha izoorporatora beoauao the owners of oertaln property are trana- Ierr& said property to the oorporatlon ror a Oartein number of shares of atook, the number of shuroa of stock to be rooelved b: each eubaoribar will be detaraUod%y the reluo of the proper- ty of eaoh indlrlduel tranafarmd to the car oration for aaid stock. Vie believe that auoh a tranaaotlon oPearly comes within t!le dofinitiOn Of the tom *aela~ and, aa heretofore atotad, none Or the oxemptiona oontslned in the Leourltlsa Aot are a?Pllcable to the proposed oorporation unbar the raota pra- sentod. Go are raturnin& herewith the file aoooapanying your rc ;&uest.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion