OFFICE OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEIU= AUSTIN Eoaior&bla Jahn D. Wed, Csioner Bi&eas ot'fnb.or gtaUetfor Altrtih,‘Te%ee . This $8 with letter read- lng in part 68 follow8r for the @‘of% of that lndlviduel. ‘Ia the person Who oonduatsi 'and operates the above described agenop an *lDnplopmentAgent’ within Honorable John D. Reed, page 2 House Bill Ho. 264, Acts of the 48th Legislature of Texas?" House Bill Ho. 264, A&e of the 48th Legislature, provide8 that 8aoh 8mplo~nt agenag must pay an annual li- case fee of $350.00 fat w&Oh oouaty in whiuh the employxmnt agent shall qm+te, and shall tile with the prspm authority 8bOIld tithe SlllliOf $5,000.00. Seotlm. 1 of said xOU8d Bill ?fo, 264 ddine8 “sm- ployllwnt ago&" as fO1hW8S "(a) ~Efnployment . . . Ages&j mean8 any per- son in thl8 State who for a f8e offer8 or t&tempt8 to procurs emp~ogment tar employee8, . . . or any person who for a fee efierq Q attempt8 to proaure or pF0oUres emplOpe6s for empl0~0~8. l . .' By uay OS ezqeptlon, Seotlon 2 of the Act provldesr