Honorable H.S. Lilley County Attorney San Jaclnto County Coldsprings, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion Number O-5291 Re: What is the legal requirements for the distribution of funds derived from the Forestry De- partment from the National Forest situated in any county? We are in receipt of your opinion request of May 5, 1943, which reads as follows: "The following legal question has been sub- mitted to me for answer and I find nothing in my library that will answer same: What Is the legal requirements for the distribution of the funds derived from the Forestry department from the National Forest situated in any county? "I will greatly appreciate any information regarding same so that the Commissioners' Court can distribute said fund as the law directs." Replying to your in uiry you are advised that under Act of May 23, 1908 (Statute 220), Section 500, Title 16, USC, Congress provided "that hereafter 25 per centum of all moneys received during any fiscal year from each forest reserve, in- cluding the year ending June 30, 1908, shall be paid at the end thereof by the Secretary of the Treasury to the State or terri- tory in which said reserve 3~ssituated,to be expended as the State or territorial Legislature may prescribe for the benefit of the public schools and public roads of the county or counties in which the forest reserve is situated; provided that when any forest reserve is in more than one State OP territory or county, the distributive share of each from the proceeds of said reserve shall be proportional to its area therein." You will observe that the foregoing Act provided that the money should be expended as the State or territorial Legislature may prescribe. The Leg- islature of the State of Texas has not prescribed the method of percentage of allocation between the public schools and pub1i.c roads of the several counties but did pass Senate Concurrent Honorable H. 8. Lllley, page 2 O-5291 Resolution No. 2, Acts of the Forty-fifth Legislature, First' Called Session, which authorized the State Treasurer to prorate the funds received and apportion same to the several counties entitled to receive money under the foregoing Federal Act. The Legislature of the State of Washington passed an Act authorizing the county commissioners of the respective counties to expend the money "for the benefit of the public schools and public roads thereof and not otherwise." In the case of Everett School District No. 24 vs, Pearson, 261 Fed. 631, the Federal District Court held "that such money could be expended only in a manner authorized by the laws'of the State relating to roads and schools', and "the money having been paid to the county treasurer for roads and schools, he had no author- ity to dispense the funds in any other proportion than directed by the Act of Congress, which language was repeated by~'the State Legislature, and the defendants being the custodian of the trust funds are liable for any misappropriation and must account to the fund for the sums diverted." The court added the follow- ing 'sentence, "The evident purpose of Congress by the Act was to'have the schools and roads participate in the funds in equal shares," . Since the Act of Congress provides that the'money sha11 be expended "as the State OP territorial Legislature may pre- scribe," and since the Legislature of the State of Texas has not prescribed how the money shall be prorated or distributed, the funds in the hands of the County Treasurer are trust funds with the County Treasurer of the respective counties as trustee thereof and should be held by the County Treasurer as a trust fund until the Legislature of ,theState of Texas authorizes the division and apportionment of said funds between the public schools and the public roads. Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By s/ C.F, Gibson C,F, Gibson Assistant APPROVED MAY 14, 1943 s/Grover Sellers FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL Approved Opinion Committee By s/BWB Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion