968 OFFICE OF l-HE A’I-I’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable T. M. Trlnble 91r6t Lssistant State Super- Intender.+ of Public Inetruotlon Austin, Texae Dear Sir: Texee be dlseolvsd? 0 8, 1943 eaureatseuto y Goneral oi TOML), re- rtaient on the above ed ana has bad our at- letter fe 8 letter from or theSortna xndependent exmi addreseed to Dr. L. A. r an agreement existfne between or Taxw an6 mw Kexioo an6 in the year of about 1937 a atata line district of this oounty consofldated with a eimilar dfetrict in Hew Sedao. The ocnsolldatlon ~8s brought about to iaeurs k&h echo01 fa- ciliti6:+ ti; the Tern0 diE:tTiOt,. 969 Ton. T. E. Trimblo, Pegr R “Hecontlp the klgh sohool, which me looetec on the mm xexloo eido, WW dono away with, end now the Texas r0ik lea0 the a~trrnet~re OS having to eon6 their )ligh eoholil ohildrea so30 dietanoe to anothar Hew EOX~OOklyk a&m01 or S%ndiw 8 WOY to saod them to a Texae Blah aehool not a0 rer removed from thea. ‘It eppeerc that the poop10 on tbo Texas elds are about u&mirmu in their doeiro to go to a T8x.6~ rokoel end a Teprerentatlre group Or the DOODi0 08~0 $0 the B&.X&@ 8Ohool borrd cad ask that I aits to you about the mtter aad ask what II any proordure they might pur~uo to keep thelr hl@ 8ohool ohil6nn :a Texas. be a satter of tact, they deslro to diseolve ‘the ooneolidetlon end seed all their ohildron to the Texas sob001 or eahoolr. -The district Is looeted so that elkher ?arwell or ~orfae OT both aotlld very well ro- oelrr the ahildron and they (the ohlldron) would not k8ve so very rat to travel. -Tti.eee people ra::la appreoiatm your ebvi*o.* In the year 1935, by II. R. 278 Chapter 22C, the Laplelature of the Etete oi To&m reth’ied b oompaot betaeon the State of Hew MexIeo anQ the State Or Teser to eatnbllsh the CItete Line Zahoo;l Dietriot in iiueetion. x0 keve no inSonn!tivn ea to whetkrr or not the Leglslstum OS New L'exlao did likewire. IS the Lo$ielrture 0r both said states ntiried tbe oc,..paot eatebllski~ eraid eohool %lstrlot, than it would rsgtiiro the sotion oS tha Legfalature or euoh or raid states to abollsk the sane, It 8uoh abolition 16 to be eeoollplfshe6 in sn orderly way. A ooqwot between etatee way ba an&d by ooneeet, or it may be en.f'oroad by 81,ther port)r thereto, but J 970 Pon. f. I+?‘.Triable, Fags 3 the thJuaioatimiof righta uadbr no. interstate compmt ir a Fader81 qmstlon for deterrafnstion by the United .,tater supram Court. Art. 3, Sea. 2, t’, S. Comtltu- tion. Iihod. 18l~nd 16. &%BBtIOhUS#tt8,9 t. Ed. 1E35, hiB#Ouriva. xllfnoie,zoo 0. s. 496. AB rtnted abort, wb oannot knoa from the infOXDU#tiOIJ flWDidlB8 UD UhOtheS the HBWIdOXtOO LB&S- 1fttlWB l2BtifiBa Mid OW~Ot. If ib did #Us,lnd in thBt lwrit, before the ulb lohool dirtriot0~83be legallydi~rolr~d rush dirrolutionma tbe latEOriso~ by the LBgiBlature of both U&b 8tetBB, rln6@ 80 a&hod of diw.io1otii-m irr proriaedror in the oaupaot. tiewish it to ba understood t&t w8 ate not ex~~~r;ing any opilrion aw to the righta af orodltors, ii any, O? rush whoa1 dlstriot. 3. P. moo ABShteDt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion