. - ..-.. -. . . .-.- ...-* OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN , c &tiOlQ 37323 Of VQEllOlt'ahSkEOtQtQ& it~tUtQQ(rhioh la now aw 189 Of t&Q Rule8 OS biTI1 Proa4umri),~ororldQ~r %Q court .saywhen aeoensaryj apgala* int~rpk~r8, who pay be tnU~1I0nQdin the MSQ namer aiI witdIt+~mQS,aad &all Be mbfeot bu tho #am pmaltieo mr diaobQdionoQ.r .%rtlal~ a69a OS ~eraon~* ,¬ated Gi~itlittatuter of !rexa8 is u fu110lm!~ %AQ~ cJomiQrlonQrt,* Caucta OS t&e v8rlopr oountl~r of thsII 6btQ we hurby authciriri%I t@ pIf"fw tha'nf- V~QQ* of latorpri%ua eaploy~dby the,*arlOiaa euurt* within thQir FQQ QQt:VQ GOtUitiQQ Q QUti ncPt t0 QXOQed Tire t3ollarr (@f pu day, wtioh ;2s to bi pr$d out of the -era1 Frarll* cifthe amnty upn wezwnts i8mad br tb PQQpOtfVQ oQort6 CW olarkr thQrO@ in tllYW Ot the perroasrondwixieauah Q*IW~Q~; psorlde4,however, that EUQ~ Loterpredu shll be paid oaly tar tM time he 1~ aottmllyu~~~loted.* "i3 tkoue olvll sui4a r?merel.n tiit9 sorviae80C an interpreterare uimZ, $00 aSal bo ohm&c9 und aol- l&&ad nu part of the CostsQI lnterpr@tU'3 fOe8, to aa paid whoa aollcrotad ieto We r,eneml Snnda cf tXe CcURty. * i I- t c t
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion