T~FEA~~ORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS GRO'i%SELLERS Honorable Grady Hazlmod chairman, senate cwttee on Public Laads and Lund Offioe .Austia, Texas Dear Sirs opinion F&J.O-632.0 RSI Would the oorutiieslumed in Section 1 of Senate Bill No. 388, have authority to purohass Palo Duro State Park for the purposes hez+eiiset forth? &ad related quss- tio1s. We have your opinion reque8t of mosnt date, rsadiag as follows: "As Chairmn of the Public Land8 aad Land Offide %nmittee, I havs bee8 m- quested to preprs and iatroduoe a bill which will permit two or more oount- ies to purohnse and d-lop for park purpo888, build a d8z1,and provid8 for water oonsematioa and for r8aroatiomrl faoilities, what is now knom and is being operated asthe Palo Euro Stats Park. If is very la08 in the 888- sion to introduoe a bill aad proours the ps8ag8 thsreof at this ssssion, plld I have beem referred to S.B. 386 of the 45th Legi8latur8, &,gular Session, 1937, whioh will be fouad at page 507 of th8 Gsseraland Special Law8 for suoh session, &ioh is styled 'Panhandle l&bar Coassmtion Authority hot.' "Although styled a Hater Comernation Authority Aot, and 8v8n though in the seoond paragraph of Section 1 it is stated that the purposes for a Mstriot to be formed theraunder shall be 'for the oontrol, storing, pressrmtion uad d~istribxtim of the waters of the Red, Canadian, aad Eroaos rivers,' etc., awertheless in the first paragraph of Ssotioa 2 oa page 508, is this language: I. . . without limitation of the gsaerality of the foregoing, th8 M&riot shall havu md is hereby authoriaed to exercise the folloking pow-, 81‘8,rights, privilsgsn and funotionnr . . . Subditisicm U. To provid8 reoreational faoilities, services ad locations for the public.1 Subdivi- 8iom g provides for the purohasa of real property. ^ "Question 1, Under the powers, rights ud authority of the above mentionsd,S.B. 386, would the oountiss therein m8med in Seotioa 1 havs authority to purohass Palo Duro Stat8 Park for tha purp0888 above eat;forth? "Question 2s Under the authority of this Aot, and partioularly under Subdivisior u thereof, to what sxtelltr could the abow mentioned pur- poses be looumplish8dT" -, Honorable Grady HaSlslnood= Page 2 (o-6320) Section 1 of &mate Bill E30.386, 45th Legishturs, Regular Session, 1937, reads 86 follows: "There is hereby omntsd within the State of Texas in addition to the districts into which the Stat8 has heretofore keen divided, a oonoermtion and raolam&j.om distriot to be knowa 8s the Panhandle Water Conservation duthority (hersinafi8r called the Distriot) and oonsistiag of that pati of the Stat8 of Texas which is included withinthe boundaries of the counties of Anustrong, Bailey, Rriscos, Carson, Castro, ChildrOSS, Collingsworth, Cottle, Eullun, Deaf Gmlth, Donley, Floyd, Gray, Efals,Hall, Haasford, Rartlay, H8mpbi.11,Hutchinson, L8mb, Lip= socmb, Moore, ldotley,Oohiltree, Oldham, Power, Potter, Randall, Robert.8, Shaman, Swisher, aad Wh88ler. "Such District Shall be 8ad is hereby deolarsd to be a govsmmental agenoy and body politio and oorporated with the power of governing and with the authority to exercise the rights and privilege8 and funotions herrinafter specified, and the creation of such Distriot is hereby determined to be essential to the ac- canpliskrmentof the purposes of Section 59 of k-tials 16 of the Constitution of the State of T8xas (to th8 extent hereinafter authorized) for the oormtrol, storing, prsservatiom and distribution of the cratersof ths Red, Qnadi8n, Pnd Brazes Rivers Smrdtheir~tirbutariss, for the domestic, muniaipal, flood oon- trol, irrigation, power 8ad other useful purposesy the r8olamatioa and irriga- tion of arid, semi-arid and other laad needing irrigation, and the conservation and devalopnmsntof the forests, wuters, sad hydroeleatrio power of the State of Tens. "IWAing in this Aot or 8llyother dat or law oontaimed, howaver, Shall b8 oon- Strued as authorieix%gthe District to levy or oolleot taxes or aSS8SSSLOnt8or to create any indebtedness payable out of the true6 or lSSeSSEE&8 or in any other way to pledge the arsdit of tha.State." The first paragraph of Ssotiirm2 of Senate all No. 386 reads a8 follonsr "Except as pxpr8ssly limited % thi8 Aot, the Distriot 8hrll Isesradis hereby authorized to exbrcisa all pow8r, rights, privil8ges pmd hotions conferred by Gsneral Law upon any distriot or distriots created pursuant to Seotioa 59 of Article 16 of the Constitution of the Stat8 of Texas. Without limitrtion of ths generality of the foregoing, the District shell have and is hereby authorized to exsroise the following pow8rS, rights, privileges ud functionsr ". . . 'Subdivision g. To acquire by puroha88, lease, gift or in any other manner (otherwise than by condsnmation) ptldto maingain, us8 aad operate myand all property of aqy kind, r-%1, person83 or mixed, or axgfinterest th8rain within or without the boundaries of the Mstriot nsosssr"'ror conveniant to the ex- eroise of the powsrs, rights, privilegas and fun&&ions oonf8rmd upon it by this Ad.” Honorable Grady Razlewood - Page 3 (o-6320) Subdivision " of this paragraph is in these wordsa "To provide recreational facilities, servioes and looatias for the publio." Under the plain language quoted above, it would seem that the Panhandle Water Conservation Authority has the authority to purchase the Pair Duro State Park, but has no authority to levy taxes in paymeat of same. It does have authority tc issue revenue bonds and pledge the revenues of the Park to provide funds with whioh to pay the interest as it loorues and the principal at maturity. You have advised us that the Palo Dun, State Park is not the property of the State of Texas, and that the title is in osrtrin individuals. Of oourse, you will understand that it must be shown that the revenues derived from the Park are sufficient to support the bead issue, othemise they could not be approvad by the Attorney General. Practically all of the various River Authorities which have issued bonds have had to suhnit the question of their validity to the Supreme Court before the Attorney General would approve them. Lower Colorado River Author- ity ve MoCfrw, 63 6.8. (2d) 629; Bravos River Consemtion and Reclamation Distriot 7. MbcCraw,91 S.W. (2d) 665~ Lower Nachos Valley Authority v. Mann, 167 S.W. (cl)1011; Harris County Clood Control District v. tin, 14.0S.W. (2d) 1096. The counties named in the Aot would have no authority as counties, but prmynation taken would be in the name of the Authority. Wethink the an-r to question number 0116) makes it urmecessary to answer question numbar two. Yourssly truly %lZCORHEYGE!%RAL OF!lEXAS ' By /s/ C. F. Gibsorm C.F. Gibson Assistant APPROVED MAY 12, 1945 APF%mD /e/ Carlos Ashby Cpiaion Conmittee FIRST ASSISTANT By G.W. B. ATTORNEY GEJGRAL Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion